Craig Scott

Craig Scott
Mike Vitelli and Craig Scott

Friday, September 18, 2009

Wellness Assignment

We learned about the 5 Components of Rachel's Challenge. Which challenge is most personally important to you and what can YOU do to help spread Rachel's challenge based on that particular component? Be specific please...

1. Choose Positive Influences
2. Dream big and Journal about it
3. Practice Acts of Kindness
4. Eliminate prejiduce
5. Start a Chain reaction of compassion


Tim W said...

I think the most important component to me would have to be to practice acts of kindness. I think that if you start being kind to others and doing kind acts frequently then you could start to make a difference. If you continue to be kind this could then start the chain reaction that Rachael wanted. Being kind and helping others, being nice, including others who may be lonely or not have many friends is very important. I think for me personally I would try to make a difference by sitting with someone at lunch who might be sitting alone. Also, even helping someone in the hallway or saying hi to others could be simple acts of kindness that could make a large difference in at least one persons life.

Jackie B said...

I think the most important component to me is kindness. A little goes a long way. By being kind to everyone is something i will do to help spread Rachels Challenge. Being kind is the easiest component to start a chain reaction with.

Jess said...

I think the most important component to me is practicing acts of kindness. You never know how bad of a day someone is having and by simply smiling at them or talking to them could help make their day better. Practing acts of kindess is the easiest component to start a chain reaction with becuase once something nice is done to you, you feel compelled to do something nice for someone else. I can help spread Rachel's Challenge by not letting anyone sit alone at lunch, or just by talking to people who seem alone. A little bit of kindness goes a long way, especially to someone who is going through hard times.
-Jess F

Anonymous said...

i think the most important one to me is to practice acts of kindness. i think if you are kind to other people they will be kind to you and others

nick roe

Nicolettes said...

To practice acts of kindess is the most important factor to me. Being kind to others can actually lead to chain reactions and positive influences. One small act of kindness can brighten someone's day, or affect someone much more than expected to.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important component is to have positive influences. The influences that we've had in our lives have helped to shape us into the people we are today. By having positive influences, we can become positive influences, and help shape other people into better human beings. We can start a chain reaction, just like Racheal dreamed off.
-Matt Layton

Ali H Comic Spirit said...

To me, the most important component is to have positive influences. If you grow up looking up to someone who does drugs and who is an alcoholic, there's a good chance you could do those things too. But what if you start to do them at a young age and you have a little brother or sister that looks up to you? They think you are awesome and that if you can do it, they can too. Now your leading them down the wrong path.
But if you look up to the people that have made something of themselves and followed their dreams, you will want to do that too. And then people will follow your lead on the right path.

-Ali Hannon

Suzanne said...

I think the most important component to me is practicing the acts of kindness. You don’t know what the situation of other is. Why not smile at someone or even just ask them how their day was. If you see someone sitting alone, it’s simple, ask them to sit with you and your friends. This isn’t only an act of kindness, maybe if others see you be kind they will want to do the same and they will show you respect. You may not realize the impact you have on someone else’s life but it’s just a simple act of kindness. This is an easy way to spread Rachel’s Challenge in and out of school.

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important component is practicing acts of kindness. By being nice to one person and making their day just a little bit better, they willfeel compelled to do the same for someone else. And that is what starts a chain reaction of compassion. For me, practicing acts of kindness can be something as small as saying hi to a new kid in the hallway, helping a freshman with their locker, or not letting someone sit alone at lunch. They might seem like little things that don't matter, but you never know how much it can mean to someone else.

becca said...

The most important component to me is practicing random acts of kindness. Being kind to even a few people a day can really have a big impact. Practicing acts of kindness can coinside with starting a chain reaction because once you start being kind, others will follow. As Rachel would say, "no one knows how far a little kindness can go".

Unknown said...

The most important of Rachel's components in my opinion is to practice acts of kindness. Rachel wanted to make an impact. The easiest way to do this is be kind to people. You don't have to like the person but being kind to him or her can actually have an impact on their life whether you know it or not. The person you said hello to in the hall or sat with at lunch could have been planning to commit suicide the next day but that simple act changed their mind. This is what Rachel did and if everyone did it the world would be a completely different place... Danny Rafuse

Kayla said...

