Craig Scott

Craig Scott
Mike Vitelli and Craig Scott

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Wellness Assignment #4

What role does our current culture and societal norms play in not only comfort level with our own sexuality but also it's influence regarding sexual harassment?


Priya said...

Our society has made sexual references, comments, gestures, etc so normal that teens are so used to the idea of teasing and being teased in regards to sexual aspects. The media, over time, has played with sexual boundaries pushing them further and further to inappropriate levels. Younger generations of kids including high schoolers today have been indirectly influenced by the media. Minor levels of sexual harrasement are not even considered sexual harrassment by these younger populations because they have become so accustomed to what they see on television and what they hear on the radio. We are comfortable teasing others and comfortable when others tease us.

Anonymous said...

One of the biggest influences society has made regarding sexual harassment is a girls clothing. Most of the shorts have things written on the butt and most of the shirts are cut low, lets face it “Boys will be boys.” Another influence is television. If a girl sees a super model wearing something that is cut low or the shorts say something their going to wear the same type of clothing as her.

-Matt Butler

Kim Birkett said...

Media has had such a large impact on today's society. Whether you believe it or not, media has glamourized low-cut clothing, sex, alcohol, and so on. Public advertisements aren't generally looking out for the public's best interest - they simply want to sell a product, and make the consumer say, "I want that!" The side effects of the media have definitely made today's society more sexual and inappropriate. Years ago, sexual scenes were forbidden to be put into movies or on television shows, but today, it's everywhere! It makes kids and adults feel like sexual jokes or other types of sexual harrassment are "normal." Unfortunately, this also makes people believe that sexual harrassment isn't that common or serious.

Jessica H. said...

Society has effected us so much today that sexual references and jokes become an everyday routine for people. We don't think about what we say in front of anyone anymore. Not only do we joke around with friends, but sometimes even around adults we say things that are innapropriate. To some adults it's fine, but sometimes we even forget about respect and say things that we shouldn't in front of our elders or even younger children. My biggest worry is that one day a joke will be said and i'll laugh at it, or maybe even be the one to say something and someone will get really hurt and offended by it. When someone gets offended it would still be considered sexual harrassment because they feel uncomfortable in the situation. I guess the most important thing for us to do is to watch what we say in front of everyone so that no one gets hurt or offended. Sooner or later society will desensitize us to the point where we won't care about who gets offended by it - which doesn't sound that bad now because it's already happening. It won't change unless we start now so that future generations will realize how important it is to be wise with what we say.

Anonymous said...

People may not realize it, but the media plays a big role in influencing sexual harassment. Many tv shows, movies, and even songs have sexual references, which causes people to think that it's okay to act a certain way even though it's wrong. Kids listen to lyrics in songs they enjoy and watch shows that they like that contain sexual gestures, which makes it seem that it's okay for them to do as well.

A period

Liz O said...

People in today's society are so comfortable with sexual references. Whether it's in music lyrics, movies, innuendos, jokes, or just the media itself, sexual references are everywhere! The little jokes that are played and the sayings that are said should be categorized as sexual harassment but they don't even phase people. When we hear sexual harassment, we usually automatically think rape; but what we don't realize is that sexual harassment is in front of us everyday whether it's in the halls or on a magazine cover.

-Wellness A

Anonymous said...

The society today has allowed a lot of slack to what is considered sexual harassment and what’s not. Most television shows make money off of sexual references or comments that are being said. Most people do not know where to draw the line between friendship and sexual harassment. So many things are being said on television so people think it is ok to say them to other people. Many times when friends say something jokingly it’s okay but sometimes it can be taken way too far. It may not be offensive to their friend they are telling it to but it could be to the person that is walking by in the hallway. It has become normal for people to make sexual references or comments because it is everywhere in the media. We considered minor things that could be considered sexual harassment as teasing, nothing as big as it should be. If we were not so influenced by the media sexual harassment would not be as much of a big deal it is now. Kids would not be getting in trouble for things they say that they consider teasing to their friends but is considered sexual harassment to other people.
-Ashley Domaldo

Anonymous said...

