Craig Scott

Craig Scott
Mike Vitelli and Craig Scott

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Summer Sun Safety

As we approach a hopefully fun filled summer, please remember to enjoy your time in the sun responsibly. 2 blistering sunburns before age 20 can leave you with a 80% higher chance to getting a form of skin cancer. Apply sunblock often and especially if you have been sweating or in the water. If you take care of your skin now, it will take care of you later. Happy Summer!

Monday, March 15, 2010

National Nutrition Month

March is National Nutrition Month! Here are some ways to incorporate the theme of “Nutrition from the ground up” into your diet:

To include more veggies in your diet try some of the vegetable-based soups!

To include more fruits in your diet try visiting the “salad bar” at breakfast!

To include more whole grains in your diet try making a sandwich with one slice of whole wheat bread and one slice of your favorite bread!

To include more nuts in your diet try snacking on a handful a day, vary the type!

To include more beans in your diet try the hummus!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Town Hall Meeting: Underage Drinking Prevention

Discussion on Underage Drinking

The Norton Task Force and Norton Public Schools will be sponsoring a Town Hall Meeting on the dangers of Underage Drinking. This meeting is open to all members of the community. Parents of students in the Norton Public Schools are encouraged to attend this meeting. State Rep Jay Barrows will be moderating the discussion and a panel of experts has been put together to give their feedback on this issue. Audience members will get an opportunity to ask questions of the panel at the end. Hopefully as a community we can come up with some ideas on how to combat the issue of underage drinking within our community.

Please contact Mr. Vitelli with any questions

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Bullying occurs frequently during a regular school day. Without giving out personal information and/or names...please describe different types of bullying you see on a day to day basis. Understand that you yourself may be guilty of even some subtle degrees of bullying.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Distracted Driving

From discussing this topic in class and watching clips from the Oprah Winfrey Show you learned about the dangers of distracted driving. Has your opinion about how distracted you may be as a driver or how distracted the person driving you may be changed as a result of what you learned? What can you do to help prevent distracted driving accidents from happening in the future? Why is distracted driving more dangerous than even drunk driving? Share a personal story if you so chose.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Role Models

We often use the term "role model" too loosely in our society. I've seen blog posts, tweets, articles, etc from people who are disappointed in someone like Tiger Woods because he was such a "role model". Do we place too much emphasis on what the person is athletically able to do and less about who they are? Who are your role models and why? What SHOULD a good role model say or do? What type of character should they have? Is it fair to celebrities for us to just assume they live the perfect lives so we can look up to them??

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Rachel's Challenge

What an amazing day yesterday was for Norton High School and also the Norton Community. A special thanks to Craig Scott for his presentations and also thanks to the student body for being so open minded and allowing their hearts to be vulnerable. I honestly believe with the work we've done as a Wellness department leading up to this presentation and also the committment from students to make Rachel's Challenge happen, that we can affect a cultural change for the better at NHS.