I have this theory that if one person can go out of their way to show compassion then it will start a chain reaction of the same. - Rachel Scott
Craig Scott
Mike Vitelli and Craig Scott
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Bullying occurs frequently during a regular school day. Without giving out personal information and/or names...please describe different types of bullying you see on a day to day basis. Understand that you yourself may be guilty of even some subtle degrees of bullying.
Julia Ariola
During my week I see more bullying on the weekend at orchestra rehearsals then I do in school. With my orchestra it is difficult to get a spot and very competitive in moving up to the next level group. Especially around audition time people try to use intimidation and mind games. There is never physical bullying, mainly gossip, sarcasm, and glares. People always start rumors about the difficult concertos they are playing, which are usually lies, and who is the conductor's favorite for the 1st chair. I try to avoid music choice when talking to people but it's easy to hear people say "Oh, you're playing that?" In audition warm-up rooms it is more common to see glares and content smirks. A few times I have seen older students enter the room and glare at younger students until they go somewhere else. Usually this is kind of shrugged off as 'senior privledges' and people say, 'well it's a competitive field and something you just have to get used to' but it is bullying and can be really hurtful to people who take it all seriously.
There are soo many different kinds of bullying now, some probably without even being noticed or having specific names. Most of the time I see the "just joking" bullying, you know the kind where as soon as you see offense was taken, "you've been joking the whole time!" Another one most people see daily is technological bullying. You can do it over facebook, or on any website similar, texting, anonymous calling, etc. In general I hardly see the typical image everyone calls to mind when you think of bullying which I guess can be good and bad. That image at least in my mind is kids being shoved into lockers, ganging up on the little guy, pushing his/her lunch tray out of their hands, and pranks. As good as is it is not to see this mostly, it just means it's happening elsewhere and it's harder to find. Hopefully, eventually it won't be found at all.
bullying is a part of life, its impossible to avoid while youre growing up. whether youre the bully or the victim, its just unavoidable. there will always be some jerk who wants to make you feel like crap for his own amusement. i had to put up with so much crap during 3rd-5th grade when i was in a special-ed class for anger management issues. kids picked on me because they knew i'd react. i'd often get in more trouble than the bullies themselves for my outbursts which got me even more depressed. the only thing that worked was learning not to react, to act like i didnt give a crap about what they thought. it helped too that i assured myself that the only reason people bully others is because theyre jerks and that i was better than them. i feel that isnt true now, people have problems and take it out on other people. but its still no excuse. bullying is wrong, and worse, its getting harder and harder to track and deal with. as methods for dealing with bullying advance, bullying itself becomes more complex. we live in an imperfect world and from what ive both seen and experienced, bullying will always be a problem.
bullying is a part of life, its impossible to avoid while youre growing up. whether youre the bully or the victim, its just unavoidable. there will always be some jerk who wants to make you feel like crap for his own amusement. i had to put up with so much crap during 3rd-5th grade when i was in a special-ed class for anger management issues. kids picked on me because they knew i'd react. i'd often get in more trouble than the bullies themselves for my outbursts which got me even more depressed. the only thing that worked was learning not to react, to act like i didnt give a crap about what they thought. it helped too that i assured myself that the only reason people bully others is because theyre jerks and that i was better than them. i feel that isnt true now, people have problems and take it out on other people. but its still no excuse. bullying is wrong, and worse, its getting harder and harder to track and deal with. as methods for dealing with bullying advance, bullying itself becomes more complex. we live in an imperfect world and from what ive both seen and experienced, bullying will always be a problem.
its not good to pick on people because it can hurt them. It might hurt them so bad that they may think about suicide. Poeple should not make fun of you on text messages or your neighborhood. Everyone should try to get along with each other.
I honestly have not noticed much bullying in this school, but different types of bullying that probably occurs here is name-calling and physical confrontations. This school seems to have a very friendly atmosphere in it, which I have noticed for the past two completed years that I have been here. -Dan Sugar
I think in our school the bullying problem is better than it was. I had two brothers who graduated at NHS and the stories they use to tell me scared me. Looking around today, I see people making stupid jokes, that seem harmless but can change a persons attitude. I personally know what that feels like, when a joke goes to far. It hurts. People are mean and talk behind eachothers back. Logging into facebook you see status' directed towards certain people. I think it's horrible. People don't understand how people take things differently. I think we still need to change.
I don't think anyone realy thinks of "bullying" as making jokes at the expense of other people and no one really goes around beating kids up for lunch money like in the movies so no one really notices that they are or have witnessed bullying. Bullying happens everyday in the cafeteria, in classes, in the halls, everywhere. But now that we're all in high school, no one realizes what it is so no one thinks there is a bullying issue here at Norton. Mostly kids make fun of each other and don't even realize that their 'jokes' might be hurting someone.
Nowadays, bullying is worse than it's ever been. Home, where once you would hope to find a safe haven, is just as bad as school, or work. A victim is being bullied through all sources. Not only are they being harassed at school, but through the internet, through text messages. Solace can not even be found in their family. It's a tragedy, and I do not think that people realize the extent of how bullying affects people. As we have learned from "Thirteen Reasons Why", there may only be one chance to save someone, and only one even can be their breaking point. One last event can push them over the edge.
I see bullying all the time in school. During my time in the norton school system i have been bullied. i have never done anything to deserve such treatment from my fellow classmates. it was really bad in 8th grade, i used to make up stories about being sick just so i could stay home. i have never been the pretty girl, and i always did my work, i was just a little...different. being bullied gave me a bad outlook on life, i used to ask my self " is it ever going to get better? is it even worth it anymore?" giving up equaled peace in my mind. you never really know how much bullying affects another person. and no matter where you are you feel like everyone is laughing at you, that you're worthless, that no one would care if you just dissapeared. high school is a little different, bullying is still the same, but it is behind your back instead of your face. high school drama is high school drama...ive had a better time "fitting-in" in high school, but i am still afraid to let lose in case i go back down the path of being bullied. bullying is such a vauge word, but everyone does it atleast once. that saying " stick and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" its not true, words can kill you. words are almost as painful as actions. kindess can go a long way...so let prove it..bullying needs to stop
Bullying is a part of every high school and it will never be completely stopped. The most bullying I see is in between classes and during lunch. Most of the bullying is crude remarks that can wear people down. Also there is a lot of bullying through facebook and through texting. This is a cowardly way for people who feel insecure and are afraid to confront people. Another type of bullying is the "just kidding" type. This usually is harmless and causes no hurt but sometimes it too can be very hurtful. TOM MUNGER
In norton high school there isnt that much bullying which is good. But outside of school a lot of us can see it online and while hanging out with friends. I have bullied people before and I never realized how much it can impact a persons life. I dont like to bully people but it normally starts with girl gossip. When watching the videos in class it really shows how those people respond. Bullying isnt a good thing and its nothing you should be proud of. --Sam Dixon Class E
In my high school years i tend to see a lot of bullying. It is mostly verbal from sports teams or older guys picking on the weaker or younger guys. Of course it happens everywhere and we think of it as nothing. Then again think of how that person feels after it happens. Maybe that person was you and i know you wouldnt feel good after being treated like that. Almost everyone has done bullying at some point now all we have to do is think about what you say before you say it. Paulhus
In my high school years i tend to see a lot of bullying. It is mostly verbal from sports teams or older guys picking on the weaker or younger guys. Of course it happens everywhere and we think of it as nothing. Then again think of how that person feels after it happens. Maybe that person was you and i know you wouldnt feel good after being treated like that. Almost everyone has done bullying at some point now all we have to do is think about what you say before you say it. Paulhus
What an honest and brave response. I think people need to read posts such as yours to really truly understand how it can affect people. Reading anonymous posts albeit helpful, does not allow for the full impact in my opinion. Being able to understand that this has happened personally to you makes it more meaningful. Thanks for sharing your pain and hopefully demanding that people pay more attention to what they say and do.
Bullying is a big part of every school. Bullying takes place everywhere even times and places that people dont notice. Everyone has taken place in bullying at least once in their life. I know I have on many occassions even times that I dont that im Bullying. Like you said Mr. V I hear lots of people say something to the effects of Good game even when they dont mean it and they know someone played bad. Thats bullying. But people dont really know that. Just last week my own team mates made fun of someone for tripping over the hurdles even though they were kidding around it is still considered bullying. Bullying can hurt people more than other people know.
Bullying is everywhere throughout life, especially here, at Norton High School. Over the years, i have experienced bullying, and have been a bully, and it is a horrible thing. Being bullied makes you feel as though you don't belong anywhere. You lose your friends because they are embarrassed of what you wear, who you are friends with, or what you do, even if you were friends with that person since 4th grade; It doesnt matter, and no one sticks up for you, because they may potentially be the next victim. You become scared to make new friends because of the way you have been treated, and it is the worst feeling ever. High school is hard, and full of drama, whether it's with boys, or girls. You have to put up a wall when meeting new people, because you cant trust anyone. When i bullied, even if it was a nasty glare, or talking behind someone's back, it wasnt right, and i dont have an excuse other than i was trying to be cool and fit in. I now dont care if im "cool", or "popular", it doesnt matter to me. As long as i have my closest friends, and my family. The bullying can stop if we try hard enough. High schools wouldnt be so scary anymore, and it would be a drama-free four years...maybe.
Bullying happens all the time, in all grades and to almost all kids. Not every kid is victim to physical bullying, but probably at least one other type. I have never been approached by a bully and physically threatened or intimidated and I have never done that to someone else. However, I have been involved in those petty and hurtful mind games that girls especially play with each other. Bullying is such a broad term that I think everyone has been bullied and has probably bullied someone at some point in their life, even if it was not the intention or if it didn't seem like bullying at the time. I probably have done it without actually realizing it and definitely not trying to do it. I think if we all try to do a better job of realizing just exactly what bullying is then the small comments, looks, and actions that can still be cutting can be reduced: which would be better all around. Bry D. c block.
Unfortunately, bullying is a big problem in schools all over the country, and while it might not be all that noticeable at first, including NHS. Probably everybody has been either a bully, victim of bullying, or witness to bullying at some point in their lives. Personally, I always try to be a nice, non-judgmental person, but the fact of the matter is, even I am not exempt from my previous statement. While I don’t see a lot of outright physical bullying at our school, and have never been involved in it, there is a lot of more subtle mental and emotional bullying that does go on, especially the “just joking” kind. The kinds that relate mostly to my life is probably this kind. Even though I try to be a nice person, I can not say I have never been involved in something like a talking behind somebody’s back situation. Normally, I’m more listening and not doing anything than spreading the actual gossip, but the fact of the matter is, that is just as bad. Bullying is a huge problem that will take a lot of work to stop, if it is even possible. However, I think a good way to start is by thinking before you do, say, or type something that could be hurtful to another, and maybe saying something kind instead.
Bullying happens on a day to day basis and goes without notice most of the time. It even happens within groups of friends and they might not think that they are being mean because they can say "Oh, I was just joking" or "Can't you take a joke". But in reality they could be hurtful words to the person of whom your jokes are being directed towards. I also think that the worst type of bullying is cyber bullying. It has gotten really bad lately since the cyber world has gotten more advanced. People can say what ever they want by text,im, facebook, and myspace and even do it anonyhmously. They can say hurtful things towards people and make it so a numerous amount of people can see the comments easily. Bulyying can hurt people even though it might not look like they are hurt. It needs to stop because it is causing death!
There are many types of bullying now. But the major one I see in high school is when people are simply giving ugly looks or putting someone down by the way they look. Another type which I personally seen more when I was younger is physical bullying. I remeber at my old school when a girl chased me during recess for a week becuase she wanted to beat me up. But luckily I was faster so she never caught me we both ended up being friends again. Although I still think to this day it did change our relationship, beucase I will always remeber that.Another type of bullying which I had not encounterd thankfully, but is becoming more popular now is socail networking bullying. This is when for exmaple a person is bullying a person by talking to them through facebook, AIM, and texting. I think that all the bullying should just stop, since it is just a waste of time and also causes people to be hurt. -Stephanie Belcher C period
Throughout my school day i witness many types of bullying and am guilty to some extent of it. Most of the bullying during the school day is ussually verbal or cyber bullying. Occassionally there is mental bullying where people say stuff to someone they dont like and that person spends the day worryign about what the person said and wonders if anyone else thinks the same thing. There really isnt physical bullying this year which is deffinately a positive thing but the cyber bullying is becoming popular. On facebook people argue and fight all the time which relaly isnt the smartest thing to do because both people look stupid because everyone can read what they say and within a day everyone knows whats going on and the fight continues.So there really isnt that much bullying in school during the day which is a good thing but its still there and it should decrease. -tyler durocher f block wellness
even though, i myself can admit to being to bully, i see it very often during my week. Certain genders or ages do not make a difference because anyone can be a bully. the worst kind of bullying that i have seen is cyber bullying, and the worst cases ive seen have all been this week on the awesome new website called formspring. I havent seen worse things written about people online since i was in 7th grade. seriously. the "just kidding" cant really be an excuse when all of the bullying on formspring is done anonymously. It makes people question who thinks so badly of them and its not right in anyway. Bullying face to face has no comparison when it comes to cyber bullying at this extent. Once you write something about someone online, or in a text, and hit send you cant get it back, so anonymous or not, you should think twice about the effects you can have on people. It seems that bullying will always be an issue and its tough to think that some kids can never move on from being so hurt.
Lately I notice more bullying over facebook, than I do in school. People will post statuses about others, and then everyone else will comment and join in. We've all been guilty of some sort of bullying. That still doesn't make it right though, and no one likes to be the victim. Everyone should think twice before they post things on facebook or say things to others.
