Craig Scott

Craig Scott
Mike Vitelli and Craig Scott

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Wellness Assignment #2

IMPACT of Your Choice

There was a lot of raw emotion from victims and victims families in the video that we saw. What particular emotion, statement or feature of the video really stood out to you and why? What impact might it have on your life, OR have you already been impacted by a similar scenario? Elaborate on personal situations only if you feel comfortable doing so...


Brad McKeen said...

I feel that the comment that the people who die have it easy was very powerful because it is true. They escape what torments the others their entire lives.

Anonymous said...

The emotion of anger coming from the boy's sister really stood out to me. It showed how mistakes people make can cause others to be angry at them forever. The boy who killed the girl's brother will never be forgiven. Just knowing that a consequence of an action will cause the loss of a person's life, as well as knowing people resent you for life, is enough to make me make good choices.

cassie iagatta said...

One particular emotion that stood out to me was the regret from the guy in the jail. The movie kept showing him saying that it was the "worst night of his life". It's scary to think that one mistake could leave you in jail for 22 years. That would make me think twice about ever making the same mistake he did.

sdb asd said...

Class D
Losing a loved one is tragic, but also angering when the death could have been prevented. The people who lost their lives in alcohol related deaths were severely missed by their loved ones. But their family's had anger towards their careless, reckless decisions. That was one of the emotions that really stuck out to me. I think one of the main reasons why teenagers drink is to fit in. Would you rather want to be cool or live? One bad decision can lead to someone being seriously injured and even death. Just remember to make good decisions so nothing like this can ever happen to your own family.

Colleen S. said...

The two things in the video that stood out to me were the boys family members and the guy that was put in jail for 22 years. The emotions that were shown from Charlie's family were mostly sadness and anger. I feel that the youngest sister was the most upset and angry. The two things that she said were "You won't be there to see me graduate, and you won't be at my wedding." It's almost like she is mad at him for doing what he did and even though he is gone that girl and her family have to live with that forever. Also the guy that was put in jail has to live with the fact that he killed 3 people that were close to him. I think that makes everyone think twice about drinking and driving, because nobody's perfect and things like that happen to normal people everyday.

Kayla said...

The one particular thing that effected me was when the two little sisters of one of the dead boys had said "and this is how we remember him." and was talking about a grave stone. It effected me more than anything else because I could picture my little sister saying that about me and that even made me cry. Everything else was touching and all but that one hit home.

Unknown said...

When the film showed a boy who is forever paralyzed as a result of drunk driving, it really affected me. The interviews with family members and shots of gravestones were all sad - but this was more; this took us into the life of one victim who will never know how to clothe, eat, or bathe himself ever again. The words he said were even more powerful... he discussed how he had always taken advantage of his ability to walk, and how he forgets what it is like to even walk out of his front door. I believe he also said he asked the doctors to pull the plug while he was in the hospital, which is crazy to think that one simple choice could result in a young man ASKING for his life to be taken away. That one quote goes hand-in-hand with the other quote that says people who die have it easy.

Kim Birkett

Ali H Comic Spirit said...

The first story really stood out to me, only because my family has a similar set up. I have an older brother who plays college football. And although my other older brother does not play football, he still looks up to Pat.
I would be the sister that sort of sits back and watches her brothers. I, like the sister in the movie, look up to both of my brothers. During that segment of the movie, I was thinking about how similar my family and that family's set up is, and how i would feel if i was put into that situation.
-Ali Hannon

Nicolettes said...

The emotion of guilt and having to deal with being the reason your friends died stood out the most to me. When the drunk driver is the only person who survives in the accident and everyone else in the car dies, it must be horrible to live with that. It is all the driver's fault, and his punishment is to live knowing he is the reason his friends are no longer al ive. The ones who died are free have nothing to deal with at all.

becca said...

The emotion of anger from the boy's mother and sister stood out to me the most. They were mad at him for leaving them, the boy who killed him, and the whole situation tearing apart their family. The death of their family member will never be forgiven or forgotten.

Anonymous said...

The emotion that stood out to me the most was the anger that Charlie's sister showed. She was obvisouly sad about the death of her brother but I think her anger greatly overshadowed her grief in the video. One statement that she made that I thought really showed her anger was when she said "You won't be there to see me graduate, and you won't be there at my wedding". This stood out to me becasue it was obvious that she held Charlie completely responsible for his death and that she has not forgiven him.

Andrew Nartowicz said...