Todays society and culture play a huge role in sexual harassment. People who are raised poorly often go by their parents examples, which include sexual harassment. also, the media in our culture plays a huge role because kids see their favorite tv show making these terrible comments and actions, so they repeat them when they go to school or somewhere else

Anonymous said...

Modern day society is the greatest influence on our "no big deal" sense of sexuality and sexual harassment. Sex is everywhere- in movies, in magazines, even in our daily conversation with friends. Media and society had made sexual referances out to be normal. Fifty years ago, sexual scenes on cable television were taboo; now they're just considered the norm. Sexual harassment is also often made out to be a joke on TV, with the punchline being what should be considered inappropriate. Sexual comments, gestures, and pictures are so common that it is hard for teenagers especially to recognize them as sexual harassment. Students need to be educated about this so that sexual harassent doesn't continue to be "no big deal" in school and out of school.
-Carolyn Hathaway

Anonymous said...

Todays society changes the definition of sexual harrasement dramatically. If you go back and ask someone who lived 50 years ago then their definition would be completely different from yours or someone eles in this day and age. Things are considered allowed to go on now which were considered mostly taboo way back when. All of this is influenced from t.v, radio, magazines, etc. When kids and adults see things pertaining to sexuality on t.v or something else they immediately think "Hey, if he can do it or if she can do it why can't I?"

Danny Rafuse

Anonymous said...

Our society has definatly made sexual harassment more accepted today. Anywhere you go in the media you are constantly hit with sexual references, so naturally we have incorporated them into our everyday lives. It has become a custom for teenagers to joke around about sexuality, mostly because we are so comfortable with it from the over exposure. Just years ago so much more was censored in media than it is now, which has made more and more people comfortable and not take offense to sexual things. But there is still a percentage that does, which is where the problems come in, because something that doesnt mean anything to one person can be the most offensive thing in the world. That is why sexual harassment has a lot of "gray areas" now.

-shannon seward

Anonymous said...
When I saw this the other night my first thougt was of each of you and how hard it must be to live in the world you're being raised in. This girl could have been anyone anywhere. It parallels the blogs you all have been so eloquently writing on. Bad decisions, bystanders not speaking up, sexual harassment. Is this the world you want for yourselves and your children?
Kim Ryan

Anonymous said...

todays society has made it more ok to make sexual jokes and act agressively towards others in a way that makes them uncomfortable. tv an other mesia are the sorce and should be blamed for most of the sexual harassment cases today

Dean Kennedy said...

Sexual references are everywhere in books, music, movies, and TV. You are going to easily find it somewhere, and we are so used to it because this. Most things that I see in school that can be considered sexual harassment definitely falls in the gray area, and it isn't sexual harassment. Most girls wear the type off clothes that screams "touch me, I want the attention." Then when you see it happen, they giggle about it and don't mind it, so it's not sexual harassment, in most cases.

Nicolettes said...

Our generation and culture is so open with sexuality that it has become somewhat inappropriate. The media plays an enormous role in extending the levels of sexual harassment. Everyone is so used to being teased or messed with that it has become a joke. In the highschool sexual inuendos are mentioned constantly but noone takes them serious because we have become so used to it. Other cultures would view the things we say, the way we dress, or how we act as completely disrespectful to their culture. said...

Priya says it all in her comment. It has become apart of everyday life to hear a sexual innuendo or a "your mom" joke in almost every conversation. these "boundaries" are going to keep getting pushed and there doesnt seem to be any stop to it.

Tim W said...

Our society today has made it OK to make sexual jokes and comments on a daily basis. A lot of people make jokes and harass people sexually and most of the people just see it as teasing. Media such as movies and music have brought sex into our culture. Its hard to listen to rap and rock radio stations without hearing sex related things. Sex is often the topic of many songs and people in today's society are perfectly fine listening to it and are comfortable with it. Movies all have sexual jokes and comments in them and parents are watching these movies with their kids. In schools plenty of people sexually harass others but in today's society it isn't even seen as harassment.

Sarah N said...

What we see everyday in movies and on tv would have been considered blastphemy years ago. Minor sexual harassment offenses are taken as jokes insted of something that should be looked into and punished. Sexual offenders are given much more leeway as to what they can get away with and what they go to jail for, and for this reason rape is much more common and sometimes not even punished.