After receiving my license in December, I have now fully noticed how dangerous distracted driving really is. As a frequent driver, I have first handed seen how distracted drivers can be while driving. I myself have been distracted numerous times, whether it comes from music, the weather, or other people. However, I do not text even though I think that is the number one distraction nowadays. In order to prevent distractions from occurring, turn off the cell phone when you get in the car:keep the music at a low volume:tell people in your car to speak softly. Distracted drivers are more dangerous than drunk drivers because distracted drivers are not watching the road. Drunk drivers at least have their eyes on the road and can anticipate a crash, unlike distracted drivers.
Bullying Everyone sees bullying everyday at NHS, even though it may not be apparent to all. Each day, I watch and hear the sarcastic comments about peoples outfits or looks. I hear the laughs and see the reactions of others after someone walks by who may be dressed differently. I myself have done this more times than I would like to say. However, I think the cyberbullying in the most common for teenagers nowadays. With social networking sites constantly viewed and written on, bullying is now more common in writing than at a physical confrontation. The world will never be rid of bullying due to the world we live in, but is surely can be limited.
I see bullying everyday. The worst in my opinion is when people make comments and think the other person knows they're kidding. But ive seen people not know they are kidding. And you seriously have to wonder, were they just kidding? The second worst type of bullying I see is girls. Girls are the worst because they talk about each other behind their backs to other girls. It even changes the way girls see the girl being talked about, even if its not true.
During a regular school day I see countless acts of bullying. Whether its just somebody calling another person a "loser" or giving them a dirty look, it happens. I personally have been bullied, and I have bullied others. The unfortunate thing about me is that I am an extremely sarcastic person and I recently found out that sarcasm can be bullying. Just because I know I'm kidding does not mean that the person I am joking with does. Of course, when I am sarcastic towards people I do not mean to make them feel bad, but I am guessing that in some cases, I do. I also know that people have been "joking" with me and I have felt hurt by it. I think what many of us need to do is think about how we would feel if somebody was saying mean things to us. Maybe that can help us stop being mean to each other. I feel that people have forgotten "The Golden Rule" once we left elementary school and have stopped talking about it. It is a very important aspect of life, and I feel that people have forgotten it and proceed to bully because they want to.
Bullying is so common and goes unnoticed every day. People will bully through text, internet or in person. Girls, i believe, are the worst. We are catty and brutal sometimes. I do admit i have been a bully but i have also been bullied too. I think high school is where people get bullied the most. There is just so much drama and trash talking that occurs and people get bullied non stop. Most bullies dont even think about how the person being bullied is really going to feel. The person being bullied could really take what someone says to heart and be affected by it a lot. Bullying is wrong but i dont think it will go away in the near future. Everyone does it at one point in there life. -Rachel Douglass. B period
After class I've started to notice bullying more and more. The internet is the worst it seems. Hiding behind a screen gives everyone the confidence they need to say what they wouldn't to your face and it really sickens me to read some truly cruel things about people. I try often to include people and avoid making someone an outcast. whether it's picking the kid who doesn't normally get picked early in a free gym game or just talking to someone who looks sad. I know what it's like to be bullied after 4 years of being bullied by someone it is hard to see them in the hallways and not tell them how much they hurt me. Kris Tangen
During typical day of school I do not see much bullying. I feel that most of the bullying is not really bullying. Most of the bullying that happens is fake that should not be taken seriously at all. Outside of school I see more hurtful bullying that seems much more serious than just the regular bullying that happens in school. I feel that bullying should not be done ever. Even if you are just joking with the person they may misinterpret it and take the bullying seriously. No one can ever know how a person actually feels or will respond to something. - Dr. Stephen Boudreau
I have seen so many different kinds of bullying throughout high school, like physical and verbal bullying as well as using technology and the internet to bully someone. I can't believe some of the things that go on in high school or what people say about others either behind their backs or to their faces. I think most people don't really say anything to stop it because since we were little we always thought of the bully as a tough kid who pushes people into lockers or trashcans, not a fifteen year old girl who criticizes others in order to feel better about herself. But even if we set a precedent for not tolerating bullying, I don't think it can ever be completely stopped. I believe it's a part of human nature that never really goes away because of our own insecurities, so we find new ways to make ourselves feel better by putting others down.
The kind of bullying I've been seeing lately is on the internet. From facebook to formspring people are always bringing each other down. Its horrible to see class mates sitting there bashing each other, when they don't even know what's going on. Words that can be said over the internet could be even more hurtful, and doesn't prove anything, and it doesn't resolve any isssues -justin i period E
During the week I see a lot of bullying. Most of it is what people would call "harmless" bullying. This is bullying that most people just think of as joking around with someone. Not really understanding that the person could be taking it seriously. There is a lot of this between friends, and it confuses me that it goes on so much. The saying is "kids will be kids", but its not always that simple. Sometimes, every once in a while, you will see true bullying, in which people pick on a kid who doesn't have any reason to be picked on except for the way he looks and acts. I'm kind of sick of it. -Dan Freedman A block
Bullying happens to everyone atleast once whether you bullied someone else or youve been a victim. Ive been both. I do regret bulying other people because i know it can hurt and even if you think youre kidding it could have a really strong effect on someone else.Being bullied caused me to have really bad self-esteem issues, i may not show it but its there. i can never think of myself as a beautiful person because i always find something wrong.I promised myself to never bully someone because i know what it feels like and no one wants to feel badly about themselves - Tyana James
I can definitely see how this topic of bullying made its way into wellness class... the way I see it, your emotions and "state of mind" are huge parts to your overall wellbeing, this being obvious in stories like what happened a few weeks ago with that girl, phoebe prince, who killed herself because she simply couldn't take the bullying anymore. Everybody, at one time or another, is guilty of bullying, and the sad part is, it almost always goes unnoticed - EXCEPT to the person it's being said to. Bullying can't be prevented 100% of the time, and it's naturally part of growing up. But it's best to avoid the backtalk, the rumors, and the high school drama. Don't think that everything you say to someone will be passed off as sarcastic - there's power in your words, so say something positive instead.
I was introduced to bullying in 5th grade. nobody's name needs to be mentioned but they know who they are. It all starts over stupid things, usually that are totally pointless (in my case) and now, wouldn't get me very upset. but back then, she accused me of "flirting with her boyfriend" and it just escalated from there. this girl was down my throat from then on, any time she could, she was talking about me to other people or accusing me of other stupid things. I let it get to me pretty bad and i came home crying a lot. the school said they would do more to prevent her from coming near me, but they never followed through with their word. finally it got to the point where in 8th grade we got into a small fight at lunch. i had enough of her crap and when she told me to move i pushed her and etc. Middle school was pretty much torture for me, kids made me feel like i was an out cast, and i had barely even spoken two words to them in my life. i didn't know why they were so rude but they have most definitely shaped who i am today. Now I've just learned not to care, if people don't like me then they shouldn't talk about me, it's simple. i know it's high school and it's not going to ever go away but everyone keeps saying that it goes on and they see it getting to drastic points as far as the girl in the news that killed herself... but yet nobody speaks up when it's actually happening.
On a day to day basis I see a huge amount of bullying, especially online. Most of the bullying I see is on Facebook. There are so many Facebook fights where several people gang up on one individual. The same group of people will just keep harassing others none stop. This can seriously affect the people who are taking this on a day to day basis. During school the bullying is usually the dirty looks in the halls, little remarks, rumors, and talking behind others backs. This occurs with usually girls but with boys as well. Bullying needs to be taken seriously because even though it does not always seem so, it is truly hurting others.
I myself am a bully, I mean evryone has done it before whether it's on purpose or not. I just try to bully my friends so they know it's a joke. ometimes I take this joke too far and can be considered bullying. Like Mr. Vitelli said if you have to say jk to one of your friends then it is probably bullying. I have seen alot of bullying whether its in the locker room or in the halls it's hard to escape. It could be friendly fights or serious fights I have seen them all.
Being a freshman, I haven't had much time to screw up my highschool life, and luckily I can't remember any specific instances in which I've been bullied. However, being the black sheep in most of my classes (and basically every social or non-social situation) does lead to some comments that--while often in innocent spirits--get to my head occasionally. Staying with a "nice crowd" and averting the attention of bullies is key. (Timothy Wright, Period C)
ok this is all very good. everyone here knows exactly what bullying is and how it feels. trust me, i know too. theres been plenty of times ive been thrown to the way side or ignored on purposed, or made fun of. the only problem, this is how human beings are built. we are made to be competitive. we are all struggling for power and control. why? simple. to carry on our genetic sequences. these are primal behaviors that we cant really help. we take advantage of someones low self esteem to get wut we want or we play mind games as to confuse or daze someone in order to distract them from the truth. a lot of the time its not on purpose, its just reaction to either or surroundings, feelings, or aspirations. What julia said about "it can be hurtful to people who take it all seriously" is a true statement. but the only way to deal with these behaviors is to take wut is delt and be aware of why the person is that way. why they are acting out that way. also, more importantly, be just as aggressive. if not, moreso but in a different way. instead of fighting back, break the person down in your head and take wut drives them and rev it up 100x more. say your in competition, like a sport, your getting taunts from the other team. take everything they dish. if you let wut they say get to you for the comments they are, chances are you are going to take it personally and want to beat the living crap out of the other team. now, if you take wut they say as almost like the burn from working out ( you have to get in a mindset), youll most likely get frustrated but energized. work with wut you are given. tell yourself that no matter wut, youll show them wut youve got. be proud of your abilities and throw all you have into it. just use the comments and outside interferences as fuel. for five straight years, bullying and taunts and comments have been inspiration for my music. i am now in a melodic metal band and have already been putting music out there. the only way to get to where you want is to be motivated. let the motivation be the taunts and put downs. actions speak louder than words.
In school I do not notice bullying going on. Types of bullying I have seen are physical in which fights often break out, and verbal in which groups pick on an individual. All in all I think bulling is a minimal at our school. I remember in Middle school I was bullied by someone who was tripping me. The event only happened once, and I thought nothing more about it. Years later however he was arrested for unknown reasons, and transferred out of the Public School system. I do think bullying is not a big a problem as it appears to be, but I do relize that in a few events it can have devistating consequences to the victems and bullies alike. If the situation gets out of control.
There are many different types of bullying and it is very sad to see it happen as much as it does. I myself forget sometimes that the "Joking" stuff is still bullying and deep inside it might hurt the person, but I do try and stay away from any type of bullying because I know how it feels. I don't usually get bullied but I know what the "Joking" type of bullying feels like. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, but once in a while even though my friends are jokingly saying things, it does get a little over the top and it hurts and bothers me. Luckily I have a good sense of humor and I don't take many things to heart but people need to realize that if you don't know the person well enough then you shouldn't joke around making fun of person or gossiping about the person. Bullying is not a joke and people have to re-think things before they act before they do something they will regret.
At NHS, I have witnessed some bullying, but not to a serious extent. Mostly I notice boys making comments about girls as they walk by, or just people being excluded from groups, which I guess I would call unconcious bullying. Like other people have already said, cyber bullying is definitely popular in our school. I have read multiple facebook fights, which may be "joking" to some extent, but they're still wrong. More recently, formspring has became the main place for cyber bullying. Many people have received anonymous comments from others, including myself, and since you never know if it is a serious comment or not, you usually feel as if it's true. NHS has the potential to eliminate bullying, we just have to set good examples for others. -Hannah Lavendier
As i am a freshmen, i have seen the worst bullying in my freshmen year. personally, 1-8 i never truely saw bullying. i have been picked on and been a victim but nothing that got me to cry or be very upset, but this year i have seen what no one should go through. Being called names when walking by them in the halls, cyber bullying gone crazy, and the things that were said behind the poor girls back like "she should just die". As i am, i wanted to tell her and i wanted her to know what was said but is that really a smart thing to do? telling them things that will make them hurt more? i have stuck up for my friends but not so much to be a victim. High school's problem personally from my view, is cyber bullying. there are so many things that are said that shouldnt be. garenteed ive said harsh things i shouldnt have but really who hasnt? there is a curtain line between being mean and being a complete and utter bully. i just wish people would get that somethings ARE good to be left unsaid. -Chelsea Crogan -F Block Wellness
There are many different types of bullying throughout our society today. People are not only able to hurt you physically and mentally when they are with you face to face, but with the new age of technology people are able to bully you through the internet as well. During the school day, there are many instances in which people are bullied. It could be a physical fight that breaks out in the locker room, an upper classman teasing a lower classman, or even someone who is sitting by themselves because no one lets them sit at their table. However, this is just the case for the face to face bullying. People now use Facebook and other internet sites to post anonymous comments that are hurtful to one another. This trend of bullying is becoming more and more prevalent and there has been an increase in suicides in relation to this.
I have been bullied ever since fifth grade,possibly even before that, and I think it is rediculous. People don't realize how certain things effect people. Even though I'm really loud and obnoxious, I'm not at all. I'd much rather be by myself because I feel like since I have been bullied I can't ever fit in, not even with my "friends."
I do not think of myself as a bully, but that does not mean I haven't been one. I grew up in a family with two older siblings so in my opinion I do not consider half of the things I say to be offensive because over the years I have put up with worst. However others may not see it that way. So from now on I will attempt to be a little a more careful with how I talk to people, and I will definetly say more reassuring things than "just kidding" when I may say something offensive. I havent really been bullied, but I really dont take offense to things people say to me, I take it as more of "constructive critisism." But I do see bullying around alot and when I think about it I realize that there are some people that in my mind dont "fit in" but I have no idea why they dont. People make wrong judgments on other people all the time and the people most bullied may not have even done anything wrong they just are misunderstood. We should all try to be a little more accepting of who people are.