When the brother in the video said that the people that die have the easy way out that was strongest thing said in the video.That made me think that when i do something stupid i am not only risking my own life but could basically ruin the people that love me life's.I will think because i don't want to hurt the people i love and have them have to delt with the mistake i made.

Trendy Bostonian said...

Something from the movie that stood out to me was seeing the girls father crying and saying how he wasn't flying home tosee her graduate, or for her birthday but to bury her. It made me never want to see my Dad crying and my parents having to bury me before they get to see me do great things with me life, so the effects of her fathers emotions make me know that i never want to hurt my parents.I will always think twice in situations that i know are not so good.

Tori B. said...

The anger and dissapointment from the boys sister really stood out to me. It really showed how one persons mistake can affect so many other people. It was really sad when she said "you wont be there to see me graduate and you wont be at my wedding." When she said this it made me want to make good choices.
-tori bravetti

Anonymous said...

the emotions shown in the movie make me feel sad that people are suffering . i personally will NEVER drink and drive because i never want my family to feel the hurt that was shown in the movie.

Anonymous said...

the last one was Jason winsor

Anonymous said...

When watching the movie, I felt very strongly about this kind of situation. I dont think people should drink and drive, its one of the dumbest things that people could ever do. Its putting your life and someone else's life in danger. I personally know how it feels to loose someone to that, its not a good feeling. Waking up and thinking it is a nightmare and relizing you are in it and its real. Its not a good feeling from personal expierience. Whenever its on the news people should have learned by now it is not a good idea to drink and drive but they continue to do it.
Stefanie W.

Alex Grimes said...

From watching this video something that stood out for me was that the person who died is the one that gets away easy, the people left behind are the ones that suffer. When someone dies close to you, your the one that has to go on without them. It made me think about how much pain drinking and driving could cause my family and friends. Thats enough to make me make better choices.

Dean Kennedy said...

I agree that the the people who die have it easy. They don't have to live with the horrible guilt and/or consequences of ending another life just because of their own stupid decision or with any injuries. I will personally never drink and drive. It's just stupid. If you know you want to or are going to consume alcohol, get a DD, stay the night if it's at someone's house, or start drinking early so you are sober when it's time to leave.

Tim W said...

What stood out to me during this film was the anger expressed by one of the kids. He was very angry at himself for what he did and felt a lot of regret. He has to live with the fact that he killed someone in his car after drinking for the next 22 years of his life while he sits in jail. This specifically stood out to me because I would hate myself if I killed one of my friends from drinking and driving. I think that the kid has learned from this situation and when he gets out of jail, he will start to make better decisions.

Anonymous said...

The emotion that stood out to me most was the anger coming out from the sister of that boy who died drinking and driving. This is because I've felt that emotion too, and when someone dies a lot of people don't feel you should be angry, you should be sad. When I was fifteen one of my brother's friends died from alcohol poisoning. I was so close to him, and when he died that was the most angry I've ever been in my entire life. He threw away everything..graduating with my brother, going to college, watching me graduate, teaching his younger siblings everything. He threw away all that just because he felt like having a night of partying. Everyone was effected by his death, his parents devorced, my brother wasn't the same, even my parents were constantly upset. He ruined all of our lives just because he felt like being a rebel and drinking. It was so selfish of him. But there is one thing he has taught me, to always make good choices.

-Shannon Seward

Anonymous said...

The emotion that stood out to me alot was the fact that the families were even upset to the point where they were mad at the drunk driver. They were upset because they were the ones left to deal with the pain of their decisions. They also felt that the people that die get the easy way out of it. I personaly have never had a scenario that relates to this, but i am aware that people drive drunk and it needs to end. Even if you only have 1 or 2 beers, its unneccesary, find a cab, stay over someone's house, or have a designated driver. It's rediculous.

-Colin Ahern

k.schuko said...

I think that the emotion that really stood out to me was regret, especially by the young boy who went to prison for his night of drunk driving, and the kid who ended up in a wheel chair and must live with being paralyzed for the rest of his life.This emotion really stood out to me because it's linked to all the others. I have never been impacted by an incident like the ones in the video or like the ones we talked about in class. However, im sure an event like this could wrip my life and family apart.

Anonymous said...

The video with the guy in jail really struck me as tragic. The fact that he has to probably spend the rest of his life in jail will really impact the choices that i will make. One wrong decicion can destroy everything you have worked for. This guy also has to live with the fact that he killed his friend because of one dumb choice.
-James Stone

Anonymous said...