Anonymous said...

Today's society is very comfortable with our sexuality. This can seen as a good thing, but in many ways, it's negative. People have, in many cases, become too comfortable with sexual references, jokes, gesture, etc. The media plays a huge role in this newfound comfort in society. Sexual references are everywhere in the media: song lyrics, commercials, tv shows, movies, music videos, etc. Whether people realize it or not, the music they listen to and the things they watch on tv greatly affect their comfort with sexuality.

C Block

Anonymous said...

The way our society uses sexuality as a marketing tool rather than something that can be viewed as offensive, has a lot to do with the way sexual harassment has become viewed as socially accpetable. Many companies that cant figure out how to sell their product will just throw some girls in bikinis, take pictures and sell it as an advertisement. Seeing things like this every day has desensitised us as a whole, and makes things like comments and innuendos seem insignificant.

Leo Larson

Anonymous said...

I feel that society's growing comfort with sexuality has its ups and downs. I think that it is good that people feel as if they can openly express themselves whether they are gay or strait. On the other hand, the comfort level of sexuality raises the chance of sexual abuse or discomfort. With sexuality being such a casual thing through the media, people then think it is alright to act in ways that may go against other people's values. For example, a boy might watch the real world and see that they engage in sexual activity so causually even though they are not in relationships with eachother. This may make him feel as if he can expect these kind of actions from any girl he meets. This may lead to him sexually abusing a girl although he may not realize it. All in all, the worst part about society's growing comfort with sexuality is that the line is not clearly drawn with what is considered sexual harassment and what isn't.

-Jamie Hall

Anonymous said...

the media plays a big role in todays society. they promote bad things for kid and specially teenagers. they promote things like movies, songs lyrics, stuff in tv and alot more things. i dont think any of it will change because the companies get alot of money for what they do because people buy there products.

steve tessier

Gina B said...

Sexual harassment has become a widely accepted thing. It's now become hard to tell whether its serious or not. Girls, nowadays, think that saying they're "bisexual" is "hot" to guys, which doesn't that make us more vulnerable to harassment in the form of sexual innuendos? Television has also made it acceptable for harassment. Rap videos and rap music, in my opinion, are the worst. All most of them are about is sex money and "hoes" Its revolting. Even danceing has gone to hell. It's all acceptable now, when honestly, none of it should be.

Anonymous said...

Society, as we know it, has evolved throughout the years. Sexual comments, jokes, etc have become the "norm" in a way. Clothing is a major factor. Everyone wants to be wearing the newest style or trend. For girls there are the low cut shirts, short shorts, and the list goes on and on. As for guys, some where their pants almost to there knees. And it is human nature for people to stare. Another factor is media. When you are watching a sitcom, there will be at least one sexual comment in that program. And because of how our culture has evolved, we seem okay with that. But because of how we live, people try to get away with more than they can. And people should state wether or not they feel comfortable when people say something sexual to them.

Kristy C.
Class D

Anonymous said...

i think tha the media glamorizes sex and junk n' it is anoying. thats all i have to say about that.
-Allison Young

oh, and the Tod is still the man. ahahha [from scrubs, by the way]


becca m said...

All I think of is Lil Wayne's song "Every Girl" or pretty much any show on VH1. The media is so full of sexual and explicit themes or situations that it has become common place to make sexual remarks or gestures to one another on a regular basis. This confuses the line between normal behavior and sexual harassment. Someone may be more comfortable in risque situations than someone else. Everyone must watch what they do around some people who may interpret their actions in the wrong way.

Anonymous said...

Back in the day sexuality was a lot less open then it is now in our society. One main cause of this is the media. Shows such as Rock of Love, For the love of Ray J, The Real World, etc. push the boundries of sexual content to a level where sexual harrassment is not even acknowledged. Sexual inuendos are common in high school and are not taken seriously. We have become accustom to them and sexual jokes. Many are taken too far and are just ignored.

- Amanda Fogg

Anonymous said...