Bullying is quite the topic when discussing Norton high school because i dont see it alot. Some schools see it everyday and it is apart of everyday life. It isn't school unless someone is getting pinned up against a locker or someone getting swirleys. Norton High School doesn't have much bullying that i personally can see. I took special interest in the subject because of the show that we had watched. It got me thinking that this actually happens all the time and all around the world. I would have to agree with whoever said that bullying is a part of growing up, and you can not escape it whether your the bully or the one being bullied. The "Just joking" bullying is most common to me because it happens constantly. people do it over websites (facebook, myspace, exc.) people do it in person and follow it with a just kidding after dont know it but can hurt people, which is why it is best not to do it. All in all Norton High School doesn't have much bullying... maybe just gossip. Most bullying is done earlier in the lower grades. Most High School students here are semi-mature and usually handle bullying the right way and dont do it.
Fortunately, I don't see much physical bullying at our school, but verbal/cyber bullying is what is mostly prevalent. Formspring is 100% ridiculous because it only produces low self-esteem. People are not afraid to carelessly say terrible things to one another since comments are all anonymous. Some of the things that are said can be extremely personal and offensive which can only have negative effects on the victim. For those who are more responsible, formspring may be a good tool for people to comfortably give constructive criticism to others instead of making obscene, immature comments that only make the person feel awful. In school, gossip and rumors flood the hallways, but this is an inevitable aspect of high school.
Tim, when you said, “to carry on our genetic sequences. these are primal behaviors that we cant really help. we take advantage of someones low self esteem to get wut we want or we play mind games as to confuse or daze someone in order to distract them from the truth.” You know who did that? Hitler. Would you tell a generation of Jews they were genetically expected to suffer their fate because of their genetic code? What about the kids who murdered the students at Columbine? They did the same exact thing you speak of none of the kids knew when they entered the school that day they would be murdered. Would you tell Rachel Scott or Craig their genetic sequences was the reason this happened? Bullying is not new, it’s HATRED pure and simple. It’s about wanting power over something. If you take two puppies from the same litter and the same parents and one you tie and beat down and the other you show compassion and love to what happens? The one that is beaten down does not trust, will bite out of fear, and will not make a good member of a family. If it can not be rehabilitated it will probably have to be killed. Meanwhile the other dog thrives and grows and becomes a good house pet and companion and is able to have a wonderful life. This is not a genetic code, this happens from the environment around them. I don’t know if you are studying DNA, but DNA is a crap shoot all of us have cancers living in our body that if one thing in a million happens the cancer forms. If that one thing doesn’t happen it doesn’t form. Bullying is a cancer that we have control over and it has nothing to do with our DNA. Bullying turns people into Hitler, Klebolds, Harris’, terrorists who kill innocent people by flying planes into buildings, etc. Bullying also takes away an Einstein who perhaps could have given the world something greater than he already was. It’s at the root of all HATE. Hate for the way someone looks, hate for the way someone does something, hate for the way someone does or does not have something. The things I see happening in this school are disgusting and for what purpose? Mind games to daze and confuse to distract from the truth? Do you think the students at Columbine if they knew their fate would have tried to change their school before it was too late? There were warnings all around-everyone refused to listen. It’s not about teams, or workouts it’s about the world you are going to inherit and the one you live in right now.
Im pretty sure that everyone sees bullying everyday whether it is through school or facebook or whatever. most people may not even notice when they are bullying someone else, they might just think that its funny. to somepeople it may be funny but to others it is obviously not. there are so many different ways in which people are bullied every day and it can be extremely hurtful. you never know when somthing that you say to someone wil become more than a joke. it should be somthing that people keep in mind and take a little more seriously. Nicole Giddings C block
I've been to many different schools during my years in high school. And in everyone that I have been to, bullying was an issue. Some kids think it's funny and find it entertaining to bully other people, but it's not. It's not funny at all and from the viewpoint of someone who has been bullied it isn't easy for the person and it really hurts them too. Rumors are a huge factor when it comes to bullying. When rumors start, it will get back to that person. And after that person finds out that there is a false rumor going around about them how do you think that makes them feel? It makes them feel upset, angry, confused and alone. We should all try and do our very best to be nice to everyone. If you do hear a rumor, don't listen. Don't let other people tell you what's true or not about that person, find out yourself.
I agree that there is a lot of subtle bullying going around. Most are too oblivious to really notice. However i believe that most is just sarcastic remarks are taken the wrong way. For example, in a lot of my math classes there is one kid who is smarter than the rest and makes sarcastic remarks about how easy the info is. now i dont find it offensive or annoying but others might get their feelings hurt by their remarks.
I think bullying is a definite problem in any community. Being a teenager is tough, and kids tend to take it out on one another. Being mean and teasing even among friends has become commonplace in our society. Everyone is so desensitzed to violence that a fight seems normal, fun even. It's hard to find a normal school age boy or girl who has never bullied or been bullied. In the episode of Without a Trace and in Thirteen reasons why, the consequences of this nonchalant bullying are all too clear. Suicide can almost only be prevented if others will just put aside their fear and awkwardness and reach out to help. Everyone could use someone to sit with at lunch or someone to talk to after school. I personally try to avoid negativaty all together, both in my life and with other people. I think that if everyone takes a positive outlook on life, bullying would be much less of a problem. There would be no more Hannah Bakers. ~C Period
I went to a small school last year and I found that the biggest form of bullying I have ever seen was gossip. People gossipped about everything and it spread like wildfire through such a small school. Since this form is behind peoples back it hurts them even more. They get to hear what everyone else hears a week later and it can really sting. So yeah, gossip is kinda really bad, especially in a smaller school.
Bullying seems like something that happens only on tv, when an underdog is beaten up by a tough kid for his lunch money. Unfortunately, it is so much more than that. I think it's safe to say that everyone has bullied or been bullied. Maybe you were involved in a physical fight. It's more likely that you have made a hurtful comment about someone though, or maybe you were the one being made fun of. You are not better than somebody because they are not pretty or cool enough in your eyes. I'll admit, I've judged people I barely know. But recently I've given some of those people a chance, because we all deserve one, and they ended up being really good people. And we often times don't think about what we say, and are not trying to hurt anyone, but you will never know how much your words will hurt, just as you will never know how far a little kindness can go.
I see a lot of bullying in school. It is not agressive or violent from what i've seen, but a lot of verbal. People start rumors and have to have an opinion on everyone. There are students as well as some faculty that think its okay to be sarcastic, but it can also get hurtful. I do think anyone who feels targeted needs to step up and say they are feeling this way because you need to stand up for yourself in a non agressive way. -Alicia Perry a period
I think bullying occurs mostly between girls. BUllying can even occur between a group of friends. Girls bully their friends becuase of dumb reasons, like they dont like the boy their friend is dating. They make their friend miserable, and even though other friends in the group have been bullied before, too, they go along with it becuase they dont want to feel left out. They feel like it's better to go along with it, so someone else will be bullied, and they won't. I think it's more hurtful when your own friends do it to you, then when some person you dont even know bullies you. -emma marcotte A period
I agree with Ali's comment... When I think bullying I think of a big kid purposely being mean to a little kid. I don't see this at NHS but I do notice the just joking or the technology bullying. People are always sarcastic and think that other people aren't hurt by what they say, but sometimes others don't take the sarcasm as a joke. Facebook and texting too is a big part of bullying in our school. Comments are taken to heart and it's more difficult to notice when you can't see the other person. Elise Stafford, period B
In our school, i see a lot of bullying and many different forms of it. Bullying in our school though is not as bad as it is in most schools though. It has gotten better and i think everyone has done a lot to help. Rachels challenge has opened everyones eyes to the effects of bullying.
Being bullied is something that everyone does, and it doesn't make it right, but since we all know about it, and see it, it seems more.. accepting. But it's not really... I've been bullied since forever ago, about my skin, I have acne, and have been called ugly. I've been told that I smell bad because my mom smokes, and it stays in my clothes no matter how many times I wash it. Some memories of me being bullied gets me furiated, and wishing I could've stook up for myself as I know how to now. I know people mature, but some people don't mature fast enough. Me being me, I grew up with adults, so I act like them sometimes, but then I try to transition to a teen, and it goes to child. I've matured a little more than most people, even with my condition. I got lead paont poisoning when I was 3, and my brain has some damage. But I still can see the right in people, and in situations. Why can't people with a fully functional brain do the same? ~Dannaie Gonsalves~
Being new to norton high this year, i find that the bullying problem is less severe then other schools i have been at. Sure there are the sensless jokes and mocking of other students, but i have never seen it turn to violence or any form of aggression.
Being new to norton high this year, i find that the bullying problem is less severe then other schools i have been at. Sure there are the sensless jokes and mocking of other students, but i have never seen it turn to violence or any form of aggression.
A lot of bullying at Norton High takes place outside of the classroom, like in the locker room or on the athletic fields. Most of the bullying takes place with upperclassmen picking on the younger kids on their sports teams. Although some people do say its a right of passage to pick on the freshmen, some people take it too far, by throwing stuff at them, shoving them around, and making them do ALL the work that the team needs to get done. Most other bullying takes place in the cafeteria or in the halls, in my view. A lot of it takes place when someone walks by, you will see two other people lean to each other, and hear them laugh and make fun of people passing.
I know bullying is a huge and complex issue. I also know that bullying is not as much of an issue as it is at other schools. Bullying is the exception rather than the rule at nhs. I think this is due largely in part to a lot of the assemblies and programs we've been putting into our school recently. I think it also says a lot about the current student body. Others who have graduated from the past at nhs may have had to deal with a lot more bullying than current students do. Still bullying exists though, and unfortuneately I believe it always will. The point is that many students are making an effort to prevent it. If enough students can take a stand agianst bullying, others will join them. As a senior leaving nhs soon I urge the underclassmen to continue intolerance towards bullying and to reach out to those who may be affected by it.
I never see any bullying in school,I hear people talking trash sometimes about other people, but I never see any actual bullying. In all of the years I have lived in norton I haven't seen much bullying. I think norton is just a town that doesn't have a lot of problems when it comes to bullying. The main things I see are people making fun of someone or talking trash about them, which is bullying, but I've never seen anything too serious. I have never been bullied and I have never bullied anyone, and I think that's the way it should be for everyone. I goof around with my friends but they always know I'm kidding because we always end up laughing at ourselves. People in Norton are just too friendly i suppose.
Bullying is an unneeded action that occurs everyday in every town. One of the many reasons people bully is because it gives them a sense of security knowing that they can rule over another person. This is unnecessary. Even in a small town like Norton, bullying occurs everyday, however for the most part this is not physical bullying, it is verbal. Then, when confronted by another teacher or student, the "bullies" reply by saying they were just joking and the victim already knows that. Bullying is an action that we need to stop, because it does no good for both the bully and the victim. Many times, bullies are previous victims of such, and the only way they can alleviate their pain is to bully another person. It is a chain reaction that needs to be stopped.
Throughout my years in school, i've seen but also been a part of bullying. I was not the bully, but i was the victim. During my eighth grade year, i was bullied constantly by the same people. They used to come over to my locker where they had another friend and they would say very hurtful and rude things right to my face. They probably thought i would have forgotten by now because it has been a few years, but things like that you just cannot forget.I had to tell the office several times and when my mom called, they finally did something about it. I used to get really bad grades because it was like i couldn't focus on anything else but the words they had said. Since i have been bullied, i know what it feels like and i know that it NEEDS to stop. It's not just the kind of thing you can push aside. It really does affect a lot of people. Something needs to be done.
i will admit, i have bullied before as almost all of us have. This does not make any of us bad people. when i see someone being bullied, i try to take some sort of initiative whether it is to tell faculty or to physically help the victim. Being kind can go a lot farther than you think. Someone that is being emotionally hurt can take a little bit of kindness a long way, and they will appreciate it much more than you would think...so be nice, and try to put a stop to bullying! Zach Schuster Period C
i will admit, i have bullied before as almost all of us have. This does not make any of us bad people. when i see someone being bullied, i try to take some sort of initiative whether it is to tell faculty or to physically help the victim. Being kind can go a lot farther than you think. Someone that is being emotionally hurt can take a little bit of kindness a long way, and they will appreciate it much more than you would think...so be nice, and try to put a stop to bullying! Zach Schuster Period C
I've definitely seen bullying not just in our own school but throughout society. It occurs everywhere. In school, i normally just see the typical bigger, tougher guy picking on the smaller, weaker guy. I do not approve. Another case where i have noticed bullying is simply when kids shout rude comments in the halls or in class. Some are joking or can handle harsh words. But others can really get hit hard and it can affect them in the long run, especially in a social environment like school. A bully has to understand that everybody in society is different. No two people are the same. So, they have to accept those differences and get along. Life is too short to waste time being an angry, rude person. That is how you end up alone in life. Love everybody and be loved.-Brian Feeney
A lot of people oversee bullying as just another teenage occurrence but it's not at all. Bullying is something that really no matter how much everyone tries to stop it, it is one of those never ending things that will never seem to go away, everyone has either been involved with bullying or has witnessed it as a bystander, usually bystanders do one of two things, either pretend they didn't see it and do nothing about it or the few that are willing to do what has to be done and tells either a parent or a administrator/teacher at school that they are comfortable talking to about issues like these. I believe a lot about bullying is sometimes either someone's home life or also just how they deal with different relationships with everyone around them and just little things people do daily that can really effect someone in ways people might not see and most times mean more than most can understand.