The story that stood out to me the most was that of the guy who was paralyzed from his drunk driving accident. Even though he didn't die, he has to live every day with the consequences of his actions. He'll never be able to anything for himself anymore. This relates to the quote of the brother of one of the kid who died saying that the ones who die have the easy way out, and those who are left behind have to deal with the loss. This made the biggest impact on me because it shows how one careless mistake can affect the rest of your life and even take away simple things such as the ability to walk.
-Carolyn Hathaway

Anonymous said...

I think that the statement that most affected me was where the boys mom said that he woke up thinking that he was going to come home that night and sleep in his bed but he never got to sleep in his bead again because he never got to come home. This makes you realize that just one bad decison could result in your whole life changing or even ending

Julia Fairbanks

Anonymous said...

there were two things in the video that stood out to me. one of them was the reactions from the family of one of the boys that lost his life. one brother said something about the one dying having the easy way out because he doenst have to deal with any of the emotional pain. in my opinion that's true. they won't be there to see the impact that they have made when they left and how his family and loved ones have to deal with it. i know i would be a wreck if i ever lost one of my siblings. another part of the video that stood out to me was the man who was paralyzed. i cant imagine what life would be like not being able to walk or do a lot of normal everyday activities myself.

-meg k.

Anonymous said...

A particular emotion that stood out to me was the fact that the families of the loved ones who have died were not just sad, but more angry towards them. This really shows how they felt about there reckless decisions. Also, in some families, it tore them appart. After the death of their loved one, the mother and father had split up after just 5 months into the incident. Some that survived a car crash due to drinking and driving say that the one who had deid has it easier on them because they dont have to live with the regret or injuries resuting from the accident.

- molly m. class C

Anonymous said...

The emotion of regret from the boy who was sent to jail for drunk driving and killing his friends was the strongest to me. It makes me realize that every desicion i make is important and could greatly impact my life so i need to make sure i think before i act. --collen oneil

Anonymous said...

after seeing the video i wasnt too surprised by the mixed emotions that the people had.i knew most of the victims, that died, parents were sad but they were also mad at their family member. which i wasnt surpirsed about either.

nick roe

Austin said...

The statement that really stood out to me was what the victim's brother said. He said that the people who die get it easy because they don't have to suffer through the pain every day. This stood out to me because I never thought of death like like before. I never realized the impact of what someone dying really had on the people around them until I saw the emotions from the family's of the victims.

Anonymous said...

The film affected me in every way; I lost an aunt because a drunk driver decided it was okay for him to drive. Well of course he is the one alive today and my aunt has not been with us for 6 years. The film showed a boy that is now paralyzed for the rest of his life because he wanted to have fun for one night. Now he looks back and sees how he always took advantage of his ability to walk and do things any other human being can do. Now looking where he is he would take that all back. Also the interviews done with family members and listening to the sister of the boy who died. She was devastated as she says “you won’t be there for my wedding” as she looks at the gravestone wishing she could get her brother back. I myself could not picture my little sister saying that about me; hopefully this will never happen in my life.

suzanne k
wellness b

Anonymous said...

the one person that stood out to me was the boy in jail. his emotions were full of regret and embaressment. I'm glad he realized that he did a terrible thing and he understands the consequesnces. He was put in jail for 22 years for one mistake. This could happen to anyone. Think before you act.

-Amanda Fogg

Anonymous said...

The anger that one boys sister had stood out to me the most. This is because it made me think of my bruther and his near deth situation. It made me think what it would be like if he had died that night.

-Stephen Saich

Anonymous said...

The comments the kid made whose brother died in the drunk driving accident really stood out to me because instead of feeling sorry or sad for his dead brother, he felt anger towards him because he put his family in a terrible place. He said that the people who die in these accidents have it easy, which I believe is true because they don't have to go through the sadness that the rest of the family have to go through. I would feel anger towards a person in my family as well if they killed themselves in a drunk driving accident.
-Charlie Switzer

Jessica H. said...

When we watched this video i remember thinking what i would feel if it was my brother or sister who had gotten killed. I would probably feel the same way & hate the person who did it. I'd want the worst for them, even though that's the wrong thing to think or feel. another thing that really stood out to me was that the guy in jail knew that he was wrong, and realized it after he had done what he did. He didn't think about it beforehand, but after the fact that he had gotten in trouble for it. I think it's important for us to think about things before we do them so we don't end up in situations like he did, because we too will regret it.

Anonymous said...

One comment that really struck me in this video was something one of the mothers said. She was talking about how in the morning her son was showering and brushing his teeth. Twenty-four hours later she realized he would never do any of those things ever again no matter how hard she wished or tried.