Society has made sexually harassment an unimportant matter. People don’t really think much of it anymore and it has become socially acceptable. People seem to think that it’s okay to make sexual comments and such to others. Clothing has also changed. Girls try to show more off I guess. They wear shorter shorts and low cut tops, and apparently it’s okay because everyone else is doing it too, and it’s fashionable. Not to mention that televisions shows like mtv have only made things worse. Also the celebrities that we look up to aren’t exactly ‘good’ influences anymore. That is how society has made sexual harassment unimportant and relatively normal.
Miranda Donato

Anonymous said...

The media and society promotes sexual references as if they are no bid deal. People have grown so comfortable with their sexuality, that people do not even see the inappropriateness some of the comments and innuendos cause. Sexual harassment is a big problem, and the society we live in today makes it seem minor.

~Keegan Schleicher

Anonymous said...

so much kids these days act like some comments, that were not tolerated in the past,are perfectly fine these days. Like when a girl walks by and he winks at her or says nice butt its fine with people nowadays. Adults really dont try to stop it that much because they do the same things and would be considered a hipocrite.Television also dosent help the fact because they have shows on E! like the girl next door thats about a playboy bunnies. We feel better when girls joke sexually with us boys and they some times feel good when we do it makes there confidence go up.

-Cory Stott

Anonymous said...

I think that as the years pass more and more sexual comments,gestures,actions, etc. are acceptable. A few of the biggest reasons why this continues to happen is because of media, music and television. The music these days is all about sex and disrespecting women. People who listen to this music think well if they can talk like that than so can i. This is only one of the many reasons why our society is the was it is.
-James Stone

Anonymous said...

the role that our culture plays in society is it can influence all of us in a big way. the biggest way that it influences us is sexually. shows like the "real world" and "the girls next door" are just 2 examples of the media and the sexual influences that they have on our culture. these thing like tv,radio,and movies make it seem alright to do in real life.

Anonymous said...

I think that in modern time sex is everywhere. Every tv show, movie, or song has atleast one sexual refrence. Because of these refrences people feel more comfortable with sexual remarks and things that used to be considered sexual harassment and this trend will only worsen with time. Because of the way the world is changing children become more aware of sex at a much younger age, which only leads to problems. I think that the norms of today cause society to become very comfortable with sex and people's own sexuality.
Conor Regan

Anonymous said...

the media plays a big role in influencing sexual harassment. Many tv shows movies and even songs have sexual references which causes people to think that it's okay for them to do as well.

- brian white

Molli B said...

Our generation and society is a lot more open with sexuality now that it ever has been. In schools people will make sexual jokes towards each other which over time have become popular sayings. The media plays one of the biggest roles in increasing the levels of sexual harassment. Alot of shows that teens watch on MTV or VH1 such as Real World or any of the dating shows have a wide range of sexual content and people begin to forget that it is considered sexual harassment.

Anonymous said...

People in today's society are so comfortable with sexual references, whether is comments or gestures towards each other. You can find these gestures in music t.v, jokes to your friends, little do people know, these gestures are everywhere. T.v was never allowed to show anything sexual on tv, but today you can watch real world and all you see is skin, and gorgeous girls, these girls are not just people they pick off the streets they purposely find the ones that will make the show "interesting." Also in school you may be sitting or walking through the halls, and guys will make comments about clothing apparel you are wearing.

-Suzanne k

timlewis said...

People think that its ok to make sexual comments or references because they hear it so often from every one around them but its not. It is very hurtful to most people and it should not be done. Movies Music, and tv have brought sexual references into our daily lives but people do not do any thing about it because they do not relaize it is a form of harassment that needs to be stopped.

timlewis said...

People think that its ok to make sexual comments or references because they hear it so often from every one around them but its not. It is very hurtful to most people and it should not be done. Movies Music, and tv have brought sexual references into our daily lives but people do not do any thing about it because they do not relaize it is a form of harassment that needs to be stopped.

Anonymous said...

Society has made minor sexual harrassment acceptable. People make comments about sexuality to each other all the time. it is sexual harrassment, but it has become ok in society.

-steve finney

Anonymous said...