I believe that the most important component in Rachel's challenge is "To Practice Acts of Kindness". I have already tried doing this and it is not as hard as I thought it would be. If everybody started to do this then it would incorporate the "Chain reaction" part of the challenge. I think a tun of people (not just students) could make a difference by practicing a simple thing like kindness. I hope everybody will be kind just because of how many people it will help. I have started my kindness. Have you?

Anonymous said...

The component I consider to the be of the highest importance regarding Rachel's Challenge is dreaming big and keeping the most memorable thoughts and ideas contained within a journal or diary of some sort. Being able to set goals and ideas through our dreams and ambitions is a good way to look back on ourselves in a few years and ask ourselves: Have I really accomplished the dream I set when I was younger?
-Nick Hanlon

nortonwellness said...

Nick, great point...well said.


Unknown said...

I think that the most important is to choose positive influences. That way you are always positive and don't look for the negative in things. If you have a positive influnence it will help you be happier in life. I can help do this by looking towards helpful charities and learn from them that they have to be positive to help them find ways to raise money to find cures to uncurible diseases. So maybe instead of ignoring someones request to help because i don't feel like it i'll do it to be moe Positive.

Conor R. said...

I think practicing acts of kindness is most important because it incorporates all the other challenges in it. I think by doing these challenges myself they can rub off on others and hopefully they will do the same.

katie said...

From Rachel's Challenge the most important component in my life would be looking for the best in others by eliminating prejudice. There's good in everyone, and if you can't find it your not looking hard enough. For example, when meeting someone new, you can't go by what you have heard from another person, you have to experience it for yourself, because one person may have a different veiw then you. These oppertunities could make a huge difference in someones life.
-Katie Rogers

jamieh said...

I think the most important as well as the easiest aspect of Rachel's challege is "Starting a Chain Reaction of Compassion." When people do little nice things for me, whether its holding the door for me or helping me out in class, I feel as if I have to pass on the favor. Doing little nice things will make a big difference because it creates a kind atmosphere and makes people feel like they are respected and liked. When people are continually doing nice things, the favor will be passed on and on and on and on...

jleahy said...

I think the most important component to me is practicing acts of kindness. I think that kindness goes a long way and can really make a difference in someone's day, or maybe even their life. Sitting with someone who is by themself at lunch and talking to someone new are just two ways someone could make a difference. Someone who witnesses an act, or is a part it, could greatly influence them to perform one, causing a chain reaction.

Sean Sullivan said...

i think that most important component would be to practice acts of kindness. i think this because once you start being nice you can't help but continue to be nice. and once your nice to one person then that persoon is nice to someone else and the chain just continues.

timlewis said...

I think the most important component is to practice acts of kindness. I think that because if someone is having a bad day and you notice that and you talk to them or even if you just smile or wave at them then that could brighten there day up a lot. Then in return they could do that to someone else and that could start a chain reaction.

shannon_nicole_seward said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
steve said...

i think the most important component to me is the act of kindness. a simple hello or asking someone how there day going can go along way. if you are kind to people, people will be kind to you

-steve tessier

shannon_nicole_seward said...

I would have to say choosing positive influences would be the most important component of wellness to me. This is because you really are your own best advocate and if you can't make positive choices for yourself you're obviously not going to have good wellness. I love myself so I wouldn't surround myself with anyone who was a bad influence on me, I wouldn't want to burden myself with that, and I hope nobody else would. If you keep yourself around positive influences almost nothing bad can happen, whether it has to do with hanging around with optimistic people or just being with people who don't do drugs or drink it will always help. Rachael was a happy person, probably because she surrounded herself with people who are happy too. If I'm hanging around people who are negative all the time, I tend to have a negative outlook on life myself. No one wants that of course. Everyone wants to be happy and have a good, healthy life and I believe surrounding yourself with positive influence is the most essential step to having that kind of life.

Carolyn H. said...

I think the most important component is to choose positive influences. It is important to surround yourself with people who have a positive influence on you, because no matter what we say, peer pressure is prominent in our society. How our peers act ultimately affects how we make our decisions. If you befriend people who drink and use drugs, you will probably be more likely to do those things too. You should surround yourself with people who you admire for their positive qualities.

nick lyons said...

being kind to some one will always make somebodies day. i think i would be able to do this challenge better than ythe others because i always try be as nice as i can. there is never a reason to be mean at someone because of the way they look or the way they think we are all equal and should act that way.
-nick lyons

The Road of Lost Innocence said...