- Danny Rafuse

nortonwellness said...

Suzanne, I am sorry to hear about the loss of your aunt. I'm sure her untimely death makes your choice very easy when it comes to drinking and driving. She'd be proud of you.

Mpotvin said...

One emotion that stood out to me was when one boy said "people who die get the easy way out." It's hard to think that the only way to completely get over a traumatic accident is to die from it. He showed anger as well as disappointment and that made me think. I am an only child and the thought of my parents losing there only child is heartbreaking. I would never want to leave my parents with that feeling of disappointment. The movie really made me think of my certain choices in life whether they are life changing or not.

Jess said...

There were two people who stood out to me the most. The guy in jail really stood out to me becuase it showed how much he really regretted making one decision, which caused him to spend 22 years in jail. It's scary to think that once choice may seem harmless at the time, but can be life taking later on. Also, the drunk-driver who killed everyone else in the car really stood out to me. He has to live with the fact of knowing he killed his girlfriend, sister, and her friend for the rest of his life. He will be blamed for for it all and the guilt will probably be tremendous. It's sad to watch the mistakes these people made knowing they regret it now, and wish they could change it. Also, hearing one of them say the people who die have it easier, and hearing the guy that got paralyzed asking for his life to be taken was really powerful. What makes it much more touching is that this happens very often around us, and the mistakes just keep being repeated.
-Jess Flannery

Anonymous said...

One of the raw emotions that was clear to me was the man in jail and the regret and guilt he had. He made one bad mistake and now is suffering the consequences in jail. He clearly understands he made an awful mistake and he deeply saddened for what had happen. I felt bad for him in a way even though he brought it upon himself.

-Keegan Schleicher

Jon Bisanti said...

During the film, the mother noted that the death of her son not only slowly tore apart her marriage, but that it also ruined her family. The death of her son gave her no reason to love anymore. This stood out as one of the most melancholy emotions in the film.

Jonathan Bisanti.

Unknown said...

The boy who was paralyzed due to drunk driving really hit me. His life has been completely ruined. He will not be able to do regular everyday things that make life what it is. One mistake has changed his life forever, and this sent out a powerful message. They mentioned in the film that you may drink multiple times and nothing will happen, but then that one time, something will happen that you can never take back. It will be a stupid and silly mistake. The movie really described the consequences of underage drinking well.

Laura Demers said...

I think that bullying is not acceptable because it's not nice when you get bullied. People don't handle it well when they bullied. I think people should do something about it so we can prevent it from happening.

Laura Demers said...

When I said People don't handle it well when they bullied. I meant to say people don't handle it well when they get bullied. Sorry for the mistake.

Anonymous said...

when they showed the man who was paralyzed it made me really sad because he has to live with regret and the people around him have to suffer to because of the mistake he made.

steve t

Anonymous said...

The comment that said "the people who died had it easy" i agree to.The man who is now paralyzed and now in a wheel chair has it very tough. He has no privacy, no freedom,no social life all because of the wrong decisions he made.He got one of the worst punishments of all.Not being able to move from the waist down.His life is no longer fun it is boring and lived in a hospital bed.

Nick Mobilia D class

Nigel Allard said...

The comment about the people who die have the easy way out stood out to me the most. This stood out the most because it is very true. The people who die leave behind the problems for everyone else. They also leave behind the emotional problems that people have to deal with. It shows me that if I truly care about the ones I love that I shouldn't make these grave mistakes.

Anonymous said...

The emotion that stood out to me the most from the video we watched was the anger from the family members of those who made the bad decisions. It made me think how wrong decisions really affect everyone and not just yourself. Knowing that my decisions could hurt the people I love makes me want to be more careful about everything I decide to do.

Class A

Anonymous said...

The emotion I witnessed was being exuded from the two boys. With every word they exhaled, I could feel their rage and frustration at thier lives and their desperate need to change it. Though I'm not surprised at what they did, I believe they are deserving of the same fate. They did what they did becasue they were too weak. Too weak to handle the pressure and trials of daily teenage life, and as a result, they made the wrong decision and broke down enough to commit multiple murders. My sympathy goes out to the families of the victims, who just happened to have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The Columbine Killings have done little to nothing to alter my outlook on life, though it always catches me off guard how weak and pathetic human beings can sometimes be.
-N. Hanlon

Anonymous said...