How many of us have access to a television? Im guessing quite a few. But, how many of us can say that we have been provided with a healthy sexual education? Far too few I'd wager. Our society revolves around an unhealthy obsession with sexual repression. However, no level of sexual repression can stop a sex crazed teen from finding out what he/she wants to know. Television provides an endless stream of information on the subject of sex, most of it useless. By denying our youth access to information about sex, we force them to get it from other sources, sources that we may not consider entirely reputable. What could we change if we only tried harder? Many things I should think. If parents informed their children about every aspect of sex, imagine what we could change. Think about it, if parents sat down with their kids and supplied them with very full and complete information on intercourse whould those same children need to gather information from other sources. I dont mean the usual, insert tab a into slot b discussion. I mean an overview on all subjects pretaining to the act. Every position, type, name and sensation. It does not matter how embarressing this may be, it will be worth it. Teens wonder about alot of things and have many questions. Inform and answer them. You as parents can control how your kids think about sex. Teens given a proper and thorough sex ed by their parents are far less likely to consider the violence they see on television the norm in sexual relations.

cassie iagatta said...

i agree with everyone who commented on this blog. Today's media has most definately pushed the boundaries regarding sexual harassment. it has had a negetive impact on our current culture and societal norms. nowadays, what may be considered a humorous joke, or playful teasing, would have been considered an extremely innapropriate thing years ago. T.V shows, song lyrics, books, etc. have brainwashed the nation into thinking such behavior is acceptable, and not actually sexual behavior. if society doesnt change for the better, who knows what may be acceptable years from now.

Anonymous said...

The society that were living in today is very open with sexuality. The media plays a major role in this. Almost every reality show has sexual references in them. This is changing our society because reality shows are what everyone is watching. With more people watching these kinds of things on televion, people are transferring this to their own lives. Things like, PDA, short or low-cut shirts, and the "up and down looks", are now excepted in our society. No one ever thinks that something as simple as, "checking someone out", could be considered sexual harassment.


Anonymous said...

The biggest influence regarding sexual harassment is the media. Today, people have become more comfortable with there sexuality from seeing or hearing sexual comments or gestures on tv and them being ok with it. People have learned to accept it but may not notice when it goes too far. Many people have different comfort levels and something you may consider an inocent joke may be viewed as sexual harassment towards that person.

- molly m. class c

Nigel Allard said...

This kind of harassment has become accpetable in our society today. Misc and television have made this acceptable slowly over time. Back when my grandparents were growing up this would not have been allowed. The harassment we experience today has been made acceptable by our society changing. People are comfortable with this kind of harassment which has made it acceptable.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with Priya. Over time, sexual inuendos, gestures, etc. have become so common in society that there is no line to cross any more. In the past, the sexual comments made by many today would be outrageous and would most likely cause problems; today, the comments made are basically viewed as normal.
-JJ Leahy

Anonymous said...

Throughout the whole world sexual harassment is used by all different ages. A lot of the ideas that we get are off the television, it is also seen in a school setting or even with in your close friends. The worst of the harassment comes usually when students go into middle school. Many comments that you hear may not enter into your head as a sexual comment but you aren't really thinking about it until you get a reacion from the ones around you.
-Kajsa T

Anonymous said...

I believe that tv and movie play a big role in influencing societies norms. The boundaries have been pushed further and further making sexual reference more acceptable. Also the style of womens clothing has alot to do with it because young girls dress inapproriately to attract guys.

John Willis

Anonymous said...

the role that our culture plays in society is it can influence all of us in a big way. the biggest way that it influences us is sexually. shows like the "real world" and "the girls next door" are just 2 examples of the media and the sexual influences that they have on our culture. these thing like tv,radio,and movies make it seem alright to do in real life.

christian breau i forgot my name last time

derek said...

Our culture today play a big role in our comfort level of sexual harassment. The TV and radio make so many gestures of sexual things that to most of us, its just funny and normal. Our culture today really doesn't think twice when a sexual joke is made to someone, it is normal to us.

Kerrin said...

The media has had a major influence on sex in our society today. Television and the radio are laced with sexual references and innuendos making them more common amongst teenagers. However, even younger kids are being influnced by this. Young girls see their role models like Miley Cyrus dressed in provocative clothing and they want to imitate that. Sexual boundaries are continually being pushed.