In my years in school I have been a part of bullying. Not because I was bullying people, though I can be accused of the rude comment or a hurtful word or two to my friends, but because I was the one being bullied. Throughout elementary and middle school I was frequently "picked on" by the same group of people. They would look for me whenever they could, and bullied me throughout my elementary and middle school education. Only recently have I been able to get away from it, in High School of all places, but because of my past I've learned to be the bigger person, because I know what it feels like to be on the other end of a bully's fist, words, and hate. I try and stop bullying whenever I see it, though I cannot claim to being able to stop everything, but I do take pride in knowing that I have helped people along the way that have been in the same boat as me.
Everyday there is a case of bullying at school. There are few "Bully free schools", if there are any true ones at all. Most bullying is in the form of gossip or verbal adbuse, but there are rare cases of physical violence. I've only seen one fight in my three years of highschool, but I've overheard numerous cases of verbal bullying. Threats, name-calling, anything, really. Even if it's a small remark, it can be enough to push people over the edgeI think it would be a lie for anyone to say that they have never bullied another. I try my best not to, and so far I'm doing a pretty good job.
I feel like bullying isn't really around in are school. However, that doesn't mean that people don't get bullied ocassionaly. Bullying can lead to greater hurt down the road and people should think of what they say before they say it. If everyone did this then the school and community would be a great place. That being said I think the School is very friendly and nearly bully-free.
Bullying happens everywhere in every environment, and though it's not right, people don't stop. I think that everyone has been talked about, or looked down to at some point while in school, but how we handle it is important too. On a day to day basis, I don't really see too much bullying going on, I try to stay away from the drama, but sometimes you can't. Having a sister who's special needs helps me understand that people can be mean for no reason or explanation. Even the smallest things can make a person feel bad about themselves, and most people don't realize how it can effect the person. Everyone should make it a point to be nice to at least one random person during the day.
Bullying and harassment will likely always be a part of growing up through high school. In middle school, bullying often tends to be obvious and clear as kids cope with there insecurities by putting down there classmates. When high school comes around though, harassment becomes more secretive. Gossip, sarcasm, and glares take the place of physical bullying. With the advent of technologies such as texting and facebook, harassment follows students into the security of their own homes. Bullying in our school is not always obvious but is certainly present and noticeable with a little observation. Some students need to seek alternative ways to cope with their own problems aside from the harassment of others. Others need to be more conscious of their words and actions and realize that these are not always interpreted as intended. -Jeff Kitchen
I see bullying everywhere school, work, public places such as malls, etc. There is no way to get around it i see upper class men pick on the freshmen all the time, there's a difference between joking around and bullying, the marjority of the time it is bullying, although there is not too much bullying in my school the point is it still happens, and i will say there have been a good amount of fights in our school, but for what? No reason people just fight so that at the end of the day they can say "they win", in relaity fighting is not winning, making someone upset by bullying them is not winning. People just do not get the picture some people grow up and some don't hopefully someday everyone will get the message.
Bullying is definately a problem in every school. There's no avoiding it. You can be the quietest or nicest person and people still say things about you. I hear kids say things to their friends about someone in their class and rumors are spread. Most of these rumors aren't true and people believe the lies because they seem more interesting. I think everyone is guilty of some kind of bullying. Its the worst in the elementary schools, thats scary. My little cousin is 13 and she has more drama than i do. I've seen her and her friends be bullied by boys. She tried to tell the principal that she was being bullied by another girl. The other girl was called to the office and she lied and said that my cousin pushed her. Kids lie to make themelves seem like the victims so they dont get in trouble. Thats why alot of kids dont say anything when being bullied. Theyre afraid to get in trouble and people will make fun of them for telling. Its a huge problem these days. I wish there was some way to get rid of it completely. As a kid who was bullied i know how much it hurts. I think everyone has been bullied one time or another.
I agree with Eric that there really isn't a lot of physical bullying in our school, that I've noticed at least. But I do see mental and verbal bullying pretty much every single day. I couldn't beleive when I saw people two days after the Rachel's Challenge assembly picking on another student in my entrepreneurship class, and pretty harshly at that. It was when a girl in the class told them to stop picking on him that they said that they were just kidding, but you could see the guilt in their faces even as the words left their lips, they knew what they were doing was wrong. I am pleased to say that they stopped for at least a while after she pointed their actions out to them for what they were: bullying. But as things usually turn out, they went back to their ways again in a couple weeks. Tim is right when he says that you have to look at where people are coming from when they act out like that. I don't think that bullying can be stopped just because of all the hardships in peoples lives that cause them to act out that way, but at least we can make people more aware of what they are doing and know that every now and then those who bully will realize their actions and, bearing that same look of guilt on their faces, stop. They may only stop for a while at first, a couple days or weeks maybe, but eventually they will stop for good. If we do our part in showing compassion, such as that girl did in my class, then we can make people more aware of their actions and begin in them a change. A little kindness really does go a long way, and a lot of kindness is something that is never forgotten. -Scott Allen
There are many different types of bullying that goes on every day in school. Bullying can be seen in many different forms. One bullying can be making fun of someone. The bullier usually tries to defend himself by saying that he was just kidding but sometimes when you are just kidding is can still hurt that person. Also, i have seen people being bullied for something that has happened in the past not people find funny. Bullying will always be present in school and there will always be bullies. The only way to stop the bullying to to help the victim.
The most bullying I see is on facebook. Lately people have been getting formsprings where people can leave annonymous comments about you and some of the things people write are so rude and mean. This is making bullying easiter for people because they are able to say whatever they want without getting caught. I feel that the bullying that takes place on the internet is worse than people making jokes at school because when something is posted, a lot more people will see it or hear about it. It also gives people more confidence to be mean or say things that they would not say to someone's actual face.
Like many others who have commented before, I rarely see bullying taking place at NHS. Most of the bullying that I do see doesn't happen while we are at school, but happens mostly outside of school on facebook and at social gatherings. In school the only bullying I really see is the joking around between friends and I don't think that this is a bad thing. What I think is the problem is the people who are not really close friends and yet they still "joke" like they are great friends. If done on a regular basis this can lead to problems with the person being "joked" with. Sometimes it's better to watch what you say or to say nothing.
This lesson on bullying really stood out to me by what we talked about how the girl in western Mass committed suicide because of boys and girls that made her life miserable every single day. This made my eye open to bullying and ever since the assembly we had for Rachel's Challenge I saw bullying in this school go down. People bully because they want to feel better about themselves I believe.It also made me aware of how facebook and many more things can be one of the leading kinds of bullying because people feel protected behind a screen to say whatever they want. -Craig Woodworth
I feel as tough bullying is not as bad in this school. We are a very tight group of kids, and for the most part respect each other. When I was a freshman, there was a lot more seniority in the school than now. Also, people were more clicky. I have only seen a few incidents involving a couple of underclassmen girls, but they are no where close to being as intense as Pheobe Prince's case. Rachel's Challenge and other assembles have taught us to be respectful of other people's feelings. Also, what to do if you witness bullying. People are more likely to stand up to bullys now becasue of this new education.
Bullying goes on in school all the time. Even when it is not meaning to be hurtful, bullying can still occur. In norton highschool i feel as though we deffinatly have less serious bullying incidents than other stories we have heard of in class. But this still doesn't mean that there is none, because there is a lot. I see cyber bullying all the time on facebook, this is just one of the many applications on computers where bullying occurs. Another place where i see bullying is sports teams, sometimes older players feel like just because they are older they can treat everyone else unfairly. Yes the older players my have more oppertunities but it does not mean that others should feel bad about themselves.
Some bullying that is see everyday is friends teasing eachother but taking it a step too far. I think that people need to recognize when enough is enough. I also see a lot of drama with rumors being spread and that hurts a lot of people as well.
reI think that the bullying is something that everyone needs to be more aware of so that we as students can stop it and stand up to it as we see it. I never realized how many different types of bullying there was today. It surprises how many people would go out of their way to harass other people. Being more aware of bullying and the pain it causes people, like Pheobe Prince, I am more likely to go out of my way to stop it when I see it. We've all been bullied and maybe sometimes been the bully but we can help stop it.
Since I've been a freshman at Norton High school, I've seen & experienced bullying all the time. Sadly many people look at it as a way of life and dont really considar it to be a big deal... until something happens and someone reacts to it in a harmful manner; like the columbine kids. Even after the entire assembly with craig scott speaking about his horrifying experience and memories, i still see and hear of poeple bullying kids in the halls of NHS. It is dissapointing as a senior of this school to see kids completely ignore the things Craig talked about and how severe bullying can be and effect someone. I hope that as the kids in this school do grow up they realize too that somethings can go a long way and change someones entire day; whether theyre small acts of kindness or even small bullying tactics. torie allen
This year I have seen various types and forms of bullying. Online, at school, physical, and mental. Some people made a facebook group bashing this girl I knew, but not well. In past years I would have ignored this and went on with my day, but after seeing how people are affected by things like things like this, I knew it was right to try and stop it. First I accepted the group invitation... Then i analyzed it, carefully checking to see what the girl had said. Then i messaged her and everyone on the group that I contacted the police and if it was not deleted within ten minutes they would be in major trouble. I didn't contact the, but I knew that would get my point across. They got really scared, but did not delete it and tried justifying themselves. Then I told them they could get arrested because it was considered a hat crime. Then the group was deleted. The girl who was being bullied messaged me, and I know she was not the nicest girl ever, but I didn't want to see someone go through that kind of thing.... So the girl thanked me so much and told me what was going on with that. I ignored it and did not get on anyones side. I just wanted that to be over with. Hopefully that girl, who does go to this school, learned a lesson.... 1. Don't mess with me haha and 2. bullying can lead to serious consequences.
I don't see that much bullying at school. Mostly it's just people joking around. Sometimes the person it's directed towards takes it serious. The majority of bullying I see is on the computer. It could be through facebook, IM, or formspring. People think that they are invincible because they don't have to face the other person. Some of the comments can even be anonymous. These internet comments can be the worst and since they are online, everyone can see them. This is also how rumors spread.
On a daily basis i do not see a ton of bullying. I dont know if thats because im in classes with good kids or bcause i dont notice it. I know it happenes in school but i cant pick out specific times when it happens. Ive bullied people in the past just like mostly every student has and i probably still do without realizing it. But i dont think any bullying occurs in this school were it creates a major problem.
I see alot of bullying in school but usually dont think anything of it. Personally, there is nothing anyone can say that will effect me because i figure if people want to try and bring someone down its their own personal issue of having insecurities based on their past, i.e. maybe they were bullied before they became 'cool'. I do not agree with the new law on bullying because its been around since the beginning of time, i see it as a teen challenge that makes you stronger over time. The places other than school i see bullying is on sports teams or pretty much anywhere in public. -George Gillis
I see bullying all the time, but mostly it's the little things that people don't even realize can hurt. I've had some personal experience with that a long time ago and bullying can really affect a person's self-esteem even when the person doesn't know that what they say can hurt. I think that there isn't much bullying in our school, like the kind of physical bullying that is generally associated with the word, but I see it a lot online, especially on sites such as facebook. -Leah Daniels
Bullying is an increasing problem throughout school systems. It is painful to hear that our fellow classmates are staying home everyday just to avoid this conflict. I have never had a personal experience with bullying luckily, but I have friends who have. My little cousin, who is 11 years old, was telling me how mean the other kids at her school are. She said that since she moved there 2 years ago she has not made one friend. She also said that the boys make fun of her weight. She said that even one time she had to get picked up from school because she could not stop crying because of a joke that a classmate played on her. It hurts me to hear that a young sweet girl has not been able to make any friends in 2 years. Hopefully we can stop bullying!
Being on both sides of bullying i feel that i know how most people view this. Being picked on always brings those thoughts to your mind that you want to retaliate in some way no matter what it is. once i grew up into a bigger stronger kid than i was when i was bullied it opened the door to those revenge thoughts ind made me turn to the people wo put me through everything and now it was my turn. one day after i got in a tussle with someone over really nothing i looked at myself and said what am i doing? am i any better than the kids before who bullied me? no i wasnt so i correcxted the way i looked at everything and now if i see or hear any bullying i do my best to help anyone involved because you never no what one persons little joke could do to the person who is subjected to the bullying.
Bullying in Norton has changed. Before i came to the High School all the stories that were told to me prepared me for a much worse High School experience than what actually occured. The real bullying problem in the School is not face to face confrentation, it is the rumors and gossip going on behind a persons back. Although Norton does not suffer from much physical bullying, i think we still have a long way to go to completely change the school.
The bullying I may see are the ones loosely done in the hallways and the even subtler ones on sports teams. I usually notice the bullying on the internet which includes people downright fighting and threatening each other right in front of the whole facebook site. It's funny though, cause even the most blatant thing, can be so easily unnoticed and unresolved when on the web, yet when in person, things are usually kept "hush, hush", but sometimes get resolved. I think bullying on the internet is just something surrounding people don't take seriously, but to the person that is the victim, well they feel alone, and have nowhere safe to run to. I know that I have done bullying in my life, and have been bullied myself, whether it being because of my hair or something else, but I knew that if I did bully someone, I knew when to stop and then apologize. And if I see someone else doing so, I ease them away so they do no more harm to that person. Either way bullying is not something to laugh about and can really hurt someone so much, especially when you do not know their home life.
During my week I see more bullying on the weekend at orchestra rehearsals then I do in school. With my orchestra it is difficult to get a spot and very competitive in moving up to the next level group. Especially around audition time people try to use intimidation and mind games. There is never physical bullying, mainly gossip, sarcasm, and glares. People always start rumors about the difficult concertos they are playing, which are usually lies, and who is the conductor's favorite for the 1st chair. I try to avoid music choice when talking to people but it's easy to hear people say "Oh, you're playing that?" In audition warm-up rooms it is more common to see glares and content smirks. A few times I have seen older students enter the room and glare at younger students until they go somewhere else.