Regret was an emotion that stood out to me. The man that got put into jail has to live with the fact that he killed his passengers and it was his fault. That one mistake changed his life forever and he has to live with that everyday. Also, the family members of the people who got killed were all so sad and I would never want to put my family or friends through that situation, showing that people need to think twice before making decisions about the people that will be affected by it.
-Val Hall

timlewis said...

One thing that stood out to me in the movie was how the kid was very angry at himself for killing one of his friends. Now he is in jail and he has to live with the fact that he killed someone for the rest of his live. Hopefully he has learned his lesson and will make smarter decisions.

Anonymous said...

The emotion that stood out to most was sadness. The family who lost their son because he was drinking and driving, now he's gone forever. In a way they were mad at him for his bad decision he made, and they wanted to show others the impact of drinking and driving. It shows how much of an impact it has on the family, it will never be the same for them. They'll always miss his presence. One bad decision can change someone’s life drastically.
-Ashley Domaldo
Class A

Anonymous said...

I think that the emotions that stood out to me the most was the ones of the survivors of the crashes. They said that they were the ones who got the worst because they live with the guilt everyday. The emotions they feel I can not even imagine. Going through something like that would scar me for life.
Conor Regan

Anonymous said...

Miranda Donato

The statement I thought had the biggest impact was made by the boy who ended up in jail. He said “It’s almost like the person who dies gets the easy way out.” I think that statement was very important and meaningful, especially because it can be used in most of the situations they showed in the video. In the Charles’ story, it was his sister who also had that similar quote. The death of her brother was so unbearably hard, that not only did they have to cope with his loss, but also deal with their father leaving the family. The family had to pay the price for Charlie’s mistake while he “got the easy way out.”The boy in jail has to live in jail, before getting on with the rest of his life. Not to mention that he has to live with the fact that he killed one of his best friends for the rest of his life. The friend had it easier, if you ask me. The man in the wheel chair is sort of a different story though. Nobody died in his car that night. But he is probably better off dead, than being paralyzed forever. He has to live with the memory of his worst mistake hanging over his head every single day. That poor guy has no dignity left to lose, and he isn’t really living much of a life. So in a way, his story still relates back to the first quote, because if he was dead he wouldn’t have to face the consequences every day. He’d just be dead. That is why I think that that statement has the biggest impact from the movie.

cellardoor217 said...

well, honestly, i am not a fan of scair tactics... n' i know a good amont of people who have been n' drunk driving accidents, but none of them got, seriously hurt... n' i wish people wouldn't n' e more.

(bad logic; 'the reason that people crash when they are drunk is because they drive slow, so they are on the road longer, so i'll just drive really fast' [he ended up hitting a telephone pole]) :/

- Allison.

Anonymous said...

I believe that the comment that stood out the most to me was when the kid said that the people who die have it easy and the people who live have it hard. I believe that is true because when you die there are no more feelings or emotions anymore, but when you have to live with your mistake and your choice everyday, knowing what you did I believe is worth than death. The kid who was in jail and kept saying that was the worst night of his life is completly true, he has to sit in jail for a long time knowing what he did, living with all that grief built up inside him, I know I would rather die than have to live with all the inside me.
Steve Harris

Anonymous said...

The anger really stood out to me during the video. The mistakes that people made created a lot of the anger. Forgiveness can be hard when a person is angry.

-Matt Layton

Anonymous said...

I was just reading Allison's comment and it moved me to share something that happened in my own life. My husband was almost killed in an accident on 495 in 1999. His pickup truck was hit by another man high on drugs and alcohol traveling 110 mph. The car hit the truck so violently his truck went airborn and landed on it's roof. My husband ended up under the bed of his truck with gasoline all around him. When I came upon the scene it was 10 at night and really dark. I came upon a man they were doing cpr on and I didn't know who it was and my heart stopped. The only reason I knew it wasn't my husband was because this man had construction boots on. He died in the presence of myself and my then 5 year old son. Seeing the faces of the firefighters broke my heart. They tried so hard to save him. My husband had such serious brain injury he had to be re taught how to speak, eat, walk for one whole year. I taught a 5 year old and my husband how to read the same books. We found a wonderful doctor who did not give up on him and was able to retrain his brain by by-passing the injury- everyday for one year we drove to Braintree for the 3 hour rehab session. He is fine today because no one gave up on him and he worked really hard to get there. Because some man thought his actions that night would not matter, my life and our family's life was turned upside down. He died on the median on 495 not having to worry about a thing he did. I had my security ripped out from under me. I was left explaining to my child why daddy didn't know who he was. We were the lucky ones, most innocent people in these types of accidents die. When this man died he had little kids too who he obviously wasn't thinking about. Scare tactics aren't scary- life is.
Kim Ryan

nortonwellness said...