Kaiderine Synns said...

Society has turned sexual references and inuendos into normalities. Whether it be jokes, comment, or teasing, it had become a daily thing where no one really pays mention to it. A guy sees a girl wearing something deemed as "sexy" he'll comment or make a move. The media has made it so that things once seen to be trashy is now simply 'sexy'. In my personal opinion, some of the things worn by celebrities that are called sexy are trashy, like those outfits that are about one yard of fabric... tops. It's disgusting.

Anonymous said...

In our current culture sexuality has been changed drastically throughout the years. Society and the media have pushed and pushed the boundarys of the fasion styles of society, mainly teens and high schoolers. It seems that as time progresses it becomes more and more acceptable to wear less and less clothing, or more provocative clothing, and i dont see an end in sight.
Chris Kelly

Brandon Rose said...

One of the ways society shows its comfort with sexuality and sexual harrasment is TV. If you watch a show its full of it. For example on The Office Michael makes inappropriate jokes all the time and people arn't bothered by them because they become cultural norms one common one is "thats what she said" whitch is used now all the time.

BradMcK said...

I feel kids' television is the worst offender of supporting sexual harassment. On these shows grls are given nicknames and while seemingly cute often times these names have a slanderous undertone.

Anonymous said...

Over time the society became a lot more open about sexuality. Media promotes sexual references and the society has become more comfortable with it. Since almost every movie has some sexual reference in it, people began thinking that sexual harrassment isn't a big deal since it is seen so often. People may do things that aren't seen as a problem, but years ago it may have been serious sexual harrassment.
-val hall

k.schuko said...

Society has really changed over time. Back in the day you couldn't even show your ankles. Now, you hear sexual comments, references, jokes, and even commercials on a day to day basis. The media uses sexual behavior to catch an audience or to gain a target market. It's true that it's everywhere; people have become desensitized to the topic.

Anonymous said...

Today's society and norms make it so that sexualty is a normal topic. People make sexual jokes and gestures all the time in the high school without even knowing it because they are so used to it. Things that kids do today would have never happened a few years ago.

-Austin Tocci

Brendan C said...

Our lives and our society is greatly reflected upon the celebrities and media we see everyday. It has became normal in life to be able to wear clothing and inappropriate objects to attract attention. The thought of sexual harrassment as slowly faded because the customs of today's world are so different from genereations in the past. It has become alright to take actions that may be inappropriate, but in today's life there are considered acceptable

Anonymous said...

Today's media and society has influeneced our generation to be almost too comfortable with our sexuality. Sexual references and harassment are often times not even noticed because they are so common among our generation. The media plays a large role in teens expressing their sexuality in an inapropriate way.
Andrea Giglio
Wellness E

Tori Bravetti said...

Today, society is really comfortable with our sexuality. This can seen in a good and negative way. Many people today have become comfortable with sexual getures and jokes. The media plays a huge in society. Sexual references are everywhere in the media, mostly on tc shows, for example the real world. People may not realize it, but by the things they watch and listen to, they have become comfortable with sexual harrasment and don;t acknowledge it.

Taylor F said...

People these days have become more and more desensitized from explicit sexual references much like we have been desensitized from brutal violence and slayings protrayed through movies and games. Watching television, reading the news, sexual influence is everywhere in the media. This is because sex sells. Nowadays, it is almost impossible not to have a sex scene or at least sexual induenos in a movie (unless its a Disney movie) because sex grabs people's attention. Because people see the media using sex as a selling feature quite nonchalantly, they begin to use sexual references without restraint and eventually view the idea of harrassing someone else sexually as harmless.

Pat said...

In today s society sexual harassment is one of the culture norms that people overlook. Most of the time people mean it as a joke but they take it to far. Its probably become so overlooked because it is involved in every type of media and presented as something normal to do


Anonymous said...