Usually this is kind of shrugged off as 'senior privledges' and people say, 'well it's a competitive field and something you just have to get used to' but it is bullying and can be really hurtful to people who take it all seriously.
There are soo many different kinds of bullying now, some probably without even being noticed or having specific names. Most of the time I see the "just joking" bullying, you know the kind where as soon as you see offense was taken, "you've been joking the whole time!" Another one most people see daily is technological bullying. You can do it over facebook, or on any website similar, texting, anonymous calling, etc. In general I hardly see the typical image everyone calls to mind when you think of bullying which I guess can be good and bad. That image at least in my mind is kids being shoved into lockers, ganging up on the little guy, pushing his/her lunch tray out of their hands, and pranks. As good as is it is not to see this mostly, it just means it's happening elsewhere and it's harder to find. Hopefully, eventually it won't be found at all.
-Ali Lynch; B period
bullying is a part of life, its impossible to avoid while youre growing up. whether youre the bully or the victim, its just unavoidable. there will always be some jerk who wants to make you feel like crap for his own amusement. i had to put up with so much crap during 3rd-5th grade when i was in a special-ed class for anger management issues. kids picked on me because they knew i'd react. i'd often get in more trouble than the bullies themselves for my outbursts which got me even more depressed. the only thing that worked was learning not to react, to act like i didnt give a crap about what they thought. it helped too that i assured myself that the only reason people bully others is because theyre jerks and that i was better than them. i feel that isnt true now, people have problems and take it out on other people. but its still no excuse. bullying is wrong, and worse, its getting harder and harder to track and deal with. as methods for dealing with bullying advance, bullying itself becomes more complex. we live in an imperfect world and from what ive both seen and experienced, bullying will always be a problem.
bullying is a part of life, its impossible to avoid while youre growing up. whether youre the bully or the victim, its just unavoidable. there will always be some jerk who wants to make you feel like crap for his own amusement. i had to put up with so much crap during 3rd-5th grade when i was in a special-ed class for anger management issues. kids picked on me because they knew i'd react. i'd often get in more trouble than the bullies themselves for my outbursts which got me even more depressed. the only thing that worked was learning not to react, to act like i didnt give a crap about what they thought. it helped too that i assured myself that the only reason people bully others is because theyre jerks and that i was better than them. i feel that isnt true now, people have problems and take it out on other people. but its still no excuse. bullying is wrong, and worse, its getting harder and harder to track and deal with. as methods for dealing with bullying advance, bullying itself becomes more complex. we live in an imperfect world and from what ive both seen and experienced, bullying will always be a problem.
its not good to pick on people because it can hurt them. It might hurt them so bad that they may think about suicide. Poeple should not make fun of you on text messages or your neighborhood. Everyone should try to get along with each other.
Sean Lussier
I honestly have not noticed much bullying in this school, but different types of bullying that probably occurs here is name-calling and physical confrontations. This school seems to have a very friendly atmosphere in it, which I have noticed for the past two completed years that I have been here.
-Dan Sugar
I think in our school the bullying problem is better than it was. I had two brothers who graduated at NHS and the stories they use to tell me scared me. Looking around today, I see people making stupid jokes, that seem harmless but can change a persons attitude. I personally know what that feels like, when a joke goes to far. It hurts. People are mean and talk behind eachothers back. Logging into facebook you see status' directed towards certain people. I think it's horrible. People don't understand how people take things differently. I think we still need to change.
I don't think anyone realy thinks of "bullying" as making jokes at the expense of other people and no one really goes around beating kids up for lunch money like in the movies so no one really notices that they are or have witnessed bullying. Bullying happens everyday in the cafeteria, in classes, in the halls, everywhere. But now that we're all in high school, no one realizes what it is so no one thinks there is a bullying issue here at Norton. Mostly kids make fun of each other and don't even realize that their 'jokes' might be hurting someone.
Kerryn C.
Nowadays, bullying is worse than it's ever been. Home, where once you would hope to find a safe haven, is just as bad as school, or work. A victim is being bullied through all sources. Not only are they being harassed at school, but through the internet, through text messages. Solace can not even be found in their family. It's a tragedy, and I do not think that people realize the extent of how bullying affects people. As we have learned from "Thirteen Reasons Why", there may only be one chance to save someone, and only one even can be their breaking point. One last event can push them over the edge.
I see bullying all the time in school. During my time in the norton school system i have been bullied. i have never done anything to deserve such treatment from my fellow classmates. it was really bad in 8th grade, i used to make up stories about being sick just so i could stay home. i have never been the pretty girl, and i always did my work, i was just a little...different. being bullied gave me a bad outlook on life, i used to ask my self " is it ever going to get better? is it even worth it anymore?" giving up equaled peace in my mind. you never really know how much bullying affects another person. and no matter where you are you feel like everyone is laughing at you, that you're worthless, that no one would care if you just dissapeared. high school is a little different, bullying is still the same, but it is behind your back instead of your face. high school drama is high school drama...ive had a better time "fitting-in" in high school, but i am still afraid to let lose in case i go back down the path of being bullied. bullying is such a vauge word, but everyone does it atleast once. that saying " stick and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me" its not true, words can kill you. words are almost as painful as actions.
kindess can go a long way...so let prove it..bullying needs to stop
Brittany Anteski
C block Wellness
Bullying is a part of every high school and it will never be completely stopped. The most bullying I see is in between classes and during lunch. Most of the bullying is crude remarks that can wear people down. Also there is a lot of bullying through facebook and through texting. This is a cowardly way for people who feel insecure and are afraid to confront people. Another type of bullying is the "just kidding" type. This usually is harmless and causes no hurt but sometimes it too can be very hurtful. TOM MUNGER
In norton high school there isnt that much bullying which is good. But outside of school a lot of us can see it online and while hanging out with friends. I have bullied people before and I never realized how much it can impact a persons life. I dont like to bully people but it normally starts with girl gossip. When watching the videos in class it really shows how those people respond. Bullying isnt a good thing and its nothing you should be proud of.
--Sam Dixon
Class E
In my high school years i tend to see a lot of bullying. It is mostly verbal from sports teams or older guys picking on the weaker or younger guys. Of course it happens everywhere and we think of it as nothing. Then again think of how that person feels after it happens. Maybe that person was you and i know you wouldnt feel good after being treated like that. Almost everyone has done bullying at some point now all we have to do is think about what you say before you say it.
In my high school years i tend to see a lot of bullying. It is mostly verbal from sports teams or older guys picking on the weaker or younger guys. Of course it happens everywhere and we think of it as nothing. Then again think of how that person feels after it happens. Maybe that person was you and i know you wouldnt feel good after being treated like that. Almost everyone has done bullying at some point now all we have to do is think about what you say before you say it.
What an honest and brave response. I think people need to read posts such as yours to really truly understand how it can affect people. Reading anonymous posts albeit helpful, does not allow for the full impact in my opinion. Being able to understand that this has happened personally to you makes it more meaningful. Thanks for sharing your pain and hopefully demanding that people pay more attention to what they say and do.
Bullying is a big part of every school. Bullying takes place everywhere even times and places that people dont notice. Everyone has taken place in bullying at least once in their life. I know I have on many occassions even times that I dont that im Bullying. Like you said Mr. V I hear lots of people say something to the effects of Good game even when they dont mean it and they know someone played bad. Thats bullying. But people dont really know that. Just last week my own team mates made fun of someone for tripping over the hurdles even though they were kidding around it is still considered bullying. Bullying can hurt people more than other people know.
Chris Lenihan
Bullying is everywhere throughout life, especially here, at Norton High School. Over the years, i have experienced bullying, and have been a bully, and it is a horrible thing. Being bullied makes you feel as though you don't belong anywhere. You lose your friends because they are embarrassed of what you wear, who you are friends with, or what you do, even if you were friends with that person since 4th grade; It doesnt matter, and no one sticks up for you, because they may potentially be the next victim. You become scared to make new friends because of the way you have been treated, and it is the worst feeling ever. High school is hard, and full of drama, whether it's with boys, or girls. You have to put up a wall when meeting new people, because you cant trust anyone. When i bullied, even if it was a nasty glare, or talking behind someone's back, it wasnt right, and i dont have an excuse other than i was trying to be cool and fit in. I now dont care if im "cool", or "popular", it doesnt matter to me. As long as i have my closest friends, and my family. The bullying can stop if we try hard enough. High schools wouldnt be so scary anymore, and it would be a drama-free four years...maybe.
~Chelsie Corbeil, wellness F
Bullying happens all the time, in all grades and to almost all kids. Not every kid is victim to physical bullying, but probably at least one other type. I have never been approached by a bully and physically threatened or intimidated and I have never done that to someone else. However, I have been involved in those petty and hurtful mind games that girls especially play with each other. Bullying is such a broad term that I think everyone has been bullied and has probably bullied someone at some point in their life, even if it was not the intention or if it didn't seem like bullying at the time. I probably have done it without actually realizing it and definitely not trying to do it. I think if we all try to do a better job of realizing just exactly what bullying is then the small comments, looks, and actions that can still be cutting can be reduced: which would be better all around.
Bry D. c block.
Unfortunately, bullying is a big problem in schools all over the country, and while it might not be all that noticeable at first, including NHS. Probably everybody has been either a bully, victim of bullying, or witness to bullying at some point in their lives. Personally, I always try to be a nice, non-judgmental person, but the fact of the matter is, even I am not exempt from my previous statement. While I don’t see a lot of outright physical bullying at our school, and have never been involved in it, there is a lot of more subtle mental and emotional bullying that does go on, especially the “just joking” kind. The kinds that relate mostly to my life is probably this kind. Even though I try to be a nice person, I can not say I have never been involved in something like a talking behind somebody’s back situation. Normally, I’m more listening and not doing anything than spreading the actual gossip, but the fact of the matter is, that is just as bad. Bullying is a huge problem that will take a lot of work to stop, if it is even possible. However, I think a good way to start is by thinking before you do, say, or type something that could be hurtful to another, and maybe saying something kind instead.
Danielle Golden, F Block Wellness
Bullying happens on a day to day basis and goes without notice most of the time. It even happens within groups of friends and they might not think that they are being mean because they can say "Oh, I was just joking" or "Can't you take a joke". But in reality they could be hurtful words to the person of whom your jokes are being directed towards. I also think that the worst type of bullying is cyber bullying. It has gotten really bad lately since the cyber world has gotten more advanced. People can say what ever they want by text,im, facebook, and myspace and even do it anonyhmously. They can say hurtful things towards people and make it so a numerous amount of people can see the comments easily. Bulyying can hurt people even though it might not look like they are hurt. It needs to stop because it is causing death!
There are many types of bullying now. But the major one I see in high school is when people are simply giving ugly looks or putting someone down by the way they look. Another type which I personally seen more when I was younger is physical bullying. I remeber at my old school when a girl chased me during recess for a week becuase she wanted to beat me up. But luckily I was faster so she never caught me we both ended up being friends again. Although I still think to this day it did change our relationship, beucase I will always remeber that.Another type of bullying which I had not encounterd thankfully, but is becoming more popular now is socail networking bullying. This is when for exmaple a person is bullying a person by talking to them through facebook, AIM, and texting. I think that all the bullying should just stop, since it is just a waste of time and also causes people to be hurt.
-Stephanie Belcher
C period
Throughout my school day i witness many types of bullying and am guilty to some extent of it. Most of the bullying during the school day is ussually verbal or cyber bullying. Occassionally there is mental bullying where people say stuff to someone they dont like and that person spends the day worryign about what the person said and wonders if anyone else thinks the same thing. There really isnt physical bullying this year which is deffinately a positive thing but the cyber bullying is becoming popular. On facebook people argue and fight all the time which relaly isnt the smartest thing to do because both people look stupid because everyone can read what they say and within a day everyone knows whats going on and the fight continues.So there really isnt that much bullying in school during the day which is a good thing but its still there and it should decrease.
-tyler durocher
f block wellness
even though, i myself can admit to being to bully, i see it very often during my week. Certain genders or ages do not make a difference because anyone can be a bully. the worst kind of bullying that i have seen is cyber bullying, and the worst cases ive seen have all been this week on the awesome new website called formspring. I havent seen worse things written about people online since i was in 7th grade. seriously. the "just kidding" cant really be an excuse when all of the bullying on formspring is done anonymously. It makes people question who thinks so badly of them and its not right in anyway. Bullying face to face has no comparison when it comes to cyber bullying at this extent. Once you write something about someone online, or in a text, and hit send you cant get it back, so anonymous or not, you should think twice about the effects you can have on people. It seems that bullying will always be an issue and its tough to think that some kids can never move on from being so hurt.
-KB; A period
Lately I notice more bullying over facebook, than I do in school. People will post statuses about others, and then everyone else will comment and join in. We've all been guilty of some sort of bullying. That still doesn't make it right though, and no one likes to be the victim. Everyone should think twice before they post things on facebook or say things to others.
Emma Jackson
Distracted Driving
After receiving my license in December, I have now fully noticed how dangerous distracted driving really is. As a frequent driver, I have first handed seen how distracted drivers can be while driving. I myself have been distracted numerous times, whether it comes from music, the weather, or other people. However, I do not text even though I think that is the number one distraction nowadays. In order to prevent distractions from occurring, turn off the cell phone when you get in the car:keep the music at a low volume:tell people in your car to speak softly. Distracted drivers are more dangerous than drunk drivers because distracted drivers are not watching the road. Drunk drivers at least have their eyes on the road and can anticipate a crash, unlike distracted drivers.