I think the most important component of Racheal's Challenge is to Dream Big. Going through life you always want to set goals so you have something to strive for everyday. The bigger your goal is the more accomplished it will feel when its over, it will stick with you much longer too. The more dreams you make the more you will get out of life and feel that much better about yourself later in life.
-Kajsa Tenglin

steveharris said...

I think the most important thing is to practice acts of kindness. Kindness can influence anyone in many differents ways, little or big. Just by doin one thing for someone in need can change their whole perspective on anyone an eeryne they thought wasn't as good as they though. I will do my best to help spread Rachel's Challenge by trying to help anyone I can, even if it the smallest thing I can do or them. Some of the smallest at of kindness can impact a person so big that their whole life can change, they can become a whole ne person and look at life in a new way.
Steve Harris

Unknown said...

Kristy C.
Class D

I think one of the most important component to me would be to eliminate prejudice. Everyone is created differently and equally, but equally always isn't the case. Just because someone is born a specific way, lives different lifestyles, etc, doesn't mean that they should be harassed by it. Even though our country has evolved and progressed in so many ways, there is still acts of prejudice every single day. If people could just accept people for the way they are, the world would be a lot of a better place. Realistically, not everyone is going to stop being prejudice. But if they just kept their comments to themselves and not say hateful things, the world and its people would still become a better place. When people accept others for who they are, and vice versa, the world would benefit and create a more peaceful life on this planet.

Unknown said...

the most important challenge to me is to "start a chain reaction of compassion." If people start to do nice things for someone without expecting something in return, they should continue the kindness and pass it on to someone else. If our school can start a chain reaction we can make our school a happy and enjoyable environment for everyone.

- Amanda Fogg

Unknown said...

In my opinion, the most important component is the elimination of prejudices. Once prejudices are eliminated, people will start thinking of others in a more positive way and judgments will be gone. Without judgments, many more people will be kinder to others, which will start a chain reaction.

Unknown said...

Like most people said, I think the most important component of Rachel's Challenge is to "practice acts of kindness." I like that we discussed these acts don't have to be random or done just for praise; people should focus on practicing deliberate acts of kindness without any praise at all. If one person tries his or her hardest to follow this one component, then the other components will come naturally, such as eliminating prejudice and starting a chain reaction of compassion. Ever since RC, I have reconsidered many of my thoughts and actions; I have tried to be a better person in general.

P.S. You are no Craig Scott but you still made my eyes watery. Congrats.

Kim Birkett

nortonwellness said...


Craig Scott is my hero...if I was able to spread the message even somewhat effectively then I think he'd be proud. Thanks for your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important somponent of wellness would have to be kindness because when you are kind to others you will get the same reaction back and it will make the world better and a nicer place to live in

Julia Fairbanks

colleen said...

Personally, I think the most important component is Practicing Acts of Kindness. If we all practice acts of kindness then everyone would always be helping eachother out, creating a more positive enviornment. To help practice acts of kindness I can always make sure no one is sitting alone at lunch, or doesnt have a partener for group activites in school. Also i can just be nice to everyone and talk to people I may not commonly talk to in order to not make them feel left out.--Colleen O'Neil

Unknown said...

I think the most important compenent of Rachel's Challenge is to eliminate prejudices. Prejudice, a pre-judgment, causes so many people to act negative and unkind towards someone or something they have already judged. They do not know the particular person, the hardships they have been through, the things they are fighting, the problems in their life; yet, the person has already been judged and labeled. This, in turn, causes hate; hate that has no reason behind it. I think if we can eliminate prejudices in high school and continue to eliminate it everywhere, then an automatic chain reaction of kindness will begin. I would eliminate prejudice simply by not judging anyone that I do not know. If I do not even know a particular person's name, say a freshman for example, then why would I go ahead and make decisions and judgements about this person. I do not even know their name; how would I know who they are. It's that simple; don't judge a person just by looking at them. A chain reaction of kindness is bound to happen.