Thanks for sharing that story. The video itself isn't a scare tactic. It's an account of some families who had to suffer through alcohol related tragedies as you did. We don't tell the kids not to drink, we educate them and try to help them make better choices. We also celebrate the choice not to.

Anonymous said...

To the wellness team and all the students who are making comments you are making such a difference in not only your own lives but your confidence in speaking out enables people like myself to know what it is every one of you face in your own lives. Keep up the great work!
Kim Ryan

nortonwellness said...

Kim, thanks for your kind thoughts...the kids are really leading the crusade on this. I want you to know that I've gone ahead and suggested your idea of an anti-bullying day and the members of my Leadership Council love it. We are organizing it as we speak. Thanks again, the kids really respect people with stories in the community that are reaching out.

Mike Vitelli- NHS Wellness Leader

Anonymous said...

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one single step- Confucius
Lead on :) Kim

Kaiderine Synns said...

The "people who die have it easy" affected me the most in the movie. Those who live have to live forever with the guilt or the damage that has been caused to them or others. I have had experience with this, just not such a tragic ending. My stepfather got lucky about three years back. He as out drinking and didn't think he was all that drunk. Well he got on the road and was fine for a while. In fact, the only reason he got caught was because he missed a stop sign. He was given a breathalyser test and blew a .24. Two times the legal limit. Because it was his first offense and he didn't give the police any trouble, he got off with a breathalyser in his car for two years. He had to breath into it in order for his car to start. And once every 15 minutes down the road after that. He did get off lucky. "One of the lucky ones." Others won't be as lucky.

Anonymous said...

the emotion of regret really stood out to me when the guy who is in jail for the rest of his life told his story. how he regretted drinking and driving and also driving other people while totally drunk wasn't the smartest idea and he now has to live with that night and the memories he has from that night for the rest of his life in jail.

Angela DeMarco

Anonymous said...

The emotions that stood out to me the most were anger and regret. In the movie it showed the families very angry and upset, it also showed the victims saying that they regreted it and if they could go back they would have done something differently. Seeing what those people go threw everyday makes me think twice.

-Jackie Biagi

kerrin said...

Feelings of anger and resentment from the boy's family were extremely powerful. Just because the boy made the decision to drink and drive, his whole family has to face the consequences of it. When his brother said that those who die have the easy way out, he was right. The victim's family has to face the mistake made by the victim every single day and live with the hurt and brokeness of the situation.

Oogie292 said...

The worst thing for me to see in the video was the paralyzed man. One of my greatest fears is to be paralyzed. Actually seeing someone live their life day to day unable to move really struck a nerve. Seeing the parents of the dead victims doesn't do anything to me. I have a hard timr relating to something that has doesn't affect me. I am afraid of paralysis, so it affects me. I am not afraid of death, so it gives me no reaction. Overall I liked the movie. -Alex Clegg

Alexa said...

I think the person who died got the easy way out, now the people who are left are filled with hurt anger and sadness. There emotions were so real it makes me hope i never have to go through anything like this in my life time.

Anonymous said...

I felt that all the people who spole brought important emotions and aspects to the topic. i personally havent dealt with a death from drunk driving but ive delt with a close situation. my cousin made some mistakes and could have wound up wrapped around a tree in his car, luckily this didnt happen. the movie hit me hard and got me emotional. i think that people need to understand that not everyone makes the choice to get in the car, you need to understand the situation, but the person driving does make the choice. hopefully this movie will get throught to some people.

-nicole cuneo

Joey W said...

The emotions that stood out to me was the regret in their voices after the fact and the anger of that some of the families expressed. I have never dealt with drunk driving but i have lost a family member due to a couple guys being drunk and thinking about driving home. My cousin tried to stop one of his close friends from driving home drunk and they ended up getting in a fist fight over it. When he punched him, my cousin fell to the ground and hit his head. He suffered severe brain damage and died a week later. I just think people should just think for one second about the choices that they make and who these choices can affect.

-Joey wilkes

Sean Sullivan said...

I think that the main emotion of the movie was anger and disapointment especially from the gut that hit and killed someone. i think this because he now has to spend the rest of his life in prison for sometthing that could have easily been avoided to begin with.

Anonymous said...

Regret was the biggest emotion that stood out from the rest. When the man in the jail was told he'd be there for 22 years, it was the worst night of his life, and he deeply regretted the mistake he made.

Anonymous said...