Everyone sees bullying everyday at NHS, even though it may not be apparent to all. Each day, I watch and hear the sarcastic comments about peoples outfits or looks. I hear the laughs and see the reactions of others after someone walks by who may be dressed differently. I myself have done this more times than I would like to say. However, I think the cyberbullying in the most common for teenagers nowadays. With social networking sites constantly viewed and written on, bullying is now more common in writing than at a physical confrontation. The world will never be rid of bullying due to the world we live in, but is surely can be limited.
-Robert Southworth
Wellness E
I see bullying everyday. The worst in my opinion is when people make comments and think the other person knows they're kidding. But ive seen people not know they are kidding. And you seriously have to wonder, were they just kidding? The second worst type of bullying I see is girls. Girls are the worst because they talk about each other behind their backs to other girls. It even changes the way girls see the girl being talked about, even if its not true.
During a regular school day I see countless acts of bullying. Whether its just somebody calling another person a "loser" or giving them a dirty look, it happens. I personally have been bullied, and I have bullied others. The unfortunate thing about me is that I am an extremely sarcastic person and I recently found out that sarcasm can be bullying. Just because I know I'm kidding does not mean that the person I am joking with does. Of course, when I am sarcastic towards people I do not mean to make them feel bad, but I am guessing that in some cases, I do. I also know that people have been "joking" with me and I have felt hurt by it. I think what many of us need to do is think about how we would feel if somebody was saying mean things to us. Maybe that can help us stop being mean to each other. I feel that people have forgotten "The Golden Rule" once we left elementary school and have stopped talking about it. It is a very important aspect of life, and I feel that people have forgotten it and proceed to bully because they want to.
Bullying is so common and goes unnoticed every day. People will bully through text, internet or in person. Girls, i believe, are the worst. We are catty and brutal sometimes. I do admit i have been a bully but i have also been bullied too. I think high school is where people get bullied the most. There is just so much drama and trash talking that occurs and people get bullied non stop. Most bullies dont even think about how the person being bullied is really going to feel. The person being bullied could really take what someone says to heart and be affected by it a lot. Bullying is wrong but i dont think it will go away in the near future. Everyone does it at one point in there life.
-Rachel Douglass. B period
After class I've started to notice bullying more and more. The internet is the worst it seems. Hiding behind a screen gives everyone the confidence they need to say what they wouldn't to your face and it really sickens me to read some truly cruel things about people. I try often to include people and avoid making someone an outcast. whether it's picking the kid who doesn't normally get picked early in a free gym game or just talking to someone who looks sad. I know what it's like to be bullied after 4 years of being bullied by someone it is hard to see them in the hallways and not tell them how much they hurt me.
Kris Tangen
During typical day of school I do not see much bullying. I feel that most of the bullying is not really bullying. Most of the bullying that happens is fake that should not be taken seriously at all. Outside of school I see more hurtful bullying that seems much more serious than just the regular bullying that happens in school. I feel that bullying should not be done ever. Even if you are just joking with the person they may misinterpret it and take the bullying seriously. No one can ever know how a person actually feels or will respond to something.
- Dr. Stephen Boudreau
I have seen so many different kinds of bullying throughout high school, like physical and verbal bullying as well as using technology and the internet to bully someone. I can't believe some of the things that go on in high school or what people say about others either behind their backs or to their faces. I think most people don't really say anything to stop it because since we were little we always thought of the bully as a tough kid who pushes people into lockers or trashcans, not a fifteen year old girl who criticizes others in order to feel better about herself. But even if we set a precedent for not tolerating bullying, I don't think it can ever be completely stopped. I believe it's a part of human nature that never really goes away because of our own insecurities, so we find new ways to make ourselves feel better by putting others down.
The kind of bullying I've been seeing lately is on the internet. From facebook to formspring people are always bringing each other down. Its horrible to see class mates sitting there bashing each other, when they don't even know what's going on. Words that can be said over the internet could be even more hurtful, and doesn't prove anything, and it doesn't resolve any isssues
-justin i period E
During the week I see a lot of bullying. Most of it is what people would call "harmless" bullying. This is bullying that most people just think of as joking around with someone. Not really understanding that the person could be taking it seriously. There is a lot of this between friends, and it confuses me that it goes on so much. The saying is "kids will be kids", but its not always that simple. Sometimes, every once in a while, you will see true bullying, in which people pick on a kid who doesn't have any reason to be picked on except for the way he looks and acts. I'm kind of sick of it.
-Dan Freedman A block
Bullying happens to everyone atleast once whether you bullied someone else or youve been a victim. Ive been both. I do regret bulying other people because i know it can hurt and even if you think youre kidding it could have a really strong effect on someone else.Being bullied caused me to have really bad self-esteem issues, i may not show it but its there. i can never think of myself as a beautiful person because i always find something wrong.I promised myself to never bully someone because i know what it feels like and no one wants to feel badly about themselves
- Tyana James
I can definitely see how this topic of bullying made its way into wellness class... the way I see it, your emotions and "state of mind" are huge parts to your overall wellbeing, this being obvious in stories like what happened a few weeks ago with that girl, phoebe prince, who killed herself because she simply couldn't take the bullying anymore. Everybody, at one time or another, is guilty of bullying, and the sad part is, it almost always goes unnoticed - EXCEPT to the person it's being said to. Bullying can't be prevented 100% of the time, and it's naturally part of growing up. But it's best to avoid the backtalk, the rumors, and the high school drama. Don't think that everything you say to someone will be passed off as sarcastic - there's power in your words, so say something positive instead.
☮ + ♥
austin shute
I was introduced to bullying in 5th grade. nobody's name needs to be mentioned but they know who they are. It all starts over stupid things, usually that are totally pointless (in my case) and now, wouldn't get me very upset. but back then, she accused me of "flirting with her boyfriend" and it just escalated from there. this girl was down my throat from then on, any time she could, she was talking about me to other people or accusing me of other stupid things. I let it get to me pretty bad and i came home crying a lot. the school said they would do more to prevent her from coming near me, but they never followed through with their word. finally it got to the point where in 8th grade we got into a small fight at lunch. i had enough of her crap and when she told me to move i pushed her and etc. Middle school was pretty much torture for me, kids made me feel like i was an out cast, and i had barely even spoken two words to them in my life. i didn't know why they were so rude but they have most definitely shaped who i am today. Now I've just learned not to care, if people don't like me then they shouldn't talk about me, it's simple. i know it's high school and it's not going to ever go away but everyone keeps saying that it goes on and they see it getting to drastic points as far as the girl in the news that killed herself... but yet nobody speaks up when it's actually happening.
-Alyssa Galpin Period E
On a day to day basis I see a huge amount of bullying, especially online. Most of the bullying I see is on Facebook. There are so many Facebook fights where several people gang up on one individual. The same group of people will just keep harassing others none stop. This can seriously affect the people who are taking this on a day to day basis. During school the bullying is usually the dirty looks in the halls, little remarks, rumors, and talking behind others backs. This occurs with usually girls but with boys as well. Bullying needs to be taken seriously because even though it does not always seem so, it is truly hurting others.
-Danielle Puopolo
I myself am a bully, I mean evryone has done it before whether it's on purpose or not. I just try to bully my friends so they know it's a joke. ometimes I take this joke too far and can be considered bullying. Like Mr. Vitelli said if you have to say jk to one of your friends then it is probably bullying. I have seen alot of bullying whether its in the locker room or in the halls it's hard to escape. It could be friendly fights or serious fights I have seen them all.
Being a freshman, I haven't had much time to screw up my highschool life, and luckily I can't remember any specific instances in which I've been bullied. However, being the black sheep in most of my classes (and basically every social or non-social situation) does lead to some comments that--while often in innocent spirits--get to my head occasionally. Staying with a "nice crowd" and averting the attention of bullies is key.
(Timothy Wright, Period C)
ok this is all very good. everyone here knows exactly what bullying is and how it feels. trust me, i know too. theres been plenty of times ive been thrown to the way side or ignored on purposed, or made fun of. the only problem, this is how human beings are built. we are made to be competitive. we are all struggling for power and control. why? simple. to carry on our genetic sequences. these are primal behaviors that we cant really help. we take advantage of someones low self esteem to get wut we want or we play mind games as to confuse or daze someone in order to distract them from the truth. a lot of the time its not on purpose, its just reaction to either or surroundings, feelings, or aspirations. What julia said about "it can be hurtful to people who take it all seriously" is a true statement. but the only way to deal with these behaviors is to take wut is delt and be aware of why the person is that way. why they are acting out that way. also, more importantly, be just as aggressive. if not, moreso but in a different way. instead of fighting back, break the person down in your head and take wut drives them and rev it up 100x more. say your in competition, like a sport, your getting taunts from the other team. take everything they dish. if you let wut they say get to you for the comments they are, chances are you are going to take it personally and want to beat the living crap out of the other team. now, if you take wut they say as almost like the burn from working out ( you have to get in a mindset), youll most likely get frustrated but energized. work with wut you are given. tell yourself that no matter wut, youll show them wut youve got. be proud of your abilities and throw all you have into it. just use the comments and outside interferences as fuel. for five straight years, bullying and taunts and comments have been inspiration for my music. i am now in a melodic metal band and have already been putting music out there. the only way to get to where you want is to be motivated. let the motivation be the taunts and put downs. actions speak louder than words.
In school I do not notice bullying going on. Types of bullying I have seen are physical in which fights often break out, and verbal in which groups pick on an individual. All in all I think bulling is a minimal at our school.
I remember in Middle school I was bullied by someone who was tripping me. The event only happened once, and I thought nothing more about it. Years later however he was arrested for unknown reasons, and transferred out of the Public School system.
I do think bullying is not a big a problem as it appears to be, but I do relize that in a few events it can have devistating consequences to the victems and bullies alike. If the situation gets out of control.
Robert Callahan
Block A
There are many different types of bullying and it is very sad to see it happen as much as it does. I myself forget sometimes that the "Joking" stuff is still bullying and deep inside it might hurt the person, but I do try and stay away from any type of bullying because I know how it feels. I don't usually get bullied but I know what the "Joking" type of bullying feels like. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, but once in a while even though my friends are jokingly saying things, it does get a little over the top and it hurts and bothers me. Luckily I have a good sense of humor and I don't take many things to heart but people need to realize that if you don't know the person well enough then you shouldn't joke around making fun of person or gossiping about the person. Bullying is not a joke and people have to re-think things before they act before they do something they will regret.
At NHS, I have witnessed some bullying, but not to a serious extent. Mostly I notice boys making comments about girls as they walk by, or just people being excluded from groups, which I guess I would call unconcious bullying. Like other people have already said, cyber bullying is definitely popular in our school. I have read multiple facebook fights, which may be "joking" to some extent, but they're still wrong. More recently, formspring has became the main place for cyber bullying. Many people have received anonymous comments from others, including myself, and since you never know if it is a serious comment or not, you usually feel as if it's true. NHS has the potential to eliminate bullying, we just have to set good examples for others. -Hannah Lavendier
As i am a freshmen, i have seen the worst bullying in my freshmen year. personally, 1-8 i never truely saw bullying. i have been picked on and been a victim but nothing that got me to cry or be very upset, but this year i have seen what no one should go through. Being called names when walking by them in the halls, cyber bullying gone crazy, and the things that were said behind the poor girls back like "she should just die". As i am, i wanted to tell her and i wanted her to know what was said but is that really a smart thing to do? telling them things that will make them hurt more? i have stuck up for my friends but not so much to be a victim. High school's problem personally from my view, is cyber bullying. there are so many things that are said that shouldnt be. garenteed ive said harsh things i shouldnt have but really who hasnt? there is a curtain line between being mean and being a complete and utter bully. i just wish people would get that somethings ARE good to be left unsaid.
-Chelsea Crogan
-F Block Wellness
There are many different types of bullying throughout our society today. People are not only able to hurt you physically and mentally when they are with you face to face, but with the new age of technology people are able to bully you through the internet as well. During the school day, there are many instances in which people are bullied. It could be a physical fight that breaks out in the locker room, an upper classman teasing a lower classman, or even someone who is sitting by themselves because no one lets them sit at their table. However, this is just the case for the face to face bullying. People now use Facebook and other internet sites to post anonymous comments that are hurtful to one another. This trend of bullying is becoming more and more prevalent and there has been an increase in suicides in relation to this.
I have been bullied ever since fifth grade,possibly even before that, and I think it is rediculous. People don't realize how certain things effect people. Even though I'm really loud and obnoxious, I'm not at all. I'd much rather be by myself because I feel like since I have been bullied I can't ever fit in, not even with my "friends."
Rachel Murphy;;
F Block
I do not think of myself as a bully, but that does not mean I haven't been one. I grew up in a family with two older siblings so in my opinion I do not consider half of the things I say to be offensive because over the years I have put up with worst. However others may not see it that way. So from now on I will attempt to be a little a more careful with how I talk to people, and I will definetly say more reassuring things than "just kidding" when I may say something offensive. I havent really been bullied, but I really dont take offense to things people say to me, I take it as more of "constructive critisism." But I do see bullying around alot and when I think about it I realize that there are some people that in my mind dont "fit in" but I have no idea why they dont. People make wrong judgments on other people all the time and the people most bullied may not have even done anything wrong they just are misunderstood. We should all try to be a little more accepting of who people are.