Kelsey said...

I think the most important component to me is to practice acts of kindness. Sometimes people don't realize how much small acts of kindness actually means to someone else. It's always good to do what you can to make a difference in other people's lives. And who knows, you might even start a chain reaction.

Ashley said...

I believe the most important component to me is practicing acts of kindness. I believe being nice or friendly to one person each day could change help that person. Sometimes people are too shy, scared or just don't care enough to go up to someone and ask them to sit with you at lunch. Just saying hello to someone you pass in the hall way can brighten their day. I believe that I could personally help someone by asking them to sit with me and my friends at lunch if they are sitting alone. I could also help someone in the hallway or show someone how to get a class if they are lost. I believe all the little things that you can do to help someone out go a long way.
-Ashley Domaldo

Miranda D said...

Miranda Donato

The hardest part would probably be to start a chain reaction. Even if it is hard at first for you to do nice things for other people, you can always work on it. You can choose to smile at someone you don’t really like, or you could choose to help other people who need it. You can control your own actions, but controlling other people is the problem. Just because you are set on being nice and helping others doesn’t mean that everybody is too. Even if you do all the acts of kindness and try to influence others, not everyone is going to take a part in that. Some people absolutely hate that, like the person who killed Rachel. Some people might not have the courage and effort to put into that. That is why I think that the hardest thing is to start a chain reaction.

Nigel Allard said...

I think the most important component would to practice acts of kindness. Kindness can go a long way and can change someone's life in a positive way. Being nice to others can easily cause a change reaction that could change the world. You can make a difference in the world if you would just be nice to everyone. Just saying "hi" to people or helping others can start this chain reaction. Practicing acts of kindness can change the world in a positive way.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important component is acts of kindness. There are a lot of kids who get made fun of all the time at school just based on what they wear or how they act. Which leads to anger and hatred, which then leads to people bringing guns into school. I think that's not fair. Showing signs of compassion and showing people that you care makes them feel special and then they won't feel like the whole world is out to get them. If you are nice to one person, then that person will be nice to someone else. Then that leads to a chain reaction where everyone is nice to one another.

Angela DeMarco

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think the most important component would be to practice acts of kindness. Being nice to people and helping them out could make a difference for that person everyday. People say good moods and bad moods are contagious, so if you make someone happy everyday, it will spread throughout. Friendly people are always better than mean people.

Keegan Schleicher

cassie iagatta said...

To me, the most importat challenge is to "start a chain reaction of compassion". It's really easy to just be nice to people and you never know how much it could mean to someone else. By starting a chain reaction of compassion, acts of kindness will automatically be practiced and prejiduces can be eliminated as well. This can be done by helping out the new freshman, giving a advice to a friend in need, or just saying hi to someone in the hallways.

Mpotvin said...

I think that the most important component to me is practicing acts of kindness. By practicing acts of kindness a person can start a chain reaction that can lead to positive influences, help to eliminate prejudice, as well as leading to bigger and better dreams. Just one simple act of kindness can have a big impact on someone's life or even just their day. Showing simple acts can help others follow and maybe even help change the world and how people interact with each other.

-Michelle Potvin

Molli B said...

I think the most important component is kindness. Being kind to everyone will help to spread Rachels Challenge. Even if you show a little kindness to someone, it could mean everything to them. Asking someone to sit with you who is sitting alone could make that person's day. If everyone practices acts of kindness, it can start a chain reacation and go a long way.

Austin Tocci said...

I believe that the most important component of Rachael’s challenge is to practice random acts of kindness. It is very important to do random acts of kindness because when you do nice things for other people they do nice things for people too. So when you do random acts of kindness it will also incorporate start a chain reaction of compassion. When random acts of kindness are preformed it can change people lives.

Austin Tocci said...

I believe that the most important component of Rachael’s challenge is to practice random acts of kindness. It is very important to do random acts of kindness because when you do nice things for other people they do nice things for people too. So when you do random acts of kindness it will also incorporate start a chain reaction of compassion. When random acts of kindness are preformed it can change people lives.

Trendy Bostonian said...

i think the most important componet is kindness. To give off kindness creates a chain of it. Once people see how you act towards other people it starts to rub off on them and more and more people will soon be kind. I hate to see sad people so I will always try to cheer up someones day. No body wants to be lonely and sad, so everyone should just try to create some chain of kindness.