Our current culture and society play a huge role in sexual aspects. Kids do what they see, either it is from their parents, peers, or television. Whether it is clothing, sexual activity, or sexual jokes it is picked up by someone/something seen around the individual. In homes sexual harrassment should be taught and moralized just as underage drinking, curfews, family values, and drugs are. Also, too many tv shows portray these actions and too often I hear sexual references made from televison shows and movies. Sexual harrassment is not looked at in our society as serious as I think it should be.

-Kayla Marie Crugnale.

Mpotvin said...

Today's society and media have made sexual references more and more normal, that no one seems to notice the affect they have on people. Tv and movies have proven to be one of the biggest sexual influences in our society. Even more younger children are starting to watch tv and movies with crude sexual humor. The content in these movies allow kids to think that it's normal to make sexual jokes or harass someone. Due to these movie boundaries continue to be crossed and soon sexual boundaries might not even exist if this continues, causing sexual harassment to become a very normal thing. Our society has changed dramatically over time when it comes to sexual references and comments, and if we don't do anything to stop it now, it will never end.

Alyssa Graham said...

Our society today has definitely made things much more acceptable. I believe that the biggest influence on sexual harassment is probably the clothing, which has become much more daring it what it shows others. Even very little kids are beginning to wear clothing which resembles clothing teens wear, and the clothing most teens wear is meant to highlight the body. If this trend keeps up I would assume that sexual harassment would start becoming more prominent in younger age groups while continuing as something which society has made 'okay' to do.

Anonymous said...

society has made sexual references and getsures like they are acceptable. It has made it so that teens think it is ok to be doing things that are really not acceptable. The media has pushed the boundries way too far by testing how far they can go without getting in trouble because they know that sex sells. They are going to use any means necessary to make money and if that means putting a unacceptable movie on they will.
Steve Harris

Anonymous said...

The role that our current culture and society plays on the comfort level of sexuality is not good at all. People have become a little to comfortable with it. People make sexual jokes, gestures and refences all the time and dont ever think twice about them and who they could hurt. The phrase "thats gay" doesnt mean that something is homosexual anymore but it means something is stupid. One of the biggest influences of this is the media and everyone goes along with it.

-Jackie Biagi

Peter B. said...

Our society and culture is so full of sexual references that almost everything is overlooked as sexual harrasment, everything shy of rape or molestation.

Anonymous said...

The role that our current culture and society plays on the comfort level of sexuality and sexual harassment is huge. In a way it is a good thing becuase it helps people become more comfortable with being gay or straight and not as scared to be judged about it. However, the media has greatly increased sexual harassment. There are so many shows on tv that promote different sexual things, wether it be a joke or how to dress, and who ever watches it picks up on it. It has caused everyone to be very casual when they hear a sexual reference or joke becuase there's nothing telling us that it's wrong anymore. Due to that, sexual harassment doesnt seem as serious and most people don't even know when they cross the line of sexually harassing someone anymore.

-Jess Flannery

Anonymous said...

now a days sexuality is not a problem for people. it is so normal and people use it all the time. whcih means that parents r mean more "sexual" and kids r watching them and they do the same thing.
nick roe

colleen oneil said...

I agree with Priya, in the sense that as a result of media and Televison teens have become more comfortable with sexual references and gestures. When you think back to how TV used to be, nothing sexual whether it was a reference or actual displays of affection. Today it is perfectly normal for sexual references to be made on Tv which makes teens feel as if it is ok in everyday life. --colleen Oneil

Jon Bisanti said...

All forms of entertainment today delve explicitly into sex and make us very comfortable with our sexualities, especially in what is considered embarassing or strange. This understanding of what is embarassing allows us to understand what makes people uncomfortable. Thus, the good understanding which is driven from entertainment influences sexual harassment.

Anonymous said...

In todays society, sexual harassment sometimes is not seen as sexual harassment. People act like the people on "reality TV" and they think it's okay. MTV shows people being sexually harassed everyday on almost every show. This is why people accept sexual harassment sometimes. I see girls being sexually harassed everyday, and some of them are fine with it and they like the attention. That is extremely annoying. Teens have gotten used to sexual harassment because it happens so often, and it is awful.
-Colin Ahern

Anonymous said...

everything around us is aimed at the kind of stuff. it is imposibble to avoid, becoming a part of life. people today are don't realize that what they are dooing, though it seems small and unimportant, is actually sexual harasement.