-Bekah Sargent
Bullying is quite the topic when discussing Norton high school because i dont see it alot. Some schools see it everyday and it is apart of everyday life. It isn't school unless someone is getting pinned up against a locker or someone getting swirleys. Norton High School doesn't have much bullying that i personally can see. I took special interest in the subject because of the show that we had watched. It got me thinking that this actually happens all the time and all around the world. I would have to agree with whoever said that bullying is a part of growing up, and you can not escape it whether your the bully or the one being bullied. The "Just joking" bullying is most common to me because it happens constantly. people do it over websites (facebook, myspace, exc.) people do it in person and follow it with a just kidding after dont know it but can hurt people, which is why it is best not to do it. All in all Norton High School doesn't have much bullying... maybe just gossip. Most bullying is done earlier in the lower grades. Most High School students here are semi-mature and usually handle bullying the right way and dont do it.
rob h. C period
Fortunately, I don't see much physical bullying at our school, but verbal/cyber bullying is what is mostly prevalent. Formspring is 100% ridiculous because it only produces low self-esteem. People are not afraid to carelessly say terrible things to one another since comments are all anonymous. Some of the things that are said can be extremely personal and offensive which can only have negative effects on the victim. For those who are more responsible, formspring may be a good tool for people to comfortably give constructive criticism to others instead of making obscene, immature comments that only make the person feel awful. In school, gossip and rumors flood the hallways, but this is an inevitable aspect of high school.
Tim, when you said, “to carry on our genetic sequences. these are primal behaviors that we cant really help. we take advantage of someones low self esteem to get wut we want or we play mind games as to confuse or daze someone in order to distract them from the truth.” You know who did that? Hitler. Would you tell a generation of Jews they were genetically expected to suffer their fate because of their genetic code? What about the kids who murdered the students at Columbine? They did the same exact thing you speak of none of the kids knew when they entered the school that day they would be murdered. Would you tell Rachel Scott or Craig their genetic sequences was the reason this happened? Bullying is not new, it’s HATRED pure and simple. It’s about wanting power over something. If you take two puppies from the same litter and the same parents and one you tie and beat down and the other you show compassion and love to what happens? The one that is beaten down does not trust, will bite out of fear, and will not make a good member of a family. If it can not be rehabilitated it will probably have to be killed. Meanwhile the other dog thrives and grows and becomes a good house pet and companion and is able to have a wonderful life. This is not a genetic code, this happens from the environment around them. I don’t know if you are studying DNA, but DNA is a crap shoot all of us have cancers living in our body that if one thing in a million happens the cancer forms. If that one thing doesn’t happen it doesn’t form. Bullying is a cancer that we have control over and it has nothing to do with our DNA. Bullying turns people into Hitler, Klebolds, Harris’, terrorists who kill innocent people by flying planes into buildings, etc. Bullying also takes away an Einstein who perhaps could have given the world something greater than he already was. It’s at the root of all HATE. Hate for the way someone looks, hate for the way someone does something, hate for the way someone does or does not have something. The things I see happening in this school are disgusting and for what purpose? Mind games to daze and confuse to distract from the truth? Do you think the students at Columbine if they knew their fate would have tried to change their school before it was too late? There were warnings all around-everyone refused to listen. It’s not about teams, or workouts it’s about the world you are going to inherit and the one you live in right now.
Im pretty sure that everyone sees bullying everyday whether it is through school or facebook or whatever. most people may not even notice when they are bullying someone else, they might just think that its funny. to somepeople it may be funny but to others it is obviously not. there are so many different ways in which people are bullied every day and it can be extremely hurtful. you never know when somthing that you say to someone wil become more than a joke. it should be somthing that people keep in mind and take a little more seriously.
Nicole Giddings C block
I've been to many different schools during my years in high school. And in everyone that I have been to, bullying was an issue. Some kids think it's funny and find it entertaining to bully other people, but it's not. It's not funny at all and from the viewpoint of someone who has been bullied it isn't easy for the person and it really hurts them too. Rumors are a huge factor when it comes to bullying. When rumors start, it will get back to that person. And after that person finds out that there is a false rumor going around about them how do you think that makes them feel? It makes them feel upset, angry, confused and alone. We should all try and do our very best to be nice to everyone. If you do hear a rumor, don't listen. Don't let other people tell you what's true or not about that person, find out yourself.
Alyssa LaFlamme.
B Block Wellness.
I agree that there is a lot of subtle bullying going around. Most are too oblivious to really notice. However i believe that most is just sarcastic remarks are taken the wrong way. For example, in a lot of my math classes there is one kid who is smarter than the rest and makes sarcastic remarks about how easy the info is. now i dont find it offensive or annoying but others might get their feelings hurt by their remarks.
I think bullying is a definite problem in any community. Being a teenager is tough, and kids tend to take it out on one another. Being mean and teasing even among friends has become commonplace in our society. Everyone is so desensitzed to violence that a fight seems normal, fun even. It's hard to find a normal school age boy or girl who has never bullied or been bullied. In the episode of Without a Trace and in Thirteen reasons why, the consequences of this nonchalant bullying are all too clear. Suicide can almost only be prevented if others will just put aside their fear and awkwardness and reach out to help. Everyone could use someone to sit with at lunch or someone to talk to after school. I personally try to avoid negativaty all together, both in my life and with other people. I think that if everyone takes a positive outlook on life, bullying would be much less of a problem. There would be no more Hannah Bakers.
~C Period
I went to a small school last year and I found that the biggest form of bullying I have ever seen was gossip. People gossipped about everything and it spread like wildfire through such a small school. Since this form is behind peoples back it hurts them even more. They get to hear what everyone else hears a week later and it can really sting. So yeah, gossip is kinda really bad, especially in a smaller school.
Bullying seems like something that happens only on tv, when an underdog is beaten up by a tough kid for his lunch money. Unfortunately, it is so much more than that. I think it's safe to say that everyone has bullied or been bullied. Maybe you were involved in a physical fight. It's more likely that you have made a hurtful comment about someone though, or maybe you were the one being made fun of. You are not better than somebody because they are not pretty or cool enough in your eyes. I'll admit, I've judged people I barely know. But recently I've given some of those people a chance, because we all deserve one, and they ended up being really good people. And we often times don't think about what we say, and are not trying to hurt anyone, but you will never know how much your words will hurt, just as you will never know how far a little kindness can go.
I see a lot of bullying in school. It is not agressive or violent from what i've seen, but a lot of verbal. People start rumors and have to have an opinion on everyone. There are students as well as some faculty that think its okay to be sarcastic, but it can also get hurtful. I do think anyone who feels targeted needs to step up and say they are feeling this way because you need to stand up for yourself in a non agressive way.
-Alicia Perry a period
I think bullying occurs mostly between girls. BUllying can even occur between a group of friends. Girls bully their friends becuase of dumb reasons, like they dont like the boy their friend is dating. They make their friend miserable, and even though other friends in the group have been bullied before, too, they go along with it becuase they dont want to feel left out. They feel like it's better to go along with it, so someone else will be bullied, and they won't. I think it's more hurtful when your own friends do it to you, then when some person you dont even know bullies you.
-emma marcotte A period
I agree with Ali's comment... When I think bullying I think of a big kid purposely being mean to a little kid. I don't see this at NHS but I do notice the just joking or the technology bullying. People are always sarcastic and think that other people aren't hurt by what they say, but sometimes others don't take the sarcasm as a joke. Facebook and texting too is a big part of bullying in our school. Comments are taken to heart and it's more difficult to notice when you can't see the other person.
Elise Stafford, period B
In our school, i see a lot of bullying and many different forms of it. Bullying in our school though is not as bad as it is in most schools though. It has gotten better and i think everyone has done a lot to help. Rachels challenge has opened everyones eyes to the effects of bullying.
Being bullied is something that everyone does, and it doesn't make it right, but since we all know about it, and see it, it seems more.. accepting. But it's not really... I've been bullied since forever ago, about my skin, I have acne, and have been called ugly. I've been told that I smell bad because my mom smokes, and it stays in my clothes no matter how many times I wash it. Some memories of me being bullied gets me furiated, and wishing I could've stook up for myself as I know how to now. I know people mature, but some people don't mature fast enough. Me being me, I grew up with adults, so I act like them sometimes, but then I try to transition to a teen, and it goes to child. I've matured a little more than most people, even with my condition. I got lead paont poisoning when I was 3, and my brain has some damage. But I still can see the right in people, and in situations. Why can't people with a fully functional brain do the same? ~Dannaie Gonsalves~
Being new to norton high this year, i find that the bullying problem is less severe then other schools i have been at. Sure there are the sensless jokes and mocking of other students, but i have never seen it turn to violence or any form of aggression.
Aj Bashaw
Wellness C BLOCK
Being new to norton high this year, i find that the bullying problem is less severe then other schools i have been at. Sure there are the sensless jokes and mocking of other students, but i have never seen it turn to violence or any form of aggression.
Aj Bashaw
Wellness C BLOCK
A lot of bullying at Norton High takes place outside of the classroom, like in the locker room or on the athletic fields. Most of the bullying takes place with upperclassmen picking on the younger kids on their sports teams. Although some people do say its a right of passage to pick on the freshmen, some people take it too far, by throwing stuff at them, shoving them around, and making them do ALL the work that the team needs to get done. Most other bullying takes place in the cafeteria or in the halls, in my view. A lot of it takes place when someone walks by, you will see two other people lean to each other, and hear them laugh and make fun of people passing.
I know bullying is a huge and complex issue. I also know that bullying is not as much of an issue as it is at other schools. Bullying is the exception rather than the rule at nhs. I think this is due largely in part to a lot of the assemblies and programs we've been putting into our school recently. I think it also says a lot about the current student body. Others who have graduated from the past at nhs may have had to deal with a lot more bullying than current students do. Still bullying exists though, and unfortuneately I believe it always will. The point is that many students are making an effort to prevent it. If enough students can take a stand agianst bullying, others will join them. As a senior leaving nhs soon I urge the underclassmen to continue intolerance towards bullying and to reach out to those who may be affected by it.
Dave Fillingim had this to say:
I never see any bullying in school,I hear people talking trash sometimes about other people, but I never see any actual bullying. In all of the years I have lived in norton I haven't seen much bullying. I think norton is just a town that doesn't have a lot of problems when it comes to bullying. The main things I see are people making fun of someone or talking trash about them, which is bullying, but I've never seen anything too serious. I have never been bullied and I have never bullied anyone, and I think that's the way it should be for everyone. I goof around with my friends but they always know I'm kidding because we always end up laughing at ourselves. People in Norton are just too friendly i suppose.
Bullying is an unneeded action that occurs everyday in every town. One of the many reasons people bully is because it gives them a sense of security knowing that they can rule over another person. This is unnecessary. Even in a small town like Norton, bullying occurs everyday, however for the most part this is not physical bullying, it is verbal. Then, when confronted by another teacher or student, the "bullies" reply by saying they were just joking and the victim already knows that. Bullying is an action that we need to stop, because it does no good for both the bully and the victim. Many times, bullies are previous victims of such, and the only way they can alleviate their pain is to bully another person. It is a chain reaction that needs to be stopped.
- Brian Gannon A period
Throughout my years in school, i've seen but also been a part of bullying. I was not the bully, but i was the victim. During my eighth grade year, i was bullied constantly by the same people. They used to come over to my locker where they had another friend and they would say very hurtful and rude things right to my face. They probably thought i would have forgotten by now because it has been a few years, but things like that you just cannot forget.I had to tell the office several times and when my mom called, they finally did something about it. I used to get really bad grades because it was like i couldn't focus on anything else but the words they had said. Since i have been bullied, i know what it feels like and i know that it NEEDS to stop. It's not just the kind of thing you can push aside. It really does affect a lot of people. Something needs to be done.
READ ....observe....understand...
i will admit, i have bullied before as almost all of us have. This does not make any of us bad people. when i see someone being bullied, i try to take some sort of initiative whether it is to tell faculty or to physically help the victim. Being kind can go a lot farther than you think. Someone that is being emotionally hurt can take a little bit of kindness a long way, and they will appreciate it much more than you would think...so be nice, and try to put a stop to bullying!
Zach Schuster
Period C
i will admit, i have bullied before as almost all of us have. This does not make any of us bad people. when i see someone being bullied, i try to take some sort of initiative whether it is to tell faculty or to physically help the victim. Being kind can go a lot farther than you think. Someone that is being emotionally hurt can take a little bit of kindness a long way, and they will appreciate it much more than you would think...so be nice, and try to put a stop to bullying!
Zach Schuster
Period C
I've definitely seen bullying not just in our own school but throughout society. It occurs everywhere. In school, i normally just see the typical bigger, tougher guy picking on the smaller, weaker guy. I do not approve. Another case where i have noticed bullying is simply when kids shout rude comments in the halls or in class. Some are joking or can handle harsh words. But others can really get hit hard and it can affect them in the long run, especially in a social environment like school. A bully has to understand that everybody in society is different. No two people are the same. So, they have to accept those differences and get along. Life is too short to waste time being an angry, rude person. That is how you end up alone in life. Love everybody and be loved.-Brian Feeney
A lot of people oversee bullying as just another teenage occurrence but it's not at all. Bullying is something that really no matter how much everyone tries to stop it, it is one of those never ending things that will never seem to go away, everyone has either been involved with bullying or has witnessed it as a bystander, usually bystanders do one of two things, either pretend they didn't see it and do nothing about it or the few that are willing to do what has to be done and tells either a parent or a administrator/teacher at school that they are comfortable talking to about issues like these. I believe a lot about bullying is sometimes either someone's home life or also just how they deal with different relationships with everyone around them and just little things people do daily that can really effect someone in ways people might not see and most times mean more than most can understand.