-Kayla Crugnale.

Brad McKeen said...

I believe the most important aspect is to practice acts of kindness. This upholds the slogan "Do a good turn daily" which I abide by. This will allow you to feel good about yourself.

Sarah N said...

The most important component to me would be to practice daily acts of kindness. In some cases it's all people need to stop themselves from ending their lives. In today's world, saying hello can be taken as a creepy gesture depnding on the person, not to many are used to nice people just floating around in pulic. Hopefully someday kindness will be seen in our modern day world =].

drew e. said...

Practicing kind acts is most important to me. Some times its just a little kind act that makes a difference in some one's life. If you stand up for the person getting picked on you can make a huge difference like Rachel did with the "slow" kid. It is very easy for me to do random acts of kindness, because they are random yet they still make an impact. All you need to do is make amends with people that you haven't been getting along with. Or just be there to help out any one who needs help. All of this is very easy, and every one should show acts of kindness.

Colleen S. said...

I think the most important component would be practicing acts of kindness. Even though everyone is different in there own way that doesn't mean they should be treated differently. No matter who you are and what you believe in you could make a difference. Rachel wanted to make a difference and start a chain reaction by being kind to everyone and doing kind acts. By just saying hi to someone thats alone in the hallway or sitting with someone who has nobody in lunch is taking a big step. To let someone that is lonely know that atleast one person cares can go a long way. It doesn't take that much effort to make everyone feel important and involved. Being kind to everyone around you will help spread Rachels Challenge.

Jessica H. said...

The most important and sometimes hardest component to me is practicing acts of kindness. It's especially hard to be nice to people who are rude or anti-social. It seems like some people don't want others to be nice to them when in reality, that's all they need. A little bit of kindness really does go a long way. If everyone practices acts of kindness, we will definitely start a chain reaction. Things as simple as saying hi or helping someone with their books could go a long way.

Andrew Nartowicz said...

i think the most important practice is kindness and when you are nice to others then they are nice to you and it kinda spreads around.Being kind to fell people and peers is important and she be used every day because more can get accomplished when every one gets along.

Tori B said...

I think the most important component in practice acts of kindness. Rachel wanted to make a difference by starting a chain reaction, and acts of kindness would start that chain reaction and go along way. When someone does something nice for you, it makes most people want to do something nice for someone else too, making a difference.
-tori bravetti

Anonymous said...

I think the most important component is to practice acts of kindness. If you do something nice for someone you don't usually talk to, it could make a difference to them. If you are nice to people, they will start being kind back to others, which could start a chain reaction.
-Val Hall

Anonymous said...

I think the most important component of wellness is to practice acts of kindness. Being nice to other people can really make them feel good about themselves. Not only does it make them feel good, it also feels good for yourself when you are kind to others.
-steve finney

Anonymous said...

I think the most important component to me would be to dream big and journal about it. Its important for people to hear what you have to say about things. Dreaming big is important because it gives you the ability to look foward for reaching your goals and also it reminds you to look back and reflect on what you are and who you want to become.
Stefanie W.

Anonymous said...

Choosing positive influences is the most important component to me. If you choose the right people to be friends with, it could help you become a better person to other people and could make you feel good about yourself because they could help you do the right thing.
- Charlie Switzer

Alyssa Graham said...

I think eliminating prejudice is the most important component of the challenge. Its important not to just judge others based on any factors. Getting to know someone is the only way you'll ever know what they are really like. In order to help eliminate prejudice I could speak out for those who are unfairly judged.

Alex Grimes said...

I think that the most important component is to practice acts of kindness everyday. If everyone was genuenlly kind to one another everyday, there would be less problems within our community.

Anonymous said...

I believe that starting a chain reaction if compassion is the most important thing out of these 5 challeneges. Although the other four are very important, they are fairly easy tasks, but starting a chain reaction, now that is a challenge. That is something that someone would have to work at each and every day. Starting a chain reaction is something harder to achieve than anyone's biggest goals and that is why, to me, this is the most important challenge.

-Colin Ahern

k.schuko said...