--Kevin Rogers--

Anonymous said...

With sexual harassment part of most of what's on television and in music videos some people think that it is no big deal. Some think that those who are harassed should just suck it up and move on. Well that's ok if it is only once and the person or people stop, but what if it is everyday? How do you just suck it up then? I know in school that there is regular harassment going on but there is still sexual harassment as well and even a little is to much. I think society really needs to learn what sexual harassment is and how it effects those who get harassed.

Kayla Murphy
Block: D

Anonymous said...

Our society has developed an acceptance to ones sexualaty. People often discrimiate people by their sexuality but weather you are gay or straight is widely accepted throughout our community. Although ones sexuality is often a target of sexual harrasment. Society now days depicts sex as more oppenly known and can be described by some as innaproprate. Commercials infulence people to wear more sexual cloths witch i dont have a problem with but people dress in more "sexual" cloths because of advertisement and pop culture. Sexual harrasment comes up when people see this sexual clothing or people showing more skin and they think they want to try their chances and make innaproprate comments or jokes or make sexual advances twards them. I see alot of gay jokes and sexual jokes witch is a common occurence in everyday life. It makes me sick and those people should be segrated as their own little sexuality. These people are called sex offenders and they are known through out the community.

-Ben Lenhart

Anonymous said...

In our current culture, movies, tv shows, music, and many other things affect our level of sexuality. The more comfortable we are with sexuality changes our view on what we consider sexual harrasment, and what is acceptable.

-Matt Layton

Anonymous said...

Shows on television these days show half naked girls with guys all over them. They are all having a good time drinking alcohol and the guys of course are being pigs. As teens watch this they think this is the norm and that its okay to act like this. Teens think it is okay to creep on girls and they push their limits. Boys will push their limits to what the say and do and at some point it could progress to rape. In some cases, it is the girl who is creeping. But regaurdless, teens look up to these people on t.v and want to follow in the foot steps.

Jenna Nippert

Alexa said...

I think the media and influences around us play a big part in our society and how girls and boys dress and act. A lot of popular comedians make sexual jokes about girls, influencing boy's who think it's funny to copy and tell all there friends the joke. Just like a lot of other things, the actions of others, or the television acts like a chain reaction to the public. If one person says or does something innapropreite it will most likely go around to everyone. Our society is so used to this type of thing now it's hard to tell what is right from wrong.

Anonymous said...

Modern socieys has played a huge role in influencing sexual harrasment. Techniclly, I witness sexual harrasment every single day. More and more thing are becoming appropiate to the public. Commercials, rap videos and movies all depict graphic sensual scenes and nudity. Compared to the U.S. media 60 years ago, todays public images would be horrible disturbing and simply inappropiate. The law states that sexul harrasment is illegal and can be punishable with jail time, but the media portreys this act as and acceptable part of life in which all may freely paticipate in. these conflicting ideas are a confusing topic.

-Chris Bukowski
Wellness Block A

Justin B said...

The modern media often effects the minds of citizens. I agree that the media has many bad influences that leave lasting impressions on our female society. However, I also believe this is blown out of proportion. Sexuality has been around for thousands of years, and it will always be here. Sexuality is unavoidable and awkward, but its a part of life. Nothing we do will change our generation. Having said that, the amount of sexuality in our lives is not constant but growing. Our generation is more sexual than the last, and our childrens' generation will be even more sexual. So, this is a subject i am very torn on. My opinion? Somewhere in the middle between a unavoidable evil and an unacceptable oddity.
-Justin Baird

Anonymous said...

I think that today the limits of what is acceptable are far lower than they were years ago. I think that kids are way ahead of where there parents were, as far as relationships with the opposite sex, at the same age. I think that the tv shows and especially music make some things that should not be taken so lightly seem like it doesn't matter, and that there are no consequences. Also, they make mature topics accessible to younger and younger audiences. I don't think that the celebrities, the ones kids aspire to be like, are putting out the best image, either. The girls are showing off the wrong assets and the guys (I'm talking in general now, because it can go the other way, too) put too much emphasis on that.
-Bry D C block