The saying, people who die, have the easy way out is a strong saying because it shows that people will go to the furthest extreme to get out of the situation they are stuck in. This statment makes me realize that your entire life is more important than one terrible situation you may be in.
-Colin Feeney

Anonymous said...

The emotion that had a huge impact on me was the man in jail for making a stupid mistake at a young age. But his mistake killed his friend. Having to think about that everyday in jail would be depressing. The guilt he had was easy to see.
-Derek Schwartz- said...

I agree with time lewis. That kid will have to live with the regret and guilt for the rest of his life. one tiny, dumb mistake can come back and bite you in the butt real hard.

Anonymous said...

ox jamielynn is Jamie hall. (The second one)

Anonymous said...

one emotion that reaally stood out to me was the emotion of fear and regret.(if thats even an emotion)but this really is scarry bc it really shows you how one little mistake can land you in jail. that would make me think before just doing something stupid like that..

christian breau

Anonymous said...

the emotion of regret like when they showd that guy in jail he regreted evrything that happened that night yeah its a fun time to party but when i comes down to making the right choice of to drive or not to drive that is were the regret came in he made a bad choice and drove and ended up crashing and he will never forgive himself for that. - brian white

Molli B said...

There were two main emotions thats stood out to me. The first is anger from Charlie's sister. She is mad at him because he wont be at her wedding or be able to see her graduate. His choices and his actions led her to this feeling. The nest emotion is regret from the guy in jail. It kept showing him talk about how it was the worst night of his life. He is in jail for 22 years now because of one choice he made on one night. He has to live with the thought of killing three people. I think this movie helps people to think twice about drinking and driving because anything can happen to anyone.

Anonymous said...

The comment that the people who die have it easy, stood out to me me cause it is very true. The family members are the ones that have to live with the pain and saddness.

-Steven Finney

Anonymous said...

The comment that the people who die have it easy stood out to me because it is very true. The familymembers have to live with sadness and pain, due the mistakes of their dead family members.

-steve finney

Anonymous said...

Like other people said, the comment saying that the people that die have it easier is an important statment. The people responsible for the death have to live with the outcome for the rest of their life. The dead person does not have to deal with it any more. The living person has to do the time in jail, has to live with a guilty conscience, and can be blamed for the outcome.

-Drew Erickson

Anonymous said...

The part of the video that stood out the most to me was the kid put away for 22 years in prison. He made the decision to drink and drive, and he now has to live with the guilt of killing 3 meaningful people in his life. Going back to what Brad said, it's much easier for those who die. He will now have 22 years of his life to reflect on that one experience.
-JJ Leahy

Anonymous said...

The part of the video that stood out the most to me was the kid put away for 22 years in prison. He made the decision to drink and drive, and he now has to live with the guilt of killing 3 meaningful people in his life. Going back to what Brad said, it's much easier for those who die.
-JJ Leahy

Anonymous said...

the video that was shown in class was a perfect example of what happens when you drink and drive. the video showed a lot of loses and about how the guy in jail was very sorry what he did. steve rushia

Anonymous said...

Much of the anger I saw in the people that were talking really hit me from all different directions. You could really see all the pain in the people just by the way they talked or the anger they showed. The comment that was made about the people who die get the easy way out may be true but the ones in their family suffer much more then anyone else.
-Kajsa T

Anonymous said...

The mood of the movie was very sad and impacting. It made me realise the consiquences of my actions. You could see the pain on their faces, and it really changed my views.

Johnny Willis

Anonymous said...

the part in the movie that really stood out to me was when they showed the guy who was paralyzed and was talkimng about how he wishes he had died instead of living like this and how hard it was the first couple of months. i would hate beimg in that position.

christian breau

derek said...

The emotions that really stood out to me was the man in jail and the families reactions. The reason why the man who was put in to prison really stood out to me is that obviously he did not expect this to happen. It just shows that one dumb innocent move can cost you 22 years. The reason why the families reactions stood out to me was because losing a close family member is hard and you have to live with it, whether if your willing to accept it or not.

Brandon Rose said...

The one thing that stood out the most in my mind was the kid that was put in prison for 22 years because he has to sit there and think about what he did and the bad decision he made. How if he hadn't decided to drive that the other kid would stil be alive and he has to live every day with that guilt.

Brendan C said...

I know what it is like to lose someone that is very clost to you and it is deffinetely not easy. Relating to these families on there lose; you feel as if you want to take all of your anger and hatred out on the criminal who had done this to your family and it's something that is complete out of your hards and that is the hardest part of it all. The fact that no matter what you could have done it would not have changed what has happened

Taylor F said...