I think the most important component for me is starting a chain reaction of compassion.This commonent reminds me of the banking commercials where someone helps someone else, and then they in turn help someone who they see needs a hand later on that day and the reaction goes on and on. Just one small act of kindness can go far. This may sound cliche, but everyone can make a difference.

Gina Brosnahan said...

I believe that the nost important thing would be to start a chain reaction. When 9/11n happened, i raised money for the hospitals and families in need. It started a chain reaction...people started contacting me to see what they could do to help..and soon lots of people had their own things going on to raise money so that thgey could help. If compassion is started, itll spread and that's important if someones in need.

Anonymous said...

The most importen out of the 5 would be to practice acts of kindness. This is the most importent to me out of the 5 because it is the most comon and easyes one to do. Acts of kindness can not only make you feel better about yourself but they can also make someonelses day. I can help rachels chaleng by trying to do a good deed every day, wether it be hellping out someone in school, or evem giving a friend a ride.

-Stephen Saich

Anonymous said...

The most important challenge in my opinion is to choose positive influences. I believe, as Craig explained, that it is the first stepping stone for the rest of the challenges. If you do not surround yourself with positive influences or at least a few positive people in your life, difficult and pressuring decisions will be even more difficult. For myself personally I hope to always surround myself with positive influences so that I am never put in a situation that I do not want to be in.

Anonymous said...

^ Jess Wasylow (sorry forgot it was going to be anonymous)

Anonymous said...

I think that the most important componenent of wellness is to choose a good influence. I say this because if you are living your life looking up to an alchoholic and drinking as much as they do, can lead your life in the wrong direction. Making bad decisions can hurt you in the long run.Look up to someone that has gone to college and has lived a well life. You dont have to do all the right things in life succeed but it certainly helps.

Nick Mobilia D class

Anonymous said...

To me the most important component is kindness. If everyone was nice to each other and caring then our school would be a better place. People would get better grades because they wouldnt have to worry about getting picked on in the halls.

-James Stone

Kaiderine Synns said...

To me, the most important is to dream big and journal about it. You never know what will happen, and it's good to get all of your ideas down. Rachel wrote all her dreams and hopes in her journal, creating Rachel's Challenge after her tragic death. Following her example is important because if you have big dreams and don't share them, how are they ever going to be reached?

-Danii C

Oogie292 said...

I always try to practice acts of kindness. I think it is important to try and make the world a better place. Especially by setting an example for others to follow. By doing acts of kindness, you are not only helping others but in the long wrong you help yourself by building up a repuation and even some good friends. -Alex Clegg

LexaM said...

Start a Chain reaction of compassion

The most important component to me is starting a chair reaction of compassion. By showing compassion to others who maybe don't have that in there every day life might make a difference to them to start showing conpassion to others.

Anonymous said...

the most important componet for me would be to practice acts of kindness. a little bit of kindness can go a long way. for me personally i know that sometimes i need someone to give me a nice compliment when things arent going to well, you never know what it means to someone. i want to try to be there for anyone who needs to be heard or needs a pat on the back. it has to start somewhere.

-nicole cuneo

Joey W. said...

The most important component to me is to pick positive influences. The people that we look up to have such a huge affect on our lives and the choices that we make. By having positive influences, we can make better choices and hopefully one day influence younger people that look up to us.
-Joey Wilkes

Anonymous said...

I think the most important is kindness. If u are kind to others, others will be kind to you. Just be nice why be mean.
-Colin Feeney

Anonymous said...

I believe that the most important component of Rachel's Challenge is practice acts of kindness. Without this part of the of the challenge it would't spread as quickly. But with everyone helping eachother it makes a difference.
-Derek Schwartz-

Liz O said...

I think the two most important ones is practice acts of kindness and dream big and journal about it. Being kind is one of the key things in the journey of life. If your kind to people, you will build good karma and it will eventually come back to help you out in the long run. Also, you should just be kind because if you think about it, it takes more effort to be mean than it is to be kind. I also believe that dream big and journal about it is almost just as important because god forbid if anything happens, your family and friends will have something to reflect back on and be able to know what big plans you had in life. Also, you would be able to have a journal to keep so when your an adult, you can show your children what you wanted to happen throughout your life and see how many of those dreams came true.

-liz osullivan said...