- Colleen Burke
C Period Wellness
In my years in school I have been a part of bullying. Not because I was bullying people, though I can be accused of the rude comment or a hurtful word or two to my friends, but because I was the one being bullied. Throughout elementary and middle school I was frequently "picked on" by the same group of people. They would look for me whenever they could, and bullied me throughout my elementary and middle school education. Only recently have I been able to get away from it, in High School of all places, but because of my past I've learned to be the bigger person, because I know what it feels like to be on the other end of a bully's fist, words, and hate. I try and stop bullying whenever I see it, though I cannot claim to being able to stop everything, but I do take pride in knowing that I have helped people along the way that have been in the same boat as me.
Everyday there is a case of bullying at school. There are few "Bully free schools", if there are any true ones at all. Most bullying is in the form of gossip or verbal adbuse, but there are rare cases of physical violence. I've only seen one fight in my three years of highschool, but I've overheard numerous cases of verbal bullying. Threats, name-calling, anything, really. Even if it's a small remark, it can be enough to push people over the edgeI think it would be a lie for anyone to say that they have never bullied another. I try my best not to, and so far I'm doing a pretty good job.
I feel like bullying isn't really around in are school. However, that doesn't mean that people don't get bullied ocassionaly. Bullying can lead to greater hurt down the road and people should think of what they say before they say it. If everyone did this then the school and community would be a great place. That being said I think the School is very friendly and nearly bully-free.
Connor O'Sullivan
B class
Bullying happens everywhere in every environment, and though it's not right, people don't stop. I think that everyone has been talked about, or looked down to at some point while in school, but how we handle it is important too. On a day to day basis, I don't really see too much bullying going on, I try to stay away from the drama, but sometimes you can't. Having a sister who's special needs helps me understand that people can be mean for no reason or explanation. Even the smallest things can make a person feel bad about themselves, and most people don't realize how it can effect the person. Everyone should make it a point to be nice to at least one random person during the day.
-cassie eagerman
Bullying and harassment will likely always be a part of growing up through high school. In middle school, bullying often tends to be obvious and clear as kids cope with there insecurities by putting down there classmates. When high school comes around though, harassment becomes more secretive. Gossip, sarcasm, and glares take the place of physical bullying. With the advent of technologies such as texting and facebook, harassment follows students into the security of their own homes. Bullying in our school is not always obvious but is certainly present and noticeable with a little observation. Some students need to seek alternative ways to cope with their own problems aside from the harassment of others. Others need to be more conscious of their words and actions and realize that these are not always interpreted as intended.
-Jeff Kitchen
I see bullying everywhere school, work, public places such as malls, etc. There is no way to get around it i see upper class men pick on the freshmen all the time, there's a difference between joking around and bullying, the marjority of the time it is bullying, although there is not too much bullying in my school the point is it still happens, and i will say there have been a good amount of fights in our school, but for what? No reason people just fight so that at the end of the day they can say "they win", in relaity fighting is not winning, making someone upset by bullying them is not winning. People just do not get the picture some people grow up and some don't hopefully someday everyone will get the message.
E Block Wellness
Bullying is definately a problem in every school. There's no avoiding it. You can be the quietest or nicest person and people still say things about you. I hear kids say things to their friends about someone in their class and rumors are spread. Most of these rumors aren't true and people believe the lies because they seem more interesting. I think everyone is guilty of some kind of bullying. Its the worst in the elementary schools, thats scary. My little cousin is 13 and she has more drama than i do. I've seen her and her friends be bullied by boys. She tried to tell the principal that she was being bullied by another girl. The other girl was called to the office and she lied and said that my cousin pushed her. Kids lie to make themelves seem like the victims so they dont get in trouble. Thats why alot of kids dont say anything when being bullied. Theyre afraid to get in trouble and people will make fun of them for telling. Its a huge problem these days. I wish there was some way to get rid of it completely. As a kid who was bullied i know how much it hurts. I think everyone has been bullied one time or another.
Melissa Cash
I agree with Eric that there really isn't a lot of physical bullying in our school, that I've noticed at least. But I do see mental and verbal bullying pretty much every single day. I couldn't beleive when I saw people two days after the Rachel's Challenge assembly picking on another student in my entrepreneurship class, and pretty harshly at that. It was when a girl in the class told them to stop picking on him that they said that they were just kidding, but you could see the guilt in their faces even as the words left their lips, they knew what they were doing was wrong. I am pleased to say that they stopped for at least a while after she pointed their actions out to them for what they were: bullying. But as things usually turn out, they went back to their ways again in a couple weeks. Tim is right when he says that you have to look at where people are coming from when they act out like that. I don't think that bullying can be stopped just because of all the hardships in peoples lives that cause them to act out that way, but at least we can make people more aware of what they are doing and know that every now and then those who bully will realize their actions and, bearing that same look of guilt on their faces, stop. They may only stop for a while at first, a couple days or weeks maybe, but eventually they will stop for good. If we do our part in showing compassion, such as that girl did in my class, then we can make people more aware of their actions and begin in them a change. A little kindness really does go a long way, and a lot of kindness is something that is never forgotten. -Scott Allen
There are many different types of bullying that goes on every day in school. Bullying can be seen in many different forms. One bullying can be making fun of someone. The bullier usually tries to defend himself by saying that he was just kidding but sometimes when you are just kidding is can still hurt that person. Also, i have seen people being bullied for something that has happened in the past not people find funny. Bullying will always be present in school and there will always be bullies. The only way to stop the bullying to to help the victim.
Brian Ahern
The most bullying I see is on facebook. Lately people have been getting formsprings where people can leave annonymous comments about you and some of the things people write are so rude and mean. This is making bullying easiter for people because they are able to say whatever they want without getting caught. I feel that the bullying that takes place on the internet is worse than people making jokes at school because when something is posted, a lot more people will see it or hear about it. It also gives people more confidence to be mean or say things that they would not say to someone's actual face.
Like many others who have commented before, I rarely see bullying taking place at NHS. Most of the bullying that I do see doesn't happen while we are at school, but happens mostly outside of school on facebook and at social gatherings. In school the only bullying I really see is the joking around between friends and I don't think that this is a bad thing. What I think is the problem is the people who are not really close friends and yet they still "joke" like they are great friends. If done on a regular basis this can lead to problems with the person being "joked" with. Sometimes it's better to watch what you say or to say nothing.
This lesson on bullying really stood out to me by what we talked about how the girl in western Mass committed suicide because of boys and girls that made her life miserable every single day. This made my eye open to bullying and ever since the assembly we had for Rachel's Challenge I saw bullying in this school go down. People bully because they want to feel better about themselves I believe.It also made me aware of how facebook and many more things can be one of the leading kinds of bullying because people feel protected behind a screen to say whatever they want.
-Craig Woodworth
I feel as tough bullying is not as bad in this school. We are a very tight group of kids, and for the most part respect each other. When I was a freshman, there was a lot more seniority in the school than now. Also, people were more clicky. I have only seen a few incidents involving a couple of underclassmen girls, but they are no where close to being as intense as Pheobe Prince's case. Rachel's Challenge and other assembles have taught us to be respectful of other people's feelings. Also, what to do if you witness bullying. People are more likely to stand up to bullys now becasue of this new education.
Bullying goes on in school all the time. Even when it is not meaning to be hurtful, bullying can still occur. In norton highschool i feel as though we deffinatly have less serious bullying incidents than other stories we have heard of in class. But this still doesn't mean that there is none, because there is a lot. I see cyber bullying all the time on facebook, this is just one of the many applications on computers where bullying occurs. Another place where i see bullying is sports teams, sometimes older players feel like just because they are older they can treat everyone else unfairly. Yes the older players my have more oppertunities but it does not mean that others should feel bad about themselves.
Some bullying that is see everyday is friends teasing eachother but taking it a step too far. I think that people need to recognize when enough is enough. I also see a lot of drama with rumors being spread and that hurts a lot of people as well.
Liz Faxon B Period
reI think that the bullying is something that everyone needs to be more aware of so that we as students can stop it and stand up to it as we see it. I never realized how many different types of bullying there was today. It surprises how many people would go out of their way to harass other people. Being more aware of bullying and the pain it causes people, like Pheobe Prince, I am more likely to go out of my way to stop it when I see it. We've all been bullied and maybe sometimes been the bully but we can help stop it.
Holly Mello
Since I've been a freshman at Norton High school, I've seen & experienced bullying all the time. Sadly many people look at it as a way of life and dont really considar it to be a big deal... until something happens and someone reacts to it in a harmful manner; like the columbine kids. Even after the entire assembly with craig scott speaking about his horrifying experience and memories, i still see and hear of poeple bullying kids in the halls of NHS. It is dissapointing as a senior of this school to see kids completely ignore the things Craig talked about and how severe bullying can be and effect someone. I hope that as the kids in this school do grow up they realize too that somethings can go a long way and change someones entire day; whether theyre small acts of kindness or even small bullying tactics.
torie allen
This year I have seen various types and forms of bullying. Online, at school, physical, and mental. Some people made a facebook group bashing this girl I knew, but not well. In past years I would have ignored this and went on with my day, but after seeing how people are affected by things like things like this, I knew it was right to try and stop it. First I accepted the group invitation... Then i analyzed it, carefully checking to see what the girl had said. Then i messaged her and everyone on the group that I contacted the police and if it was not deleted within ten minutes they would be in major trouble. I didn't contact the, but I knew that would get my point across. They got really scared, but did not delete it and tried justifying themselves. Then I told them they could get arrested because it was considered a hat crime. Then the group was deleted. The girl who was being bullied messaged me, and I know she was not the nicest girl ever, but I didn't want to see someone go through that kind of thing.... So the girl thanked me so much and told me what was going on with that. I ignored it and did not get on anyones side. I just wanted that to be over with. Hopefully that girl, who does go to this school, learned a lesson.... 1. Don't mess with me haha and 2. bullying can lead to serious consequences.
Max Cantin F block
I don't see that much bullying at school. Mostly it's just people joking around. Sometimes the person it's directed towards takes it serious. The majority of bullying I see is on the computer. It could be through facebook, IM, or formspring. People think that they are invincible because they don't have to face the other person. Some of the comments can even be anonymous. These internet comments can be the worst and since they are online, everyone can see them. This is also how rumors spread.
On a daily basis i do not see a ton of bullying. I dont know if thats because im in classes with good kids or bcause i dont notice it. I know it happenes in school but i cant pick out specific times when it happens. Ive bullied people in the past just like mostly every student has and i probably still do without realizing it. But i dont think any bullying occurs in this school were it creates a major problem.
- Chris ruta
During the week i saw different types of bullying, i saw physical and verbal bullying, i also heard it over xbox
I see alot of bullying in school but usually dont think anything of it. Personally, there is nothing anyone can say that will effect me because i figure if people want to try and bring someone down its their own personal issue of having insecurities based on their past, i.e. maybe they were bullied before they became 'cool'. I do not agree with the new law on bullying because its been around since the beginning of time, i see it as a teen challenge that makes you stronger over time. The places other than school i see bullying is on sports teams or pretty much anywhere in public.
-George Gillis
I see bullying all the time, but mostly it's the little things that people don't even realize can hurt. I've had some personal experience with that a long time ago and bullying can really affect a person's self-esteem even when the person doesn't know that what they say can hurt.
I think that there isn't much bullying in our school, like the kind of physical bullying that is generally associated with the word, but I see it a lot online, especially on sites such as facebook.
-Leah Daniels
Bullying is an increasing problem throughout school systems. It is painful to hear that our fellow classmates are staying home everyday just to avoid this conflict. I have never had a personal experience with bullying luckily, but I have friends who have. My little cousin, who is 11 years old, was telling me how mean the other kids at her school are. She said that since she moved there 2 years ago she has not made one friend. She also said that the boys make fun of her weight. She said that even one time she had to get picked up from school because she could not stop crying because of a joke that a classmate played on her. It hurts me to hear that a young sweet girl has not been able to make any friends in 2 years. Hopefully we can stop bullying!
- Michelle Umberger
Dave McDermott b block
Being on both sides of bullying i feel that i know how most people view this. Being picked on always brings those thoughts to your mind that you want to retaliate in some way no matter what it is. once i grew up into a bigger stronger kid than i was when i was bullied it opened the door to those revenge thoughts ind made me turn to the people wo put me through everything and now it was my turn. one day after i got in a tussle with someone over really nothing i looked at myself and said what am i doing? am i any better than the kids before who bullied me? no i wasnt so i correcxted the way i looked at everything and now if i see or hear any bullying i do my best to help anyone involved because you never no what one persons little joke could do to the person who is subjected to the bullying.
Bullying in Norton has changed. Before i came to the High School all the stories that were told to me prepared me for a much worse High School experience than what actually occured. The real bullying problem in the School is not face to face confrentation, it is the rumors and gossip going on behind a persons back. Although Norton does not suffer from much physical bullying, i think we still have a long way to go to completely change the school.
B Alioto C peiod
The bullying I may see are the ones loosely done in the hallways and the even subtler ones on sports teams. I usually notice the bullying on the internet which includes people downright fighting and threatening each other right in front of the whole facebook site. It's funny though, cause even the most blatant thing, can be so easily unnoticed and unresolved when on the web, yet when in person, things are usually kept "hush, hush", but sometimes get resolved. I think bullying on the internet is just something surrounding people don't take seriously, but to the person that is the victim, well they feel alone, and have nowhere safe to run to. I know that I have done bullying in my life, and have been bullied myself, whether it being because of my hair or something else, but I knew that if I did bully someone, I knew when to stop and then apologize. And if I see someone else doing so, I ease them away so they do no more harm to that person. Either way bullying is not something to laugh about and can really hurt someone so much, especially when you do not know their home life.
Eric Forman Period C
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