This video truly proved that one wrong decision can drastically change the rest of a person's life. We all do stupid things when we are young, but to live with those regrets, the guilt of killing and paralyzing people you love, will haunt a person the rest of thier life. Although sympathy should be expressed towards the victims and thier families, I feel that the man who caused it all needs it the most. Because of his one stupid mistake, he must face the anger and sorrow of his friend's families and relive that night over and over again for the rest of his life.

Anonymous said...

The emotion expressed by Charlie's little sister stood out the most to me. Although she was obviously sad that her brother had died, she was also somewhat angry at the reason he died because it could have been avoided. It shows how one bad decision can ruin that person's life and affect the lives of those around that person.
Andrea Giglio
Wellness E

tori bravetti said...

The anger and dissapointment from the boys sister really stood out to me. It really showed how one persons mistake can affect so many other people. It was really sad when she said "you wont be there to see me graduate and you wont be at my wedding." When she said this it made me want to make good choices.
-tori bravetti

Anonymous said...

I agree that the comment made in the movie about how 'the people that die are lucky' is powerful. The people that survive have to live with the fact that they didnt end the situation and that they went along with it. Another line that was strong was when the father of a girl said that she was suppost to bury him, he shouldnt be burying her. People shouldnt even get in a car if they're under the influence, most may call it a mistake, but so many people never get to learn from the ones they make.
-Katie Rogers
B Block.

Anonymous said...

The finality of death is the thing about these sort of films that always sticks with me. The innocent always die and the guilty live the rest of their lives in prison because of the death that they caused. I felt for both. I wish that actions could be altered after the fact but that will never be.

Pat said...

The drunk driving video really had a lot of emotions in it. The most impacting phrase in that whole movie was that the person that died from drunk driving had it easy because they weren't the ones that had to live with it. I know someone personally who got pulled over for drunk driving and from the legal point of view its one of the worst things that can happen to you.


Alyssa Graham said...

I think what stood out to me the most was what happened to the man in jail. I think that would be one of the worst things that could happen to a person since the majority of his life would be spent in jail. It only took one mistake to ruin his life.

Peter B. said...

There really wasnt any particular statement that stood out to me in the video. but what did stand out was the fact that rachael wasnt a mean or rude person, she was kind to all people so that means that the kids didnt make a hit list for the people that made fun of them they just shot everyone regardless if they had done wrong or not.

Anonymous said...

the quote saying that the people who died have it easier is really important. this is because the people who died do not have to deal with the after math or live with what happened.also the families have to bury a family member and that is never easy to do.
nick lyons

Anonymous said...

The thing that stood out the most was when the brother was talking about living without his brother and how that the ones who get left behind suffer more. The impact on anyones life would be trajic since they would have to deal with it forever.

--Kevin Rogers--

Anonymous said...

The thing that stood out most to me was the anger and sadness of the girl whos brother died. She had to live without her brother for the rest of her life. She had to live with the pain of him being gone. It really shows that the people who died escentially have the easy way out, even if that sounds bad it's true.

Jenna Nippert

Anonymous said...

It took me awhile to remember this video but i did see it last year. When the brother got pissed off and the last thing he did to his sister was close the door one her face shows that you can do stupid things and not know if youll ever see them again to make up. This strikes me pretty hard because its happened to me before except it was a friend and i got pissed at him over the phone and the day i called to apologize he was dead from a car accident. So these type of things make me want to change how i act towards people cause you will never know what will happen in that short of a time period.

Anonymous said...

the last one was from cory stott my bad

Justin B said...

It took me a while to remember this video. But reading some comments i finally remembered, and i agree with what looks like most people are saying. The people who die, the ones who are taken from us, not only have the better end of the deal; but they also effect our lives even in death. Their death almost tortures those that have to live without them. It's sad to think of the people who must live in this reality and really makes you think about how you affect the people that you have touched in your life.
-Justin Baird

Anonymous said...

There were definitely strong negative emotions from every one in the video. Of course I was saddened by the hurt of the families of the victims, especially the little sisters of the boys. But, I expected that. The thing that I did not really expect was the bitterness from the mothers of the victims toward the mother of the man in prison. They were furious, and they will never get over it. They seem to feel robbed because their children are dead and the other woman is getting her child back in a few decades. They don't feel justified even though he will be in jail for years. And maybe they are not justified. Can anything ever really justify losing a child to a stupid decision?
-Bry D C block