I feel that all of the components are very important. The one that sticks out the most to me though is starting a chain reaction of compassion. This one is so vital in changing society because it it the best way to bring everyone together. starting a chain reaction gets a lot of people involved because someone is kind to one person, then in turn they are nice to another person an so on. it is easy to start a chain reaction just as long as people hope and believe to make things better.

Anonymous said...

i think that they are all good ideas, exept, i don't think that you should have to journal about you goals and junk, but toeachhisown i supose. i think that people should defenetly try and not judge people so much though. if you don't know the someone yo uhave no right to not like them. and if they really are n' awsome person then you are just going to missout. the same goes the other way. i think that you should always give people a chance to prove who they really are, cause wouldn't you want them to give you the same chance. and even if people have a difrent point of view on sertian things then you do does not mean that they are wrong. takes all kinds man. and i alway think that people should start a chain reaction of n'ething positive. we can all make a difrence, you just have to try. change what you do and it wil spread, people will see that it is not all that hard and the more people you get to make that same change the bigger difrence you will make. but you can't just talk about making a change and expect others will if you arn't even doing it yourself. it only takesa little bit of efort,and if you follow through you can change the world. :]

- Allison Young

Anonymous said...

I think the most important as well as the easiest thing of Rachel's challege is Starting a Chain Reaction of Compassion. When im walking into school and i see people holding the door for others it makes me feel like i should also seeing other people do nice things makes you want to follow. and that starts the chain reaction of kindness -Brian White

Anonymous said...

I think the most important as well as the easiest thing of Rachel's challege is Starting a Chain Reaction of Compassion. When im walking into school and i see people holding the door for others it makes me feel like i should also seeing other people do nice things makes you want to follow. and that starts the chain reaction of kindness -Brian White

Anonymous said...

the most important componant of wellness is influence bc anyone can be influenced by ppl they look up to. that is why i think itsthe most important

Anonymous said...

The challenge that is most personal to me is choosing positive influences. I am not gunna lie, i have had trouble with this for the most part of my life thats why i choose it. I have picked bad people to follow and know im struggling to pass high school but i fighting more then anything to do so. When be are trying to follow a positive person then life will seem to come much easier and with less hassels, i tell you this because i have recently picked my grandfather for my influence and right now i am coming very close to being able to go to college.Things can go your way,not all the time,when your making right choices like staying away from drugs and alchol and instead of going partying you study.Hardwork and making it through life without having a costent chip on your shoulder is alot better then having to look over your shoulder to stay alive.Trust me.

-Cory Stott

Anonymous said...

I think the most important compontent would have to be practicing random acts of kindness. Practicing random acts of kindness not only can help some one else through a tough time but it can also lead to the chain reaction effect. It can change some one in a way to make them also want to help some one else. When people help one another not only will it make that person feel better but it will also make the person who helped feel better about themselves this can help people feel more welcome and more comfortable through out the day.

Jake Bergeron

Anonymous said...

I believe that starting a chain ling of compassion is the best interest for me, the reason i beileve that is because i dont hate anyone unless they put harm to me or my faimly. but as of right now i have no emiems and i just love life. i believe that every one should be the same way, so that there is no problems in the world. steve rushia

Anonymous said...

I would deffinetly say that starting a chain reaction of kindness would be the most imortant. Random acts of kindness would help make the world a better place one act at a time.

Johnny Willis

Anonymous said...

i feel that the most important component of wellness is practices acts of kindness because this is the easiest one to do on the list and if eveeryone practiced them it would really help out society because there would be less fights. also you are taught as a little kid to treat others how you want to be treated.

christian breau

derek said...

To me, i think the most important component would be practicing acts of kindness. Maybe to you it could just be being nice to someone, but to them it could mean the world. Even just being nice to someone randomly could make their day better. Whether it be including them in an activity, helping someone out in need, or simply saying hey in the hallways. This could start the chain reaction that Rachael always wanted.

Anonymous said...

i think the most important component to have is to practice random acts of kindness. Practicing random acts of kindness is a way one can make a big diffrence in someones life with little effort. Like you said, just saying "hi" in when seeing someone, although you may not know them my impact them more than you actually know.
Chris Kelly

Taylor F said...

I beleve that surrounding yourself with positive influences is the most important component. If you have ever taken a class in psychology, we learn that the environment we are raised in has a direct effect on who we are as adults. A tonic environment with negative influences will ultimately set a person up for trouble in the future. This is because as children, we mimic those whom we look up to such as our parents and teachers.

Personally, I have grown up with plenty of positive influence in my life ranging from my parents to my friends. The only thing i can do now is spread my positive influence to others.

Brendan C said...

I believe in practicing acts of kindness is the easiest but it is the most important compontent to spread awareness of other pepole's stories. For example Rachael's story pertains to the practice of acts of kindness because Rachael completely believed in it and was a great example of it. She was as kind as of a person as they come and it just so happen to be just that that had taken her life by someone else who couldn't take how good of a person she really was. By taking part in practing the act of kindess we can reach out to others make a difference in ther world.

Tori Bravetti said...

I think the most important component in practice acts of kindness. Rachel wanted to make a difference by starting a chain reaction, and acts of kindness would start that chain reaction and go along way. When someone does something nice for you, it makes most people want to do something nice for someone else too, making a difference.
-tori bravetti

Anonymous said...

I think the most important component of Rachel's Challenge is practicing acts of kindness. Something that can take so little time and that can be done so easily can make a difference in someone's life. Also, if people continue to be kind to others, it could be the start of the chain reaction Rachel had wanted.
Andrea Giglio
Wellness E

Anonymous said...

I think that the elimination of prejudice in the world would go a long way in its reformation. Today someone I have disliked for years walked up to me and complemented me. About what she complemented me is unimportant. It is the act itself that must stand out. I realized that I had no reason to dislike this person. Moreover, I realizded that I had based my opinion of her on information supplied to me by my friends. Why hate someone that you dont even know. They may actually like you and you may not even know it. I wish the prejudice that fills our world a speedy demise.

Anonymous said...

The most important component to me is practicing the act of kindness.Its a simple task and should become a basic part of a persons day.Simple things such as smiling,helping someone if they drop something,or making complements can unexpectidly make someone feel better.One will never know how much of an impact that could have on that person.The littlest things can slowly but gradually change how people are being treated so just simply being nice to others will help spread Rachels Challenge.

-melanie costa

Pat said...

I think practicing the art of kindness is the most important. If your a friendly guy people like you for just saying a simple hey. This is a simple practice but i think it has the greatest outcome because it cheers people up and makes them feel alright if there feeling shitty


Peter B. said...

i think the most important aspect would be postive influences. Positive influences is the most important component to me because if are always surrounded by negativity at home and at school you become a negative person and mimick what you see.

Anonymous said...

I think the most important component to me is the acts of kindness. It is very important to show respect and kindness to people, regardless of how you feel about them. Many students in all different high schools believe that if someone shows lack of kindness to them, they should show it back, which is wrong. If people begin choosing kinder acts, I believe we can make a difference.

-Jamie T.
D block

Anonymous said...

The most important part of rachael's challenge to me is practicing acts of kindness. I can fufil my part by being nace to people who i'm not really close to, just to be nice. I feel this is important since i feel it can be the most suscessful since i think this is contagious and the person you are nice to will be nice to others, hopefully.

--Kevin Rogers--

Anonymous said...

Personally, starting a chain reaction of compassion is the most important thing to me. Starting a chain reaction of anything positive would spread Rachel's main goals in life for everyone to be peaceful and happy.

Jenna Nippert

Anonymous said...

I think that kindness and respect are the most important to me. It can go a long way. If you respect others they should then return the respect back to you. You could start a chain from one person of being kind and respecting others.

Justin B said...

I believe that the chain reaction of kindness is most important. The ability to affect not only one person but many in one act of kindness is dumbfounding. Knowing that your actions may make people smile, or make them laugh is such a great feeling. Also, the fact that every one of the people you touch will in turn effect someone else makes such an impact. This is a truly amazing phenomenon.
-Justin Baird

Anonymous said...

I think that all aspects of Rachel's Challenge are important, but the easiest one to fulfill is practice acts of kindness. Anyone can do something nice daily, without major lifestyle restructuring. No one has to change their daily routines to do something simple and thoughtful for someone else a few times a day.
-Bry D C block